SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Naginataka.2647


The “bauble nerf” is killing SAB for those of us willing to put in the time to earn skins, but who can’t spread that time out once a day every day for a month. The new changes mean I can’t play SAB for say 5 hours on a weekend and get the same rewards as someone who spends 30 minutes a day for 5 weekdays. They spent half the time playing it but have 80-100% of a skin, where I would have 20-30% of a skin. At the end of the month the daily 30 minute player would have 4-5 skins easily, while I would have played twice as many hours and earned 1.

It really hurts the effort=reward concept.

I am not sure I understand the nerfing of the baubles from dig sites and chests as opposed to making them character restricted instead of account. These skins are vanity only, not avail in the pay store so there is no financial loss, and meant to be fun. A heavy time gate is not fun and discourages players like me who have things like families, jobs, kids, battleaxes chasing them with frying pans when their eyes go googly at the sexy neighbor with her miniskirt and beehive hairdo… I lost focus there for a second….

The skins have gone from easy to get if you put in the time, to not really worth the effort.

The average player can’t finish world 2, and if they can they can’t do it fast enough to be worth it to work towards a skin.

So that leaves us world 1. A quick run through gives you 6 chest drops and enough to buy 1 or 2 from Moto. With the bonus one lets say that gives you 8 per day. Yes you can get a few skins in a month this way if you play every day, but that means most of us can’t do anything else with limited hours of play. However, I could take time on the weekends and grind through to earn my skins like I did last time on my alts, but with 1/day/account that is not possible.

The fastest way to get baubles is to grab the first 50 or so in level 1, which takes about 3 minutes from time to click on the npc to start the zone. Assuming you instant port out and click to restart that is 15 minutes per 1 or 10.5 hours per skin (on top of the first complete run) if you try to grind it out. Add zoning time etc and you are talking about 11-12+ hours plus the time for the initial run of non-stop farming. Since you can only do one initial run you could not farm more than 1 skin per day even playing nonstop for 24 hours.

The problem is that many of us would play through with alts for the drops, but there is absolutely no reason to now. Grinding is worthless and even if I try to dedicate the time to earning them, I can’t since I would have to do it on a couple days. It is faster to post around to world bosses each night and then buy the skins while getting other drops, money, and crafting items. Basically, this change has made boss farming like people do every day the most effective way to get the rewards from this content.

Please reconsider this change for the next round.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Time gating should’ve never been brought into the Super Adventure Box, or anywhere in this game, but here we are… looks like I’ll have to buy the skins I want this time.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Time gating should’ve never been brought into the Super Adventure Box, or anywhere in this game, but here we are… looks like I’ll have to buy the skins I want this time.

That’s what I’m planning. A pity as I was looking forward to getting them myself. I don’t understand why they felt the need to limit the farming further. I can’t afford the time to run SAB every day as it is but I’m hoping to maybe be able to get a Hammer skin through playing but either way I’ll have to get the rest through the TP.

I suppose it’s another part of their plan to force people to have to play the game every day or else “lose out”.

This need they have to control how people are allowed to participate in content so tightly rather than just letting us do what we want how we want to is very sad. The skins were/are account bound so this affected no-one else (if they wanted to they could have restricted the chance to get the saleable skins to one a day per account) so why do this?

Every time they reduce or constrain our ability to do what we want to just sucks a little more joy out of the game.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Killface.1896


They nerfed it so you will buy the PTW coin…

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

They nerfed it so you will buy the PTW coin…

First off the ICC doesn’t have any impact on what’s being said here.

If you collect all the items in world 1, specifically the shovel you should come out of a single run on world 1 with 7 bauble bubbles and over 250 baubles, meaning 8 bauble bubbles. It shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes, and that’s being generous, to rush through world 1 to pick up all the baubles and bubbles each day. So if you can spare 15 minutes a day you’ll get the weapons you want in just under a week, since they’re 50 bubbles.

If you have already made a run, though, you’re looking at closer to 150 baubles and no bubbles. As such people with infinite time will get their 8 bubbles in 15 minutes and every bubble after that is going to be a big pain in the butt. So only the dedicated are really going to be doing it.

The reason so many people have a bunch of weapons right off the bat is because they’re like me and had stacks of bubbles hanging out in their bank from April.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


You could always do the faster, albeit harder/more frustrating method of dropping 2 gold on the Motto Weapon and then completing Tribulation Mode for a world and you’ll get a fancy Green or Yellow colored skin instead of a blue one. If you’re just having a rough time with the days you can play (and not how long on those days) just run W1, get all the baubles, convert those into Continue Coins (should give you 200 lives), and you’ll be in good shape!!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sorin.4310


They nerfed it so you will buy the PTW coin…

Please stop spreading this crap. The coin is in no way PTW. PTW items give players an advantage that leads to imbalance between other players. The only thing the coin is used for is to not have to have coins to get account bound, nonmonetary rewards.

Does the infinite coin give an advantage over not having it? Yes, but its not PTW. PTW isn’t just advantage, or any booster would be PTW or inf mining pick, in which case the game has been PTW since release and since you seem to hate it so much idk why you’d still be here.

From your other posts I can see you are serious kitten over this coin. But the farming bauble bubbles has nothing to do with this nerf. If the OP bought the coin, he suddenly wouldn’t be able to farm dozens of bubbles a day. There is some merit to “well W2 is just death rush the level, dying over and over to progress and having infinite coins will save my bubbles from having to be spent on coins”.

Except its totally not a death rush (i thought it was first day but going back i realize now i was just not taking time) unless you don’t pay attention, don’t think, or are just generally bad, in which case SAB may not be for you. I suggest you find out what the difficult parts of SAB are for you, and work on it.

As for the OP, I don’t agree with the change either. If I want to spend 8 more times the effort to get 8 times the reward, I don’t know why I shouldn’t be able to. Especially for account bound rewards. Perhaps it was to stop mindless farming, but I’d say that’s exactly what the invasions were so…idk. I feel for you, but I don’t expect a change. Just get as many days in as you can. You can run W1 in 20 minutes or less if you get good enough at it. Perhaps you can fit it in on a few weekdays.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Groonz.7825


So if you can spare 15 minutes a day you’ll get the weapons you want in just under a week, since they’re 50 bubbles.

I’m sorry. What? Weapons? how many weaponss can I gain within 1 week if I only do W1 all zones as mentioned which totals up to 8 baubles a day from world 1 only.

8 baubles a day from world 1 × 7 days a week = 56 baubles a week. Weapon skins 50 baubles only makes 1 weapon skin a week.

SAB is here for a month so that’s around 4 weeks, so if you are only capable of only doing world 1 as world 2 difficult is …difficult at the moment and I doubt a casual weekend player would want to spend excruciating amounts of time trying out world 2 to eventually constantly dying and using up all coins they may have.

That would make 4 skins of your choice minimum for doing world 1 every day.

Now as the OP mentioned weekend players there are only 9 days that fall on Saturday and Sunday. That only gets them 32 baubles.

As sad as it is, it’s been previously mentioned but if you want the skins during months themed content you are better off just skipping the monthly content and just farming as much gold as you can.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Sorry, but if someone can’t spend even 15 minutes on the game any day of the week what do they expect exactly? For most things a Weekend player who can only muster up a handful of hours isn’t going to be able to fully experience the content. That is just a thing.

But if they have all that time, and it really matters then push through. Get as many baubles as you can manage to convert into bubbles. If you can do a run in 15, even without the bubbles you should have enough extra baubles to offset the difference and get at least one weapon.

Why anyone would even need every skin is beyond me. I’m going for two World 1 Tribulation pistols because they’re kind of neat for my thief and I can potentially get them in a day each, but of the rest I could care less. I do plan to buy a hammer for my guardian cause he’s Asura, but that’s it.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Onis.2418


I also dislike this system. s:
I’m not home every day, sometimes away for 3 days and sometimes I have like 2-2 days in a week that’s free for playing. I like SAB a lot so I’ll be around more… but in the end they just made the grind thousands times worse than last time, even though they promised to tone it down.
I’d understand the change if you got a skin for running through world 1, but I don’t understand why we need to run it daily on 7 days just for 1 account bound skin.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: kahzee.6042


aren’t the weapons like 9g on the tp? lol

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Naginataka.2647


Sorry, but if someone can’t spend even 15 minutes on the game any day of the week what do they expect exactly? For most things a Weekend player who can only muster up a handful of hours isn’t going to be able to fully experience the content. That is just a thing.

But if they have all that time, and it really matters then push through. Get as many baubles as you can manage to convert into bubbles. If you can do a run in 15, even without the bubbles you should have enough extra baubles to offset the difference and get at least one weapon.

Why anyone would even need every skin is beyond me. I’m going for two World 1 Tribulation pistols because they’re kind of neat for my thief and I can potentially get them in a day each, but of the rest I could care less. I do plan to buy a hammer for my guardian cause he’s Asura, but that’s it.

You are missing the point. No one is saying that they don’t want to put in the time, but for many people the daily time is not possible.

And lets say we use your 15 minutes example. 15 min/8 bubbles/day. That means it would take 7 days to get a skin. At 15 min each that is 105 minutes for a skin. For someone who has real life responsibilities and can’t log in daily, the same skin would take 10-12 hours to earn.

So you would put in a sixth of the effort for the same reward. A reward that is account bound, vanity only, meant to be fun and funny, not able to be bought with gems, etc.

Plus the days I do get some time, I like to play with my kid in game, and she likes to..I don’t know, see the world and play the game. I bought her the skins she wanted as she is a clumsy oaf of a child and can’t jump worth beans.

Anyway, there shouldn’t be a system in place where more effort = less reward. Thats what this change created.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Sorry, but if someone can’t spend even 15 minutes on the game any day of the week what do they expect exactly? For most things a Weekend player who can only muster up a handful of hours isn’t going to be able to fully experience the content. That is just a thing.

But if they have all that time, and it really matters then push through. Get as many baubles as you can manage to convert into bubbles. If you can do a run in 15, even without the bubbles you should have enough extra baubles to offset the difference and get at least one weapon.

Why anyone would even need every skin is beyond me. I’m going for two World 1 Tribulation pistols because they’re kind of neat for my thief and I can potentially get them in a day each, but of the rest I could care less. I do plan to buy a hammer for my guardian cause he’s Asura, but that’s it.

You are missing the point. No one is saying that they don’t want to put in the time, but for many people the daily time is not possible.

And lets say we use your 15 minutes example. 15 min/8 bubbles/day. That means it would take 7 days to get a skin. At 15 min each that is 105 minutes for a skin. For someone who has real life responsibilities and can’t log in daily, the same skin would take 10-12 hours to earn.

So you would put in a sixth of the effort for the same reward. A reward that is account bound, vanity only, meant to be fun and funny, not able to be bought with gems, etc.

Plus the days I do get some time, I like to play with my kid in game, and she likes to..I don’t know, see the world and play the game. I bought her the skins she wanted as she is a clumsy oaf of a child and can’t jump worth beans.

Anyway, there shouldn’t be a system in place where more effort = less reward. Thats what this change created.

Oh, I’m definitely against their decision to restrict things to account bound only, heavily reducing how much anyone can get. But that is how it is, and I have an issue with the concept that someone can’t manage to put together 15 minutes at least often enough to play 6 different days. To get at least one reward for the effort.

The concept that people are able to get all the weapons is an absurd complaint because who cares? Why would anyone need them all? If you can get one, good, if you can get a couple then be happy for a couple. No one needs all of them.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Now as the OP mentioned weekend players there are only 9 days that fall on Saturday and Sunday. That only gets them 32 baubles.

First off it’s 8, because it started on the 3rd, not the 1st. Counting the expected 250 baubles it’s also 8.

8 times 8 is 64, that’s a weapon skin with bubbles to spare. So even if they can only play on the weekends they can still get a weapon skin. Obviously people with more time can do more, and get more, but this is how things should be. They’re not left out.

I’m a little upset with myself for not seeing this ridiculously glaring mistake right from the start.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Naginataka.2647


Now as the OP mentioned weekend players there are only 9 days that fall on Saturday and Sunday. That only gets them 32 baubles.

First off it’s 8, because it started on the 3rd, not the 1st. Counting the expected 250 baubles it’s also 8.

8 times 8 is 64, that’s a weapon skin with bubbles to spare. So even if they can only play on the weekends they can still get a weapon skin. Obviously people with more time can do more, and get more, but this is how things should be. They’re not left out.

I’m a little upset with myself for not seeing this ridiculously glaring mistake right from the start.

And again you miss the point and make my point at the same time.

Yes you can get A skin. However you say “those with more time can do more and get more but this is how things should be”.

The current setup this quote is 100% not true. A player with a few minutes a day can get 3-4 Skins for around 7 hours of play total.

A weekend player who divided their days into 4 would end up spending 48 hours of grinding to be able earn the same skins.

So the way it is, people who play less are rewarded more.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Joo.9672



1- Getting a steal sword the does 4 times the damage only available via gems
2- Speed boosts you pay for
3- Immortality button via gems

4-Infinity coins just makes it easier to survive but does not really give you an advantage. Assuming you never die it does nothing. Assuming everything else those other things actually drastically change everything.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Well how about the weekend only players pick up a mining pick and axe and then go get some crafting components. Sell those on the TP and buy the skins with your profits.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: XxXTheMaxxXxX.6057


I agree that the rewards in sab should not be timegated. However, since they are Anet should have changed the prices of the skins to 25 or so. Also, if you have played tribulation mode and can complete it in a reasonable amount of time, you can get 6 more bauble bubbles from bosses and you get around 500 baubles from completing zones 1 and 2. Not sure if you get the reward from the mini game twice in a day, but if you do that then you can get about 16 bauble bubbles a day for a skin.

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I agree that the rewards in sab should not be timegated. However, since they are Anet should have changed the prices of the skins to 25 or so. Also, if you have played tribulation mode and can complete it in a reasonable amount of time, you can get 6 more bauble bubbles from bosses and you get around 500 baubles from completing zones 1 and 2. Not sure if you get the reward from the mini game twice in a day, but if you do that then you can get about 16 bauble bubbles a day for a skin.

The reason SAB is time gated is because they did NOT change the prices. If they had chosen to leave bubbles as accessible as they had been in April the price would have been increased significantly.

Anyone who spent enough time reading Josh’s posts near the end of the original event would know they were discussing increasing the cost because bubbles were too easy to acquire and horde. Nobody liked the idea of the price going up, so instead they limited how many bubbles could be acquired.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

SAB Skins. Weekend players need not apply?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Now as the OP mentioned weekend players there are only 9 days that fall on Saturday and Sunday. That only gets them 32 baubles.

First off it’s 8, because it started on the 3rd, not the 1st. Counting the expected 250 baubles it’s also 8.

8 times 8 is 64, that’s a weapon skin with bubbles to spare. So even if they can only play on the weekends they can still get a weapon skin. Obviously people with more time can do more, and get more, but this is how things should be. They’re not left out.

I’m a little upset with myself for not seeing this ridiculously glaring mistake right from the start.

And again you miss the point and make my point at the same time.

Yes you can get A skin. However you say “those with more time can do more and get more but this is how things should be”.

The current setup this quote is 100% not true. A player with a few minutes a day can get 3-4 Skins for around 7 hours of play total.

A weekend player who divided their days into 4 would end up spending 48 hours of grinding to be able earn the same skins.

So the way it is, people who play less are rewarded more.

And I completely agree with it. If you can’t manage a handful of minutes a day, then too bad. Here’s why. That person who can manage 15 minutes a day, can probably ALSO spend all weekend. Therefore they’re still putting more time into the game, and should get more. Math only works in your favor when you ignore some of the numbers.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot