Essences of Luck thoughts
Permanent addition. Pretty sure this has been explained.
My question is not what it will drop from, but the rate of that drop.
Permanent addition. Pretty sure this has been explained.
My question is not what it will drop from, but the rate of that drop.
I think they stated somewhere that the higher your account MF, the less frequent it drops from salvaging. Not sure what the curve is gonna look like though.
Also it has been stated that it is salvagable from fine and masterwork, but do you think it is also possible to get them from rares and exotics?
Don’t think they’ve stated where its fine and up, or only fine/masterwork (blues/greens). If it does drop from rares/exos, it better not replace the ecto chance. It should be a separate chance for each, ecto and essence of Luck.
My only fear is that once everyone/alot of people have high MF, and start getting a lot of rares/exos, won’t the price of them drop?
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
I think it’s a good idea. I like that it’s permanent and now I can run an MF build even though I’m using Knight’s gear on my main. It will also make it easier to gear alts.
I expect it to be a slow, very likely also time gated progression. But I still like the permanent account wide side of it better than what it is now.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
I think they stated somewhere that the higher your account MF, the less frequent it drops from salvaging. Not sure what the curve is gonna look like though
Hmm, I don’t think that is the case. Then people can hoard them at the start and have them come rolling in untill they safely can pop them for a very high permanent Magic find boost.
I expect it to be a slow, very likely also time gated progression. But I still like the permanent account wide side of it better than what it is now.
I think that is the most logic solution. Maybe you can boost you MF with essence of luck paired with charged quartz crystal, to name an existing time gate.
It will be interesting.
I really doubt MF will operate on a ‘diminishing return’ scale.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
I think they stated somewhere that the higher your account MF, the less frequent it drops from salvaging. Not sure what the curve is gonna look like though
Hmm, I don’t think that is the case. Then people can hoard them at the start and have them come rolling in untill they safely can pop them for a very high permanent Magic find boost.
It was either what I said, or it was that they start adding minimal amounts to the total MF (or you need x amount to increase it by 1%). Can’t remember where I read it. I thought it was here on the forums in a redpost.
Please give us a keyring…
Permanent addition. Pretty sure this has been explained.
My question is not what it will drop from, but the rate of that drop.
I think they stated somewhere that the higher your account MF, the less frequent it drops from salvaging. Not sure what the curve is gonna look like though
Also it has been stated that it is salvagable from fine and masterwork, but do you think it is also possible to get them from rares and exotics?
Don’t think they’ve stated where its fine and up, or only fine/masterwork (blues/greens). If it does drop from rares/exos, it better not replace the ecto chance. It should be a separate chance for each, ecto and essence of Luck.
My only fear is that once everyone/alot of people have high MF, and start getting a lot of rares/exos, won’t the price of them drop?
That’s actually a good point. Not the price dropping, I don’t care about that. But the quality. If MF increases your chance of getting rares and exotics I really hope they can’t be used to increase magic find. That would mean that the higher you get your magic find, along with a decreased drop rate, you also decrease the amount of things you can find that allow you to get it at all.
I think they stated somewhere that the higher your account MF, the less frequent it drops from salvaging. Not sure what the curve is gonna look like though
Hmm, I don’t think that is the case. Then people can hoard them at the start and have them come rolling in untill they safely can pop them for a very high permanent Magic find boost.
It was either what I said, or it was that they start adding minimal amounts to the total MF (or you need x amount to increase it by 1%). Can’t remember where I read it. I thought it was here on the forums in a redpost.
X amount to increase it sounds right. And they can increase the variable the higher your %
~300 MF gives you a lot more greens than lower MF rates.
So after the blog post several things became clear:
- only fine and masterwork will drop these essences
- higher tier salvage kits will have a better drop rate at them
- high chance at 10 point essence and a small chance at a big point essence
- greens => more MF => more greens => more MF => more greens => more MF etc.
- “Are you sure you want to salvage ‘crappy green of minor kitten’ ?” will become a pain in the kitten after 100 or so greens
(edited: the tier of salvage kit doesn’t matter. Source:
(edited by Douwe.1746)
My one thought is that I’ll go from a full MF suit to a paltry 20% MF with this patch. My future gem purchases will reflect my level of happiness with this.
ye i thought that, i have over 150% MF with my MF gear on, after patch i’ll suddenly have less then 5% (based on achievements) and will have to salvage probably thousands of items in order to get anywhere near where i once was.
Chances are you were getting much less with your MF gear than you would have without it. The math on the main stat loss of MF gear was done numerous times after release, the outcome was simply that people killed faster without gear and the % gained was so miniscule that you’d rather have the increased number of draws from the pool rather than the increased chance.
The only time it would be remotely useful is when you’re in a large group of people with GOOD gear on to make up for your junky MF gear while you leech off them and tag mobs. At that point it either leaves a bad taste in your mouth to leech that much, or you’re just a complete jerk.
My one thought is that I’ll go from a full MF suit to a paltry 20% MF with this patch. My future gem purchases will reflect my level of happiness with this.
If you bought them with gold, I’d appreciate it. That means my future gem purchases will be cheaper. :p
Luck starts at x/100 then it goes up slowly like x/110 to x/150 which was seen on the stream at around 19% MF. So I’d expect it would take a while to get to 300% MF if Luck scales continuously. This is like WXP in concept (where lower levels are less wxp needed and the max atm per level is 5000 wxp).
Chances are you were getting much less with your MF gear than you would have without it. The math on the main stat loss of MF gear was done numerous times after release, the outcome was simply that people killed faster without gear and the % gained was so miniscule that you’d rather have the increased number of draws from the pool rather than the increased chance.
The only time it would be remotely useful is when you’re in a large group of people with GOOD gear on to make up for your junky MF gear while you leech off them and tag mobs. At that point it either leaves a bad taste in your mouth to leech that much, or you’re just a complete jerk.
Except for someone like me that uses knight’s gear. My MF gear has the same stats as knights (minus the extra toughness). So I’ll continue to kill things at exactly the same rate, only with ~130% less magic find. (And yes, when doing group content (fractals/dungeons) I never used my MF gear).
Edit: Also did we get any idea of how rare of a drop these essences will be? If they are similar to the dragon coffers, it’ll be annoying but not painful to level it from salvaging. If they’re a rare drop this is gonna be a slow and painful process to get back to where we used to be.
As an aside, they mention that ~75% of the blues/greens get vendored. Isn’t that the main source of money for casual players (I mean I know I usually get 6+ greens for every yellow)? Between this, causing a lot more people to start salvaging their blues/greens (less free money into the economy) and a ton of mats going to get bought up/traded on the tp (lots of money taxed) it seems that if you were unlucky enough to not be farming the past 4 weeks at either the gauntlet/pavilion/invasion you’re kinda screwed in one way or another.
(edited by Wallace MacBix.2089)
Chances are you were getting much less with your MF gear than you would have without it. The math on the main stat loss of MF gear was done numerous times after release, the outcome was simply that people killed faster without gear and the % gained was so miniscule that you’d rather have the increased number of draws from the pool rather than the increased chance.
The only time it would be remotely useful is when you’re in a large group of people with GOOD gear on to make up for your junky MF gear while you leech off them and tag mobs. At that point it either leaves a bad taste in your mouth to leech that much, or you’re just a complete jerk.
Except for someone like me that uses knight’s gear. My MF gear has the same stats as knights (minus the extra toughness). So I’ll continue to kill things at exactly the same rate, only with ~130% less magic find. (And yes, when doing group content (fractals/dungeons) I never used my MF gear).
Edit: Also did we get any idea of how rare of a drop these essences will be? If they are similar to the dragon coffers, it’ll be annoying but not painful to level it from salvaging. If they’re a rare drop this is gonna be a slow and painful process to get back to where we used to be.
As an aside, they mention that ~75% of the blues/greens get vendored. Isn’t that the main source of money for casual players (I mean I know I usually get 6+ greens for every yellow)? Between this, causing a lot more people to start salvaging their blues/greens (less free money into the economy) and a ton of mats going to get bought up/traded on the tp (lots of money taxed) it seems that if you were unlucky enough to not be farming the past 4 weeks at either the gauntlet/pavilion/invasion you’re kinda screwed in one way or another.
this is exactly why i have 300-400 champion loot bags on my main character right now. i plan to use the gear from them to rapidly get my MF% up right after launch. That aside i seem to make far more money from selling stuff (mostly rare/T6/T5 mats) on the TP then i do from vendoring gear.
Permanent addition. Pretty sure this has been explained.
My question is not what it will drop from, but the rate of that drop.
I think they stated somewhere that the higher your account MF, the less frequent it drops from salvaging. Not sure what the curve is gonna look like though
Also it has been stated that it is salvagable from fine and masterwork, but do you think it is also possible to get them from rares and exotics?
Don’t think they’ve stated where its fine and up, or only fine/masterwork (blues/greens). If it does drop from rares/exos, it better not replace the ecto chance. It should be a separate chance for each, ecto and essence of Luck.
My only fear is that once everyone/alot of people have high MF, and start getting a lot of rares/exos, won’t the price of them drop?
don’t worry.. they’ll just nerf the rate that rares and exo’s drop!
this is exactly why i have 300-400 champion loot bags on my main character right now. i plan to use the gear from them to rapidly get my MF% up right after launch. That aside i seem to make far more money from selling stuff (mostly rare/T6/T5 mats) on the TP then i do from vendoring gear.
Ah, while a viable plan, I’d argue it’s cheating the system a bit (but meh). And I guess you do make good money doing that, though I’m still trying to save up for a legendary, so I relish every T6 drop I get. Though I’d still argue that the average person gets more blues/greens than rares/T6/T5 mats.
I got my MF set when my first main was lvled to 80. It was september 2012. MF was useful on Orr farm events, but with Halloween patch broke something and i decided to put my set to chest. I think it is better to kill x2 faster x2 more mobs and have x2 more chances to loot something special, than have x2 more greens. Really, i had same amount of yellows from same events with 0% MF.
Greens, greens, greens, crappy greens, 1.5 silver per item… 1 item per 3-4 mobs. What a joke. It is more profitable just chop trees and mine platinum. 1 click = 5 silver lol.
People really do the math. And stop complain about everything. Your lovely MF set costs 1 hour of gameplay these days. They had to remove this stupid stat six months ago.
P.S. And no, laurels is not an important resource. It is for lazy people who don’t want to play actual content.
Most funny thing is – they do it now! When they replaced most important farm places with guaranteed chests – THEY ARE NOT affected by MF stat at all. This stat was almost useless 6 months ago, useless 3 months ago, these days it is total crap! It is only acceptable as free bonus, but not as combat stat.
How many greens i need to destroy (lose 1.5 silver each time) to get enough MF to drop more items and get my money back? LOL. I think it will be very slow process, arena just laugh at us
this is exactly why i have 300-400 champion loot bags on my main character right now. i plan to use the gear from them to rapidly get my MF% up right after launch. That aside i seem to make far more money from selling stuff (mostly rare/T6/T5 mats) on the TP then i do from vendoring gear.
Ah, while a viable plan, I’d argue it’s cheating the system a bit (but meh). And I guess you do make good money doing that, though I’m still trying to save up for a legendary, so I relish every T6 drop I get. Though I’d still argue that the average person gets more blues/greens than rares/T6/T5 mats.
its not cheating the system if they tell you ahead of the time so you can prepare. Its what i expected everyone to be doing since tuesday.