How to get contiune coins?
You get a continue coin once per day per zone for finishing a level (tribulation mode and normal mode or seperate so technically it’s 2 continue coins if you can complete them both without a billion deaths). Infantile mode doesn’t count. Not sure if you can get the coins anywhere else anymore.
Or just grab the infinite one from the gem store, then you no longer need to worry about them :P
I don’t think I will be playing SAB enough to warrant a infinite continue coin.
That wiki link is completely outdated… do you even read what you link?
Well, last time you could get them fomr chest (also stated on the wiki) I dont think anything has changed about that.
You can buy them from Moto with Bauble Bubbles in Rata Sum.
You still randomly get continue coin in JP chests, no change here.
Or ANY chest, really.
If anyone has a few alts Southshore jump puzzle is good to do takes about 1 min
Asura – Desolation
Yeah its pretty random on the chests drop rate. I did around 50 chests (jp and splendid chests) the other day and only got 2 coins. Got tons of Princess Mia stuff though. Course today I did only like 4 or 5 chests and got a coin 4 times. :/
They still drop, but it seems to be pretty random now compared to back in April. Honestly I feel if you can do the first level boss (which is quite easy) in World 1 you get a continue coin and maybe the second boss if you can do it easy enough, it gives you two pretty easy coins guaranteed. Then you can farm the other chests if you want.
Of course the bosses are only once a day now.
List of random chests that could drop it aside from JP chests:
(edited by Katreyn.4218)