Scarlet Invasions

Scarlet Invasions

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Takarazuka.3025


So the invasions are at a reduced rate now… has anyone seen them come up yet or how we are notified? I hadn’t seen anything yet and was curious.

Scarlet Invasions

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: VKP Butcher.2751

VKP Butcher.2751

I noticed one earlier, just popped up in map chat/across the middle of the screen with yellow text like when they announce a new build or what have you.

I gave my limbs to the gods, perhaps I’ll add yours to the offering!
Killian Darkwood(Rng), Kaalia Darkheart(Guard), Avacyn Darkmind(Mes):Maguuma