Super Adventure Mode?

Super Adventure Mode?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Xalugami.2096


I was thinking I should put this into suggestions, but this seems more likely the place to be seen by one of the SAB team.

As far as I know, starting in 1-1 will boot you back to the hub world after the 1-4 Bonus stage, so there’s no way to play everything in one trip to the hub world. I know you could just run from sub-hub to sub-hub, but I think having an adventure mode to start from 1-1 and play all the way through until the last fully complete stage would be very convenient and reminiscent of most old games that never saved your progress (unless you saved up your passwords).

Perhaps you could make the Fountain Statue in the center interact-able to ask if you want to go through the current Super Adventure (I bet you can sneak in a “Press Start” in there). Or you could bring back the over-sized Play Coins from when the SAB hub was limited to your party, and insert them somewhere (I admit, cramming a coin into Moto’s mouth was fun).

Granted this isn’t necessary at all with only 2 Worlds completed, but in the future when this starts getting bigger an adventure mode would be very rad.
Maybe it’s just an “I’m too lazy to load up the hub & sub-hubs repeatedly”, or maybe I like the sound of going the whole distance as long as I can for as far I can. Either way it sounds like a pretty good yet (hopefully) simplistic addition.

Super Adventure Mode?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Crise.9401


The passwords you brought up gave me an idea… allow us to find a password in each level that can be used to unlock access up to that level for other characters… mostly for the sake of the reference but would also be nice for alts.

Super Adventure Mode?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Xalugami.2096


The passwords you brought up gave me an idea… allow us to find a password in each level that can be used to unlock access up to that level for other characters… mostly for the sake of the reference but would also be nice for alts.

Or even item passwords so you don’t need to spend 500 baubles on a bag… for 5+ characters lol
I do like the sound of this too though, I’d love to play W2 on my Norn but I don’t want to waste more Baubles on repeat upgrades any more (thanks acc bound rewards). Too bad for all its gaping flaws though (posting passwords on forums; which is still like old games, but I feel that would do more harm than good in SAB)

Super Adventure Mode?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Crise.9401


500 baubles is not that much, granted some people don’t like the backtracking aspect of it but considering how “Zen” world 1 is compared to world 2 right now, getting 500 baubles is not that big of an undertaking… since while dig spots are daily, key chests and hidden rooms are not.

As for the whole doing harm aspect of passwords, I think SAB is in a unique place because it can be hard content yet in no way should it be super serious content… it is enough of its own thing in my opinion to be hard yet lighthearted (for the lack of a better word) at the same time.

My suggestion is more for fun than actual utility, though granted it would allow some players to skip a level, if they need it, thankfully most item upgrades are in more than one shop, yes world one items are only in world one… but several times in the different levels.

If you really wanted to you could tie the ability to use a password (or even an upgrade, I guess) for a level on account level through achievements (ie. if your account has achievement from finding the password you can use it on any character from there on out).

(edited by Crise.9401)