lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
What the tittle says.
To me SAB is the worst thing that ever happened
to fantasy MMOs.
Other players dig it.
So let them have fun inside the box,and please
keep the 8 bit stuff out of the game zones.
We already have balloons,and fluffy quaggan packs,
and kites,and all the kindergarten paraphernalia of the TP,
and I’m pretty sure the SAB fun boxes and minis
will add enough to the hello kittiness of the game.
Please,leave the world maps out of this.
lol umad? I hope they have the boxes in pve again so when I can open them and fight all those little 8kittenaracters (lol how is that a curse word??)
SAB is the best yo. Watchu talkin bout?!?!
You just need a Rytlock to burst into your room
You are wrong OP.
Usually I’m against all the gumball machine fluff. If they put in another pet with a booty hole like Bee Dog though, I won’t be able to resist.
What the tittle says.
To me SAB is the worst thing that ever happened
to fantasy MMOs.
Other players dig it.
So let them have fun inside the box,and please
keep the 8 bit stuff out of the game zones.
We already have balloons,and fluffy quaggan packs,
and kites,and all the kindergarten paraphernalia of the TP,
and I’m pretty sure the SAB fun boxes and minis
will add enough to the hello kittiness of the game.
Please,leave the world maps out of this.
remove that stick from your…
chill its a game and sadly for you the majority likes it btw if you are quitting gw2 can i have your goldz?
I am with you op, it is not a style that I enjoy either…then again I don’t particularly care for any temporary easily digested pieces of content over developing long term compelling content.
just my 5c.
asuran weapons? i mean you already have stuff that’s themed very similar for asurans that other races can buy, from dungeons or cultural merchants – that’s why i never really had an issue with it.
…if there weren’t similar asuran weapons already, ok i could understand the complaint.
I have never under stood the fluffy panda hats and town clothes, who can be bothered changing there clothes all the time , and just who stands around in a town doing nothing?
I have a sneaking suspicion that SAB is going to be a let down like every other sequel in existence.
I’m a little torn. I didn’t really like the feel of the comedy characters being dumped into the open world. But the fights with the creatures from the boxes were quite a lot of fun, from a gameplay perspective.
So I guess I’m neutral on this issue.
SAB is it’s own wonderland, let those who enjoy the 8bit content have it, if you don’t like it let those who do play it and stay quiet if you don’t, simple as that.
I have a sneaking suspicion that SAB is going to be a let down like every other sequel in existence.
Oh come on nothing could be as bad as Dirty Dancing 2 or Grease 2 …………… or could it?
And in the next patch we will have hello kitty land.Ant the subsequent patch we will have spongebob square pants land
I agree with the OP… everyone is entitled to their opinion. I won’t be rude or put anyone down for having a different opinion either unlike some people in this thread. However, the lore of Tyria is hardly the place for SAB legoland critters. Anet can force it to fit by somehow tying it into the Azurans, but no one can deny that it doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the game.
I understand that it is fun for many people. I definitely want them to include SAB for those people. But like the OP said we don’t need to see it all over the map.
For those who love SAB, great .. go play it in Rata Sum. For those of us who don’t care for it, let us continue to enjoy the rest of Tyria without it looking like a Nintendo 64 game.
While I do think the OP could have phrased his/her post better, I actually agree with them. (And note that I’m a rabid SAB fan and can’t wait for it to be back. ) There’s no need for the 8-bit monsters and chests to be scattered across the world again. I’m happy with SAB remaining just in Rata Sum.
I can’t say I agree, but here was my initial impression of SAB.
Neat, this looks amazing!
kitten monkeys!
Finally … Done. Was pretty interesting.
Start again, new group.
Not nearly as exciting this time.
Wow, I’m bored.
Finally … Done. I need a break.
Never played it again.
So, you won’t see me playing it much. I don’t care if it is in the open world though, as long as it isn’t an invasion or something.
I have a sneaking suspicion that SAB is going to be a let down like every other sequel in existence.
… The Dark Knight?
I have a sneaking suspicion that SAB is going to be a let down like every other sequel in existence.
… The Dark Knight?
Health ledger sacrificed his life points to hype that one up though. If you watch it again, you find it was just above average, I preferred the first tbh. The 3rd dark knight rises had tonnes of plot holes.
But regardless, not saying SAB is going to be bad, in any case, it’s probably going to be one of the better updates compared to the living story stuff we’ve been getting so far. At the very least, Anet can get away with not having a decent story since this is more a for fun thing. Anet really needs to go back to how to present a great story to an audience 101.
as it will be the second time it comes around.
I can understand that this does not matter to most people (Nor me to be honest), but from a roleplaying (Or just immersive) perspective, it does break it a bit. The 8-bit theme does not fit in. I will however eat the history that they throw those “beacons” out with kittenty illusions. Question is, how is an illusion killing me?
as long as they don’t nerf champs farming, you people can have SAB all year……
SAB is some of the best fun I’ve had in GW2 to date. Sure, it kind of breaks away from the serious lore…. but so what? It’s a ton of fun, and that’s what’s important.
SAB is some of the best fun I’ve had in GW2 to date. Sure, it kind of breaks away from the serious lore…. but so what? It’s a ton of fun, and that’s what’s important.
No offence, but if SAB is the most fun you’ve had in GW2 to date, aren’t you playing the wrong game?
SAB is some of the best fun I’ve had in GW2 to date. Sure, it kind of breaks away from the serious lore…. but so what? It’s a ton of fun, and that’s what’s important.
No offence, but if SAB is the most fun you’ve had in GW2 to date, aren’t you playing the wrong game?
I grew up on tons of the games that SAB references, so for me it is one big nostalgia trip. A lot of the Living Story content has been okay-ish… but I hate the time constraints, and the writing so far has been pretty sub-par. And GW2 doesn’t really have much to offer in the end-game (it hardly has end-game content). But SAB ignores all that, and just goes for good old fun. And I can appreciate that. It has no ties to lore or canon, and just does it’s own thing. You can clearly see the work of a team just pouring everything they love about classic videogames into one project. It shows.
So you tell me. Have I been playing the wrong game? Or is SAB so far simply the best content that GW2 has had to offer?
What the tittle says.
To me SAB is the worst thing that ever happened
to fantasy MMOs.
Other players dig it.
So let them have fun inside the box,and please
keep the 8 bit stuff out of the game zones.
We already have balloons,and fluffy quaggan packs,
and kites,and all the kindergarten paraphernalia of the TP,
and I’m pretty sure the SAB fun boxes and minis
will add enough to the hello kittiness of the game.
Please,leave the world maps out of this.
To me, Super Adventure Box is the best update in this game. Skins from SAB are unique and they looks great.
You cant change whole update only becouse you dont like 8 bit skins. Stop beeing selfish and enjoy things you like in this game.
Just my 2 cents.
I have to agree w/ the OP.. I took one look at SAB, and it’s not my taste in content.
I’ll highly likely not be getting into any of it, nor spending any gold/gems for the weps/skins. I’m aware it’s similar to asuran tech and that doesn’t bother me.. just I’m not into much of the holographic weapons ’n such.
I took more of a liking for the zenith weps than the SAB ones.
And I’m hoping more quality skins for staves the ones available now seem sub par.
(excluding a few: zenith, OoW skin, bitfrost)
I’d add a minor skin suggestion for the new skins recently out now, but it’d be goin off topic.
I agree, but let’s also take out Halloween and Christmas mobs out of the open world Oh and holograms from Dragon Bash too.
No but seriously, I can agree with the chests might be overkill. The rest however (Boxes of Fun, Minis and whatnot) are something most players (it seems) enjoy.
This may seem like a repetition of what we were discussing in the lore forum regarding SAB, but I see two sides to this. On the one hand I love SAB, and appreciate the fun that the dev team has with it. Letting go of all lore restrictions is very liberating to their creativity, and it clearly shows.
On the other hand, the teams have to be careful not to let all the silliness creep into the actual world. All the Quaggan backpacks and bows that shoot rainbow ponies, break immersion. And SAB 8-bit enemies popping up in explorables does similar harm to the immersion factor. Inside SAB, anything goes. But I hope they exercise some restraint regarding all the humor and nonsense they inject into the overall game world.
GW2 already is a lot less serious than GW1. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing. But the more silly it gets, the less believable Tyria becomes.
So many people with 2 cents opinions.
Here’s my 100 dollar opinion.
SAB is amazing.
SAB stuff wouldn’t kill atmosphere (I don’t watch what weapon is used to kill dragon, I look at dragon itself) but the truth is – there’s no atmosphere. Grimdark? Maybe its scraps at Orr, not more. We have terrible threat to the world? Let’s have a party! And a festival! And another party! Wooohooo!
So your object of whinning is chosen quite recklessly.
lol umad? I hope they have the boxes in pve again so when I can open them and fight all those little 8kittenaracters
(lol how is that a curse word??)
SAB is the best yo. Watchu talkin bout?!?!
The filter doesn’t care about spaces, it just sees bit followed by ch. Which is a legitimate curse.
I’ve never heard anyone complain about any of this but somehow SAB always sparks these kind of discussions. That is not to discredit anyone’s opinion, just me wondering why.
I’ve never heard anyone complain about any of this but somehow SAB always sparks these kind of discussions. That is not to discredit anyone’s opinion, just me wondering why.
I think it’s the general disquiet people seem to get by the ever expanding influence of the Asura, a technologically advanced race in a technologically primitive setting.
People aren’t able to handle the concept of holograms and fusion reactors existing alongside swords and sorcery.
I can actually understand the OP. Personally I consider the SAB hilariously funny.
But it can further diminish the immersion factor for someone who is into the fantasy aspect of the game.
I recognize the argument that Asura tech in general or the drift towards steampunk with the Aetherblades (and Charr technology before that) are already a problem for someone leaning towards high fantasy, but they are more tolerable immersion wise than SAB by far still.
So I wouldn’t mind if they did what the OP asked for. No open world SAB influnece (other han skins/minis). I could live with that compromise.
I have a sneaking suspicion that SAB is going to be a let down like every other sequel in existence.
Isn’t this game a sequel as well?
I love SAB. I don’t mind the weapons, they are far from immersion breaking.
But the rest ? The fluffy backpacks, the way-too-expensive-for-what-it-is townclothes, I’m not too fond of that.
I have a sneaking suspicion that SAB is going to be a let down like every other sequel in existence.
I don’t see how it could be a let down. The original was made by seven or eight people as a side project with no real support from ANet. It now has a full Living World update level of support and man power, but with the same direction. It can only get better.
Nothing will ever beat Halloween, but SAB is 2nd place for sure. <3
I couldn’t agree more with the OP.
It is great that Anet creates these awesome content patches for us but somethings just clash so bad here!
It was enough that there was one of these already during April fools – which actually made the content seem actually like a prank and as a “Funny thing”… but now.. Why!?
Keep the SAB in SAB. Don’t corrupt the beatiful world you’ve created with this junk. It’s horrible.
The best thing about these recent patches is that I don’t need to take part in them if I don’t want to. Anet, please make sure that you do this again.
“Guild wars 2 is stylized, painterly illustrated, esthetic. Everything in our world feels handcrafted – artisanal.” -Daniel Dociu – Art Director (not copied from word to word)
“When you see art in our game – you say: Whoa that’s Visually stunning. I’ve never seen anything like that before.” – Colin Johanson – Game designer
What happened to these promises? The SAB doesn’t match either of those things said. I’ve always adored your art and style you created for this game but SAB is just a letdown.
And yes.. I played the Manifesto card! QQ
(edited by jakakettu.9083)
I couldn’t agree more with the OP.
It is great that Anet creates these awesome content patches for us but somethings just clash so bad here!
It was enough that there was one of these already during April fools – which actually made the content seem actually like a prank and as a “Funny thing”… but now.. Why!?
Keep the SAB in SAB. Don’t corrupt the beatiful world you’ve created with this junk. It’s horrible.The best thing about these recent patches is that I don’t need to take part in them if I don’t want to. Anet, please make sure that you do this again.
“Guild wars 2 is stylized, painterly illustrated, esthetic. Everything in our world feels handcrafted – artisanal.” -Daniel Dociu – Art Director (not copied from word to word)
“When you see art in our game – you say: Whoa that’s Visually stunning. I’ve never seen anything like that before.” – Colin Johanson – Game designer
What happened to these promises? The SAB doesn’t match either of those things said. I’ve always adored your art and style you created for this game but SAB is just a letdown.
And yes.. I played the Manifesto card! QQ
The art can already be seen everywhere. SAB style only appears inside SAB except som weapons that looks very Asura like to begin with.
Actually, both of those things are, in a way, even more true with SAB. Ok, not painterly illustrated, but it is definitely stylized and handcrafted, in a way.
And I can definitely say I’ve never seen anything like that before. An 8-bit thing in a decidedly non-8-bit environment, that is.
In any event, I do actually agree. SAB should be in SAB. I should have to go into the game to experience the game, not just walk around the world.
“When you see art in our game – you say: Whoa that’s Visually stunning. I’ve never seen anything like that before.” – Colin Johanson – Game designer
This is exactly what everyone thought when they saw the SAB stuck into guild wars. It seemed radically different from what other games are doing.
Variety is the spice of life.
I have a sneaking suspicion that SAB is going to be a let down like every other sequel in existence.
Oh come on nothing could be as bad as Dirty Dancing 2 or Grease 2 …………… or could it?
Clerks 2 was better…. Just sayin
I personally loved the 8 kittenests and characters in the open world. I’m an old school gamer though who grew up on 8bit and thought it was amazing just to get 16 bit and 32 bit games…
“When you see art in our game – you say: Whoa that’s Visually stunning. I’ve never seen anything like that before.” – Colin Johanson – Game designer
This is exactly what everyone thought when they saw the SAB stuck into guild wars. It seemed radically different from what other games are doing.
You can’t speak for everyone, only few probably thought it was “stunning” If someone finds SAB visually stunning that’s their opinion but I think that this style is no where close to being stunning or anything special. The style is just pixels – pixels what the gaming community has been seeing since the beginning of gaming.
“When you see art in our game – you say: Whoa that’s Visually stunning. I’ve never seen anything like that before.” – Colin Johanson – Game designer
This is exactly what everyone thought when they saw the SAB stuck into guild wars. It seemed radically different from what other games are doing.
You can’t speak for everyone, only few probably thought it was “stunning”
If someone finds SAB visually stunning that’s their opinion but I think that this style is no where close to being stunning or anything special. The style is just pixels – pixels what the gaming community has been seeing since the beginning of gaming.
Well, that’s your own opinion as well.
And in the next patch we will have hello kitty land.Ant the subsequent patch we will have spongebob square pants land
LF2M for Krusty Krab dungeon, zerker warrior and guardians only, self invite
Make it happen Anet!!!..
The asura build giant lasers and portals and nobody bats an eye…
One asura builds a video game and everybody loses their mind!
Anet likes to include SOMETHING in open-world areas so that people who prefer open world can at least experience some part of the update.
Keeping SAB stuff out of open world just keep open-world players from seeing any sort of content from the update. I don’t think Anet would go for that, and I don’t think it’d be a good idea personally either.
The SAB stuff in the outside world is just holograms anyway. Special solid-state holograms. The Super skins say as much themselves. Its not like they’re actual video game enemies come through rifts to invade Tyria or whatever (which would be a bit silly and out of place), they’re just holograms created by Moto and placed around the world.
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