norn has too big feet

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: forice.3165


look at the screenshot. i made very small norn. but my feet are too big as compare to my hands. it looks very imbalanced. my feet should be as small as my hands and legs.


norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


What they need is better character customization,they need to let us decide the proportions of hands/feet/body size,height,thickness/arm length,thickness,etc etc.Would give an even greater variety in different looking characters.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Corax.7381


Yes, norn (males) are very disproportionate. The base of their necks is stretched and their arms are bent outwards. They look good in their cultural armors and some cloth/leather robes, but besides that, bleh.

“Quaggan will kick your tail so hard it slaps you in the face!” – Willoo

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: hype r.5431

hype r.5431

but how are we Supposed to Squash the Asura in one stomp with small feet

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Drudenfusz.2971


Female norn have too small feet… but maybe that’s true for all female characters in this game.

Gwenya Drudenfusz [Boon], Norn Mesmer on Desolation

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


They should be big, but atm they are to big, I want to actually wear long robes so i dont see them planks flopping around carrying my giant beardy beer absorbing norn.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Video James.9218

Video James.9218

If you completely max out a Norn’s body size, the proportions come together nicely.

“My father hunted me as a child…perhaps it is time to hunt MY boy.”

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


Not human. Doesn’t have human proportions.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Zeathy.2810


Bingo. I realize that the norns popularity comes from it being basically an over sized human, but the proportions don’t break any established lore that I understand. Norns are near-human, not human. Or is it that humans are near norn? Maybe the norns think the humans feet look funny.

Alpha Rain Dog | Rain Dogs now recruiting on Tarnished Coast. [PvX – Light RP – Casual]

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Why do females have normal feet then? :P Normal necks. Normal legs.

Male norn’s legs are as long as their shoulders are wide. Yes, really!

If male norns are not supposed to have human proportions, why do females?

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: SatyrBuddy.1586



Sexual Dimorphism is common place among a lot of nature.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: maxistrife.7139


Norn females have nice feet. Only species I play as male is human…which are proportioned well so idc how male norn look XD

I guess by lookin at pic it is a bit crazy.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927



Sexual Dimorphism is common place among a lot of nature.

You completely missed the point.
Male norn don’t look like male humans. They have distinct features. If a male norn and a male human are the same height, you can still tell them apart as different species.

However, female norns look just like human females, except they’re tall.
Actually, my Norn is so short, it’s really rare people realize I’m actually a norn unless I tell them.

Female norns don’t differ from female humans, they don’t have distinct features.

However, I’m aware you’re doing this on purpose, you are missing the point on purpose because you don’t want female norns to look different than female humans. I’ve met your type before.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: maxistrife.7139



Sexual Dimorphism is common place among a lot of nature.

You completely missed the point.
Male norn don’t look like male humans. They have distinct features. If a male norn and a male human are the same height, you can still tell them apart as different species.

However, female norns look just like human females, except they’re tall.
Actually, my Norn is so short, it’s really rare people realize I’m actually a norn unless I tell them.

Female norns don’t differ from female humans, they don’t have distinct features.

However, I’m aware you’re doing this on purpose, you are missing the point on purpose because you don’t want female norns to look different than female humans. I’ve met your type before.

Well to be fair, the female Norn are bulkier than human females (as most ppl dont use a bulky human female body type) and Norn usually sport some kind of tattoo. The differences are minor, but I wouldn’t want my female Norn to look like hulk :P

Males could use minor tweeking for sure.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Actually there’s only one bulky body type you can choose for female norn.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Dark Revan.7634

Dark Revan.7634

Yep the male norns are disproportional and i think that’s makes them fun, regarding the female they are supposed to be bulkier but i guess not a lot of people would play that type of character? idk but either way i like them both how they are.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: SatyrBuddy.1586



Sexual Dimorphism is common place among a lot of nature.

You completely missed the point.
Male norn don’t look like male humans. They have distinct features. If a male norn and a male human are the same height, you can still tell them apart as different species.

However, female norns look just like human females, except they’re tall.
Actually, my Norn is so short, it’s really rare people realize I’m actually a norn unless I tell them.

Female norns don’t differ from female humans, they don’t have distinct features.

However, I’m aware you’re doing this on purpose, you are missing the point on purpose because you don’t want female norns to look different than female humans. I’ve met your type before.

Actually I dislike female norns because they literally look like tall humans that are just slightly bulkier. They dont look like hunters, they dont look tough, they dont look strong. They just look tall. Jora is more Norn then they will ever be.

And you missed my point. You were comparing female anatomy to the males, asking why they were different. I gave an example of a possible reason why. The fact that they are just tall women is just unfortunate and coincidental as far as lore is concerned.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: tozt.7309


yes, i seriously disliked how ridiculous they made the norn proportions

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: maxistrife.7139


@ Saytrbuddy (because quoting isnt working for some reason atm)

I know what u mean by female norn just being tall women with otherwise minimal differences, but I think (MOST) ppl make a female toon to make them beautiful, not a massive, hulk build freak. I mean, look how many female asura and charr are around lol. Not many at all. Yet when u pass a human female, sylv, or norn, she is always lovely. You never get ppl making wrinkly/old/scarred women. I am not defending the devs choice in how the female norn is modeled, just pointing out why it may be so =)

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Dark Revan.7634

Dark Revan.7634

@ Saytrbuddy (because quoting isnt working for some reason atm)

I know what u mean by female norn just being tall women with otherwise minimal differences, but I think (MOST) ppl make a female toon to make them beautiful, not a massive, hulk build freak. I mean, look how many female asura and charr are around lol. Not many at all. Yet when u pass a human female, sylv, or norn, she is always lovely. You never get ppl making wrinkly/old/scarred women. I am not defending the devs choice in how the female norn is modeled, just pointing out why it may be so =)

I agree with you except on the female asura, I’ve seen quite a few of them o.o but yeah not many female charr precisely because you can’t make it beautiful or cute. Having said that there should be more “bulkier” builds in ALL races for people that would like to make them, personally that’s not what i would go for on most of my characters but there should be more to choose from.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: maxistrife.7139


@ Saytrbuddy (because quoting isnt working for some reason atm)

I know what u mean by female norn just being tall women with otherwise minimal differences, but I think (MOST) ppl make a female toon to make them beautiful, not a massive, hulk build freak. I mean, look how many female asura and charr are around lol. Not many at all. Yet when u pass a human female, sylv, or norn, she is always lovely. You never get ppl making wrinkly/old/scarred women. I am not defending the devs choice in how the female norn is modeled, just pointing out why it may be so =)

I agree with you except on the female asura, I’ve seen quite a few of them o.o but yeah not many female charr precisely because you can’t make it beautiful or cute. Having said that there should be more “bulkier” builds in ALL races for people that would like to make them, personally that’s not what i would go for on most of my characters but there should be more to choose from.

Oh yes I will give u that one. Female Asure can at least be made cute, so ppl will play em. This topic got a little derailed :P

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


You know what they say about a Norn with big feet.. !

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Satakal.6971


You know what they say about a Norn with big feet.. !

Big feet, big … heart!

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


it’s “the uncanny valley”

They’re too close to human with non human aspects, as opposed to the asura, very non human with slight human aspects thus they become endearing

The male feet are a huge issue to me as those frying pans make me feel like even MORE of a lumbering mess while swinging a greatsword around because anything small looks like a toothpick.

Long live the norn female master race lol.

Irony…. xD

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Drakhul.2509


I just made a male norn warrior and I’m seriously thinking of deleting him and making a female norn or male human. The only reason is because of the rediculous size of the feet in heavy armor. I just can’t stand the look of them and it’s really a pity cause I like everything else about this character. I for one hope this can be at least adjusted at some point so you can at least have “normal” size feet.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: JPapa.6325


norn has two big feet

Fixed the thread title, and you’re right!

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Bourdain.1624


I think the humans feet are too small and with the build you went with it looks bad because you have chicken legs…… proportions are all wrong and short humans are small humans if you know what i mean. I isn’t even a difference in heigh but scale.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Guattanator.1524


The reason that male Norn look much more disproportionate than female Norn is because… well think about it, the major demographic for almost any video/computer game is teen~30 year old male. Would you want to look at a chick who basically looked as feminine as Hulk Hogan in his prime? Go look at DDO and tell me why no one plays female dwarves.

Back on topic, norn are relatively proportionate when you make them as large as they can be which kind of hints to me that that’s how they are supposed to look and that to a norn a “small” norn would look funny and disproportional.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Gibbel.5734


Norn live in a snowy region.. They are like 2.5+ meters tall abourt 300 + kilograms …
The need the big gaint feet not to sink in to the snow to much
Evolution BABY !

Woman dont need the big gaint feet cause they stay at home and do there JOB..

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Polle.6908


Those proportions from the screenshot had me in stitches for about 10 minutes. I’m truly sorry you have to live with those feet but it cheered me up thanks!

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Curae.1837


Woman dont need the big gaint feet cause they stay at home and do there JOB..

I’m a woman and even I laughed at that x’D

Ontopic: They do seem disproportional, however then again. A norn isn’t a human. According to a correct (human) anatomy your feet and hands are pretty much the size of your face btw, can’t check that though since your char’s face is turned away…

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Rannug.2731


you know what they say.. big feet …..

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Red Jay.2516

Red Jay.2516

you know what they say.. big feet …..

They be sayin’, darn , you got some big feet!

(can’t believe the actual quote got censored)

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: Zafer.9106


You know what they say about a Norn with big feet.. !


Anyway, honestly guys… I’m tired of these posts. ;( Like, you have to chose the race you like, it ain’t like they have to make the race you (or any of you, or all of you… etc) like. Go and play an Asura If u like an small character.