lets talk about the dance, shall we?
Whilst I don’t understand the amount of focus put upon dances, I do believe we should be given a choice. Not everyone is fond of pop culture references, after all. We should be able to choose between a silly dance and a serious dance at the very least.
I hate all the dances except the Charr and Sylvari ones. Cause they’re rather crappy modern-day stuff in a medieval-ish fantasy world. I realize it’s one of those things that every MMO needs to do these days. But what’s wrong with finding something more ethnic for the three races that instead got settled with immersion-breaking kitten?
Agreed on all counts. The norn dance is the worst in my book (actually, the asura one is about as bad, but I can’t stand the asura, so I care less about it). It’s just … sidestepping and flailing their arms about in a rather boneless fashion, looped ad nauseam with the occasional other move. At most I could see it as a “this the silly squirming they do when they’re drunk but not quite drunk off their feet yet” thing, but even that is a very unsatisfying explanation. It’s not a display of strength or skill, it lacks energy and it isn’t even funny. In short: there’s nothing in there that says “norn” to me.
Am I the only one that likes the carlton dance? (Norn)
the carlton dance, by itself, is good.. it just looks rlly bad ingame. the techno viking dance, at least, would seem cooler :\
Am I the only one that likes the carlton dance? (Norn)
It is not so much about liking or disliking, I believe it is probably one of the LEAST suitable dances possible for the Norn. What exactly does a race of extremely large nomadic Viking peoples have to do with him?? O_o
It’s just a really poor choice, I thought they advocated for immersion and RP, I don’t think many Norn would chose to dance like that (if there was a flaming choice) I for once certainly wouldnt.
Someone here made a GREAT point that there should be like a bunch of dance options and we could chose/unlock them or something like that. I just hate being stuck with something that I don’t feel suits my character at all.
its also quite weird that everyone from the same race dance the same.
give me either techo viking dance or the rasputin dance (which i fell inlove with…)
I prefer cossack sword dance over techno viking
at least provide a link >:O
BlurKiller: You’re not the only one. I personally like the Norn dance the most. It’s the most amusing. Love the facial expression. But I would like to see more options for dances. At the very least it does seem odd that both the females and males do the same dance (and in GW we had more options – a male and female for each profession! – by the end there were 10 professions/20 dances). The main thing that’s nifty about them doing the same dance is that you can sync dance with more people.
In my opinion the Norn dance does not “fit” the race.
I would not ask for it to be removed completely however. If anything, the animators could perhaps “polish” the existing animation, keep it, let us have the choice to use it, but also simply add a new more Norn-fitting dance as well. They could do that for all races and even go gender-specific for each races, and eventually perhaps class-specific as well.
In the end, ultimately, there should be a greater variety of dances, rather than simply replacing the ones that exist with new ones while on the other hand just keeping a low number of dances.
I am sure as time goes on we will get more dances. I now GW1 has a BUNCH of different ones you could get, I am just gonna give them a little time to do it.
And even with all the hate for the Carlton, a part of me REALLY wants to see an asura do it one day =D <3
Proud member of [OMFG]
Cossack sword dance
Having a boisterous good time is definitely part of the race, and sometimes that requires getting a little goofy. Whenever I hit the dance emote my guildies crack up, so I consider that a success.
Also, those of you complaining clearly did not main as a male elementalist in GW1. After being stuck with “little kicks” for seven years I consider the Carlton a major upgrade. Even if you don’t like it, the dance could be so much worse.
IMHO the Norn dance stinks, that is all. It is absolutely the Carlton Banks dance from Fresh Prince of Bellaire. Its funny if you don’t mind being a joke all the time. I have hopes that there will be alternatives in the future.
Carlton dance is fine, but it’s not done well enough in the game. At least for females that is. If it was more accurate it would look better.
Why is everyone so down on a little harmless silly dancing? In the Sylvari forum people are complaining that the dance is ridiculous, here there is complaint that the dance is ridiculous…its supposed to be! No one has a ‘cool’ dance. They are meant to make you smile/giggle and go on with your game.
I do think some of the dances need to be changed/edited, not because they don’t fit or are goofy…. Because the animation quality of the dance isn’t up to where it should be. Human, Charr and Sylvari have relatively smooth animations, with Human seemingly being the most worked on. Norn and Asura need work, Norn’s looks rather sloppy and lazy whereas Asura look good, but it’s a little too choppy at some parts, I know it’s the robot but some parts don’t look like they are stalling, they look like the animation broke. For the most part the Asuran dance animation is nice, just needs some tweaking.
Norn dance starts out OK doing the Carlton thing and all but then goes into this silly hand waving thing. Zoom into your character when it does the dance and watch the face.. they know they are silly!
The dance? Doesn’t work for me, really. I get the joke they were going for though: the juxtaposition of a giant fierce Norn (particularly the full size males) and an awkward goofy dance.
Luckily, my characters don’t spend a great deal of time dancing.
ANet should make more dances and add them to gemstore. Id definatelly buy Rasputin or T.Viking. :P
The dance is one of the best things about the Norn. I love it when my big, masculine Necromancer Norn starts swinging his hips and snapping his fingers to Tom Jones.
I also love how people complain that Carlton’s dance doesn’t fit the “culture” of the Norn, and then they suggest Techno Viking instead. Because everyone knows that the old vikings rocked it out to techno music, right? /facepalm
For the record, traditional viking dancing was pretty similar to how the rest of Europe danced back then. Very awkward and not very masculine or “cool”.
Wait you actually prefer the Human dance to the Norn? Listen I don’t like the Norn dance, but I’d rather look like Carleton than a straight up girl. Poor Humans and Sylvari… I really feel bad for them.
Maybe you should reroll Human my friend. If you like LMFAO or whatever that hipster group is called I don’t think you deserve to be a big bulky Norn!
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46
Techno Viking for the win!
( just in case people forgot about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fvLs5KXWYI)
Cossack sword dance
Real life norn thief
Please a new dance or options to buy new dances with gems. Please I beg of you.
(edited by Ansatsushaa.6103)
I love the Norn dance, I think it’s awesome.
i want the techno viking so bad
at least give us a response, Anet!!!!
btw, i fell inlove with haka, its rlly badazz :\ but in the game (and any game.. yeah im looking at you LoL!) it doesn’t do it much justice because:
1) it is done alone.. you can’t do a haka alone, it looks silly.
2) no sounds. part of the haka is the sound. the body slaps, the chant.. so all you get is awkwardly looking charr
First time I saw my friend have her Charr dance, I thought it was constipated. Then I saw my norn dance, and I realized these are all done by programmers who can’t dance, so what was I expecting?
You guys, who wanna change the dance just because its “not fitting” well… its just another stereotype… We are rough, strong and stuff like that… but at least let us have our only silly moment… the dancing :P (and the drinking but let’s not get into that…) I vote for the Carlton to stay… I didn’t like it either at first… giving the norn such an idiot dance.. then i saw where it came from and i just don’t wanna let it go now xD
i want the techno viking so bad
at least give us a response, Anet!!!!
btw, i fell inlove with haka, its rlly badazz :\ but in the game (and any game.. yeah im looking at you LoL!) it doesn’t do it much justice because:
1) it is done alone.. you can’t do a haka alone, it looks silly.
2) no sounds. part of the haka is the sound. the body slaps, the chant.. so all you get is awkwardly looking charrFirst time I saw my friend have her Charr dance, I thought it was constipated. Then I saw my norn dance, and I realized these are all done by programmers who can’t dance, so what was I expecting?
The charr dance is based off a tribal dance
In other words, it fits them and makes sense.
And personally I like all the dances.
First 20s of this dance wouldn’t be bad imo, lol. Plus, Carlton does it so they wouldn’t be far off the mark!
Instead of dancing I just type /cheer. looks pretty kitten.
Silver Moon [MOON]
The Toast
I actually like the dance, took me awhile to figure out it was from Fresh Prince though.
Though would of loved to see something more ‘viking’. None the less, it is still hilarious.
Now I know I don’t actually see people suggest that the Carlton dance is horrible… it’s the best dance in the game. Period.
I like the Carlton dance. I like Carlton. I don’t like how my female norn looks doing it (nor can I say the same for anyone else). He pretty much owns it, everyone else is just a (bad) imitator.
Martin! Das Technoviking? Why you no make happen? Seriously though, the man and the moves are epic-looking, had norn written all over it.
so i made a badazz norn warrior, thinking about the great vikings and all that.. and it looked awesome and all, i was happy.
then i typed /dance and let me tell you something…
now, i realize its a dance emote and its for fun and stuff.. but there is a difference between silly that is funny and kinda cool that actually FITS the race, and there is silly that makes you MAYBE laugh once from how pathetic it is, and the rest of the time get ticked off from not having a cool dance while your friends do a /dance party and looking cool (humans have the freakin shuffle, man!!!)i can’t even /dance without ppl laughing at me and if i wanted to dance while ppl point and laugh, i’d go dancing in real life!
now, im sure a lot of people (Who are norn) will agree with me, so im making this as both a petition to remove the current dance, and also a suggestion thread so ppl can post their dance videos as a suggestion for a replacement.
ill go first:
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQAKRw6mToA <— kinda silly but if done right, its kinda badazz too! not sure it fits the race well but w/e its better than what we got now.2) http://youtu.be/-fvLs5KXWYI?t=1m25s because its techno viking.. come on..
A-Net please do this for Xmas and i will even keep playing my Ranger !!!! <3
While Techno Viking was more than likely fueled by alcohol, which is a must for all Norn dancing, I think the Mushkau (or whatever it was called) is better. Isn’t that the dance that Gomez and Fester do in ‘The Adams Family?’
maybe you should go find an RPG where people are expected to stress over lore and other lame stuff.
I mean really, the dance emote ruins your immersion experience but the little rabbits with robots following them around and landmines with blinking LEDs aren’t a problem for you?
So how would you justify any other dance that might be substituted? LMAO!
First 20s of this dance wouldn’t be bad imo, lol. Plus, Carlton does it so they wouldn’t be far off the mark!
they should add that to the sync command, instead. perfecting the sync should yield a better dance (like leveling up!)
I thought it was silly, then i got drunk and did the dance and video taped it. and it was just awesome as hell lol.
Techno Viking dance for males, Super Tectonic Dance for females.
SW: Old Republic has a secondary dance, “/clubdance” emote which is a lot sexier than the standard “/dance”. Something similar should be implemented in this game – that way all the Carlton lovers can still have their beloved lame dance and the rest of us can get the TECHNO VIKING!
(edited by ChristianV.7514)
I agree. While the carlton is pretty good, the Norn should have something better.
Now I know I don’t actually see people suggest that the Carlton dance is horrible… it’s the best dance in the game. Period.
Let me help you with that.
It is horrible, and totally inappropriate for the race. Unfortunately, the suggested “Techno Viking” doesn’t look much better to me…I had to turn that off quickly. No way I’m going to sit here for four minutes watching some dude jiggle his man boobs.
Now, there must be some dance out there in the world, some cultural dance, that would fit the Norn perfectly. Anet managed it with the Charr, and they managed it with the Sylvari.
(This is all my personal opinion, you understand. Some people love the Carlton dance, but I won’t even use the /dance emote on my ranger because of that silly flailing around.)
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
Just started playing my first norn and I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who finds the dance totally out of character. Seriously, it is awful. I think they need a dance that reflects the norn culture better.
The norn dance is awesome for one thing. There’s those expressions, like :
Question: Can you programm pascal?
Reply: Can a white man dance/jump/etc?
So, when you are in WvW with some newbies and such, and someone asks " All got supplies?"; you answer “Can a norn dance?”.
You’ll get that joke if you had a human char, and now a norn.
P.S. Techno Viking lives