- Increase Size of Shields on Norn to better reflect their size differential.
My reasoning is that if my Norn is really this goliath-THING that can wield great amounts of weight with ease, why doesn’t it have shields that reflect this, The animations for the shields are fantastic, but whenever my Norn whips out the shield it just doesn’t seem… right. It seems off, they’re all just a little too small for me to believe that they are as impactful visually.
-Animations for one handed swords on Norns.
The attack animations for 1 Skill on Swords for Norn look lackluster. Like if you compare the movement and exaggeration used in animating the greatsword skills or any of the other skills for a great deal of the weapon they are much more fluid or powerful feeling. My Norn Thief feels fantastic as he flies through the air dancing with his daggers, but most of the sword animations feel lackluster, more specifically the standard attack.
Norn Elite skills Become the X. Wolf, Bear, Leopard, Raven. Ok so I hear tell that they are intended to be weaker, but I dont see any reason why they have to be. It sort of takes away from the race if all of their cultural variety is unusable. 30 Seconds of buff time on a 4 Minutes cooldown is pretty bad.
These skills have a really bad up-time for skills that aren’t much more ridiculous than my skills that are available for switching to my secondary weapon and typically I don’t have to worry about running out of skills to use because the cooldowns between two weapon sets are really well matched across the board. The cooldowns on the Transformation Elite skills are so long that I can’t weight their effectiveness against the shorter cooldowns of the Guardian skills or native Elite skills of other classes for the impact that I get from them.
My Proposal:
Is that you take these transformation skills and make them unique in this manner. Make them sit in that elite slot and function like a third weapon set.
So instead of getting a buff for thirty seconds that makes me this cool werewolf or were-leopard which goes on cooldown for EIGHT TIMES its duration make the transformations another skillset that you can toggle on or off much like weapon switching with the standard 9 second cooldown and make the skills that are available in those transformations balanced around a time frame that would make them both attractive as part of being in an elite skill and useful enough that I feel like I’m using the skill because it has some kind of separate function rather than because it is culturally fulfilling. (Not saying it can’t be culturally fulfilling, but that shouldn’t be the only thing.)
Or even that I use the transformation and realize that something in the environment has changed and I need a different skill from one of my weapons to deal with that situation, but I won’t get to use any of my cool beast skills because when I go out of the transformation I’ll have to wait four minutes to use it again.
My example since a lot of the skills on the transformation are really strong would be moving the cooldowns on the skills to something like this
Rending Slash/Rending Swipe – (Stays where it is as a standard attack skill)
Blood Frenzy (5 seconds) —> (7 Seconds)
Snarl ( 10 Seconds) —> (15 Seconds)
Howl ( 10 Seconds) —> ( 30 Seconds)
Leap ( 15 Seconds) —> ( 20 Seconds)
Not exact numbers just examples, such a thing would need QA testing to make sure it wasn’t too ridiculous, but its just an idea, because right now those really cool skills are ones I can’t justify because of how stupidly long those cooldowns are.
These are just some ideas I’ve been having, and I would love feedback or alternative solutions as that is the best way to refine an idea is through critique.
(edited by Tenchu The Wolf.3418)