Fighting King Toad repeatedly intended?
Fighting King Toad repeatedly intended?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: OnlyFate.8549
I also found this problem annoying. I spent lots of time in last SAB event to gain all achievements and now they forced me to do zone 3 again. I think its not necessary and should be consider as a bug.
Fighting King Toad repeatedly intended?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Handin.4032
I have no problem going straight into W2. When you kill the King Toad, are you waiting for the timer to run out, and then doing the bonus level? Or are you killing him, grabbing your loot and immediately going to hub? I have a feeling you have to stick around for the bonus round…
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300
Fighting King Toad repeatedly intended?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Siphaed.9235
You’ve only truly completely World 1 (W1) when you’ve waited the countdown after the King Toad fight and then went into the “Bonus level”. After that bonus level you’ll received a single Bauble Bubble and it will be then that you’ve been recognized as completing W1.
When I killed King Toad in April, yes, I waited out the timer and was sent to the bonus round (with the cart) and then W2Z1. None of that apparently counted for this incarnation of SAB.
Fighting King Toad repeatedly intended?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837
If you’re having trouble getting through the fight with King Toad, send me a message in-game and I’ll be happy to help you get to world 2! We can speedrun it and get you caught up.
Fighting King Toad repeatedly intended?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Luthan.5236
That’s strange. I did not have this bug. And I completed world 1 + bonus level on normal mode in april.
Maybe you also have to wait for bonus level to finish(where it automatically teleported you to 2-1 in april and now it finishes and sends you back to hub).
You did everything on normal mode? (cause if you only did infantile it shouldn’t unlock normal mode of world 2)
I definitely did W2Z1 in normal so it should have already been unlocked for me.
Whether or not I waited out the timer in the bonus round seems like a technicality they should check for next time. I already had access to W2 (in both modes) in April, so why would I have ever worried about something like that? O_o