Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: danikaix.4670


Hey there Sab team

I just wanna point something out, next time sab is around you guys might want to think about new ways to reward players, as better rewards will likely motivate more people to play.

Back in april, when sab’s first iteration was released, there wasn’t alot going on in game, living story was taking it’s first steps into this new 2 weeks format and open world farming (orr) was nerfed so sab came along as very pleasant surprise that was both fun, different from anything we had previously seen and rewarding for those working on legendaries (baubles -> ob shards conversion).

Since april the game has changed. It introduced a couple new “long term” goals and rewards like 500 crafting, ascended weapons, champion farm, scarlet invasions, world boss daily chests, account wide magic find etc.

Meanwhile sab took a step back in regard to loot, obsidian shards were removed and no effort was made to reward the portion of the player base that is curretly working on legendaries, crafting 500, ascended weapons and account magic find

So let me wrap this up by thanking you guys for creating sab, this is definitely my favorite content with or without loot, personally i don’t mind, I wish you all the best

P.S Thank you Josh Foreman for being such an outstanding developer and person

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Diego.4153


I don’t play SAB for the skins, I just play for the achievements and the challenge. I would love to play it more often but with the latest expansion the SAB is so lengthy that I actually need to choose between character progression and the SAB. I’m hoping that you will introduce more rewards for outside of the SAB so that it does not feel like I am playing something isolated from the main game.

Thank you for creating the SAB I still have lots of fun in it

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Vick.6805


I play primarily for the achievements, and I love jumping puzzles, so SAB is usually fun.

There are parts of world 2 that could be made less frustrating (such as z2’s buggy checkpoints), but my main issue is that world 2 just takes too long.

It’s a shame, because I’d love more of the yellow skins.

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Alys Florent.1359

Alys Florent.1359

I feel like I have to do Tribulation Mode to get any decent rewards (namely skins), and I don’t have it in me to suffer through World 2 Zone 2’s bugged checkpoints and the massive length of Zone 2 and 3.

World 1 Tribulation Mode was pretty nice, I ran it a few times for skins. Reasonable length, no obvious bugs, evenly spaced checkpoints.

But my point is, I think World 2 is long and difficult enough on normal that the drastic decrease in the rewards available from doing anything but Tribulation Mode just makes me want to stay far away from World 2.

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Personally I lost all motivation when 2-1 was reasonably long and then 2-2 took me forever. No zone should take more than a half hour to run through just because of length and not difficulty.

Plus I still can’t beat the King Toad solo even the second time around so even though the general idea is fun I’m kinda frustrated by the whole thing at this point.

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Personally I lost all motivation when 2-1 was reasonably long and then 2-2 took me forever. No zone should take more than a half hour to run through just because of length and not difficulty.

Plus I still can’t beat the King Toad solo even the second time around so even though the general idea is fun I’m kinda frustrated by the whole thing at this point.

Length is a legitimate concern, World 2-2 and 2-3 are unnecessarily long for such early zones.

King Toad I’m honestly shocked you are having trouble. On Trib mode I could see, but on Normal? When you see him bounce his butt up and down, get over to one of the stone squares otherwise you will take damage. When he finishes that, run up to him, melee his necklace, grab a crystal. You may take a hit from one of his side attacks, but if you run to the opposite lillypad from the side he is stomping you will avoid damage. Take the crystal to the stone square and wait until you see him look left to right, that means he’s about to open his mouth. Run up to him, toss the crystal in, then melee him. When he comes to, run back to the square then repeat the process. It will likely take 3-4 rounds of this to finish him unless you have the nunchucks, in which case two rounds is sufficient.

It’s possible to do all of this without taking one heart of damage once you know the pattern.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Yid.3024


While I agree there could be more rewards, I think GW2 right now is dangerously close to being all about rewards and not as much as about fun(like any ohter mmos out there, which makes me a sad panda). One of the reasons I like SAB is that it’s mainly a fun-oriented content, as opposed to reward-oriented content(Jennah and Scarlet definitely tipped the game to this side a bit too much). And yes, playerbase shares half the guilt on this trend, but we should keep trying.

I think the main concern should be about what’s in the box, rather than what moto sells. W2 had its problems, and I believe anet will look at those problems and fix them for next release. (I personally think pacing is a big issue here, especially with the increased difficulty and complexity, among other issues) I think it’s fine if people want to play it just to see what it’s like but not everyone plays it for a full month, as long as they had fun while playing it. GW2 pve isn’t exactly short on contents after all. It’s more important that when anyone thinks ‘oh yeah, there was that sab thing’ they should feel like casually coming back and have whatever amount of fun they want, without thinking ‘do I really want to go back there? nah…maybe another time’ which I believe isn’t quite the case right now.

Sab, Rewards and motivation to play

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Leablo.2651


While I agree there could be more rewards, I think GW2 right now is dangerously close to being all about rewards and not as much as about fun(like any ohter mmos out there, which makes me a sad panda). One of the reasons I like SAB is that it’s mainly a fun-oriented content, as opposed to reward-oriented content(Jennah and Scarlet definitely tipped the game to this side a bit too much). And yes, playerbase shares half the guilt on this trend, but we should keep trying.

The fun factor of any content decays exponentially on repeated playthroughs. There is nothing that can be done from a design standpoint that will ever change this. The player base gravitates toward rewards because everything becomes a grind once you do it enough times. Fun and reward are not mutually exclusive and there is no need to counterbalance them. All content should be as fun as possible and as rewarding as possible within the context of the game’s overall progression rate. There is no reason to do anything less.