What if Princess Miya turns out to be evil?

What if Princess Miya turns out to be evil?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Wild speculation time! Beware: Nonsensicalness contained within.

The short story focusing on Moto and his making the Super Adventure Box seems to imply that something’s off with Princess Miya.

What if we free her, then she convinces us to take her out of the Super Adventure Box? Moto might be elated at first to see his creation outside of the Box, but then she reveals herself to be 8-bit Moto in disguise!

“At last, I am free! Thank you, my creator. Your pride, rage, and selfish ways, they gave me form and substance! Even outside of the Box, I can still exist and remain. And now I will take your place and Super-Adventure-Boxify Tyria, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!

S/he might trap Moto (and/or us) inside the Super Adventure Box for a time, leading us to find a way to get out, either trying to contact Moto’s old krewe to help us, or getting the help of the friendly NPCs inside the Box to make a way back to our reality. Lord Vanquish could turn out to be a good guy, he was just trying to keep us from unleashing the princess on the world, and didn’t warn Moto because he thought Moto wouldn’t believe him and erase his memory/data.

After we escape, we find out that 8-bit Miya/Moto has pulled out all the enemies as well as the bosses from the Super Adventure Box and used them to make his/her army to conquer and Super-Adventure-Boxify Tyria, sending them all over using magical portals from the Box.

The story would culminate in us figuring out how to send all the animals/bosses back into the Box and de-rezzing Princess Miya/Moto to save Tyria from her/his 8-bit wrath.

And then after all is said and done, Moto could reward us with some special skins like giving us a choice of the flaming sword, power glove, etc.

Right…that might be even more nonsensical then the whole Scarlet fiasco.

Still, feedback? Thoughts?

(edited by Nilkemia.8507)

What if Princess Miya turns out to be evil?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Melfice.5091


No, just no. SAB should just stay as a minigame, if something like this would happen I quit

Professional noob guardian

What if Princess Miya turns out to be evil?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Yeah. Just some random thoughts. I honestly want the Super Adventure Box to stay as a minigame too. With the short story and Moto’s old krewe downstairs though, it seems like they’ve got something in mind. Although, it hopefully won’t turn out to be too crazy or involve a plot threatening Tyria, and just be its own thing.

Aww, you’re the only feedback I got. It’s because of the “Nonsensicalness” warning label I put, wasn’t it? I don’t care if Spellcheck doesn’t consider it a word, it’s a word now!