How dare you want to reconnect to the same map, progress and location you DC’d at like you can in Guild Wars 1. How dare you.
Lol I was about to grab the last 8 baubles from Zone 3 world 2. I left the party IN EASY MODE because they didn’t want to stay through it. It kicked me out.
Whatever, don’t care… got my Honors In Applied Jumping title through other achieves.
Got another DC at tribulation mode now. Serious ANET, THINK before putting this ridiculous time-consuming thing into the game with chances to lose all your overall progresss
I think the servers are unstable today.
I got DC to char screen just now a little bit into Z2 trib. I need to kill the raccoon there for my last achievement but the thought of DCing further into the zone literally scares the hell outa me, so guess I’ll do it tomorrow.
W2Z2 Trib is the most unenjoyable video game experience on the planet so don’t really wanna get stuck doing it more than I have to.
I have dc’d a few times this month…. first time tonight in trib mode world 2 at the end sigh. fun times
Just had this happen to me as well during my second attempt (the first attempt was halted by the bug a few days ago).
Honestly, I wouldn’t be so frustrated with this if the zones weren’t so much longer than the previous zones. You can argue that we got more content out of this update, relative to the last one, but I’m personally a fan of the ‘less is more’ approach. With such devastating oversights as the disconnect loss of progress it becomes much harder to justify an achievement that requires a significant investment of time.
I won’t be finishing the achievements for this world for now. I just don’t have the time or the interest.