what timezone is update?
Some time tomorrow.
It’s never a set time, it’s when they have the patch ready to roll out. I’ve seen it at 1 pm eastern (so 10 am ArenaNet time), and I’ve drummed my fingers and not had it until 5 pm my time. I can remember this because on Tuesdays I have to leave at 5:30 and not play again until Wednesday late afternoon, so the late arrival of the patch hoses me for first look at the new content. Whereas an early rollout means I can really get a feel for it before it’s errands time.
I don’t think there is a set time… but it usually happens between 10am-12pm server time(PST).
Well Anet HQ is located in Washington on the West Coast US. So it’ll likely be between 8am and 6pm pst.
Usually they let them out the door pretty early in the morning though.
release is supposedly like all the other patches don’ you think? in middle europe its like 9pm… which is good cuz after worktime. just would be nice if they could let us download the update early enough to log right in. germany has some really bad internet connections outside the larger cities… (-_-) y-~~~
I’ve noticed most updates to arrive between 16:00 and 20:00 GMT. I prefer it to arrive around or before 16:00 GMT because I can download the patch during dinner :P
probably 6-9am PDT