1 Problem Ruining a Great Experience
1 Problem Ruining a Great Experience
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: bravoart.5308
Even the most reliable internet connections can go out for a few seconds here and there. If you lose a connection for even a moment you get disconnected from the game. Now, normally this wouldn’t be a huge issue, but with SAB it is.
I’m really not here to complain, I love SAB and I think the difficulty is fine where it is. However, in World 2 Zone 2 specifically, the process of going through it to find all of the secret rooms, baubles, and assassins can take 1-2 hours even if you are using a guide. I was just in the middle of doing this and was about 95% complete when my internet went out for a moment. Now all of my progress is wasted and I have to start again, risking the same thing.
I know you could just say get a better connection but in certain areas this is the best there is, and I wager my connection is much better than many other GW2 players. Is there anyway possible that you can work on a system that saves your place in SAB (or the rest of the game) if you get disconnected and log back in within a few minutes? Or anyway to save our progress at checkpoints in SAB. Besides the disconnection issue, many people don’t have hours at a time to invest without a break. Getting these achievements and the rewards/titles absolutely requires you to be in front of your computer for multiple hours in a row and not take a break. This is fine for a MMORPG but the rest of GW2 is designed so you can jump in and out for a few minutes at a time. Even most dungeons don’t take this long to complete.
Any thoughts on this? I really am not trying to criticize and I appreciate that us players even get a chance to communicate with the devs and voice our opinions. I understand some of the things I’m asking may be difficult, or even impossible, to implement, but a few of these features would save people a lot of time and trouble without lessening any difficulty or challenge. I just hate being punished for investing my time only for a fluke to erase all of my progress.
Thanks for any response and I love the game!
If you’re just going for the meta, don’t bother with 2-2. Do 2-1 and then complete every other non ‘master of baubles’ achievement. Also, every part you can do in infantile, do on infantile mode. It really shouldn’t take hours while running the happy rainbows around.
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
Is is quicker to get the baubles and secret rooms in 2-3? I haven’t tried yet. I am doing infantile and just between checking the guide, making sure I don’t miss anything, and killing every assassin, it takes at least an hour or two. I understand this isn’t a huge amount of time and I’m not saying my internet goes out every hour but there are probably a few times a day where it slows down/loses connection for a second and GW2 seems to disconnect when this happens. On the other hand I have played for hours in a row with no problems. It is just emphasized here because this is really the first piece of content where you are required to engage for a couple of hours at a time without leaving.
2-3 is longer than 2-2, sadly.
1 Problem Ruining a Great Experience
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Rurik Telmonkin.3648
but the secret rooms dont need to be done in one run, so get every achieve done except for world 2-2 and 2-3 baubles and you will get the meta