Great fun even Hard-Mode was great!

Great fun even Hard-Mode was great!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Arrow.3856


So first few hours of SaB had a great fun little party with a bunch of guildies. I ofcouse bought the unlimited coin (had trouble with coin from last time). We got through World 1 easy. I mean we all did it before and although we messed around alot, we got it done no sweat.

Then we got into World 2. You guys really out done yourselves! We loved the hidden traps, the misdirection, puzzles, etc. It was all designed perfectly. We had great feedback in the ice skating zone love it <3 We had no trouble too, we put our minds to it and worked it out. We hit a dead end when we needed a torch to move forward but hey thats on us for spending our boubles on junk the whole time :p

We decided to try out Hard-mode world 1 zone 1. O-M-G that was a laugh-fest! Watching each other step into traps and die in the funniest way possible had us laughing like crazy. We managed to get to the second checkpoint but didnt have enough time to continue :p I’ll be Back!

Great game so far, thank you for this. Really enjoying it.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The