Chests=>Account, Items=>Character ??

Chests=>Account, Items=>Character ??

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


It appears as though the runs through SAB are account bound: chests are rewarded once per account per day.

However, all the items you purchase are character bound. So, if you want to run SAB with more than one character per day you are put at an even greater disadvantage.

Can someone explain how this seems fair and/or balanced?

Chests=>Account, Items=>Character ??

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: matthewr.3980


I realized this too. It makes no sense whatsoever. Not only that, but the achievements that you get for beating Zones are account-wide, but you have to beat each zone on each character to progress to the next zone.

It’s really silly.

Chests=>Account, Items=>Character ??

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Versprechen.9473


Look on the flipside of it. Players who want to start over fresh can do so using a new toon. That way, they can experience the game all over again from the beginning. Personally, I’ve been tempted to do just that even though I already have my “Honors in Applied Jumping” title simply because I really enjoy the nostalgia that SAB exudes.

Chests=>Account, Items=>Character ??

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Funny how they went to all the trouble to make bauble bubbles slower to gather, but making unlocks account bound didn’t occur to them. The only explanation, other than them just forgetting about that, is that they chose not to do that because it would lessen the grind.

Yes, I know, the solution is simple: stick to just one character for Super Adventure Box.
It still bothers me just how far they’ve gone to make having multiple characters pointless.

Chests=>Account, Items=>Character ??

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


While I also thought they were slower to gather in World 2 at first, after reading the forums I came across a post by Josh giving a quick rundown of baubles you can get from digging in World 2 as compared to World 1. There are something like 400-600 baubles in W1 you can dig up, while in W2 there are something like 1600, meaning there are actually more baubles overall in W2 than W1, you just have to look a bit harder.

Try it, go to W2Z1 and just look around for hidden dig spots. There are a large number of them that give you 20 or 50 baubles chests and after locating them, many are not hard to get to so you can run through the zone gathering baubles fairly quickly. Also, they have adjusted the enemies in W2 to increase baubles dropped—bears now drop 10 baubles and assassins all drop 5, for example.

Keep in mind, however, that these changes only really apply to normal difficulty. Infantile mode doesn’t allow for diggable baubles and bauble drops from enemies is somewhat more rare in that difficulty. This is how it was it W1 back in April, too, so it’s perfectly normal.

Go hunting for dig spots in W2, you’ll be surprised how many you come across.

EDIT: That being said, I do agree that bauble bubbles and baubles should be account bound. The continue coins from end-of-zone chests are account bound, but that’s it.

Relatedly, does anyone know if skins still sometimes drop in the end-of-zone chests as they did back in April? I haven’t had a single one drop since the event started. Just curious.

(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

Chests=>Account, Items=>Character ??

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Bauble bubbles and baubles are account bound. You can give them to your other characters. It’s the items within the game that you buy/unlock that aren’t.

Chests=>Account, Items=>Character ??

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Oh, good call. kitten on my part then, disregard. It’s the weekend and I’m hungover, my brain no worky.

Chests=>Account, Items=>Character ??

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: matthewr.3980


I’ve never been a fan of the dig spots. There are no clues whatsoever to know where to dig. If each dig site had a little icon on the ground, then it would be easier to notice them.