Always-Online Super Adventure Box

Always-Online Super Adventure Box

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: greensuitjacket.9180


I really like the Super Adventure Box, but I don’t understand why the developers made it always-online.

You can easily solo the content, and there should be an offline mode for single-player. I would also like a friend to be able to play with a second controller offline.

It can’t be that hard to program an offline version of the SAB. Just the latest developer to go the always-online route.


Always-Online Super Adventure Box

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Jeffy The Bear.1560

Jeffy The Bear.1560

This always online DRM will be the downfall of gaming.

Always-Online Super Adventure Box

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Zeebok.1460


I lol’d.

/more chars…

Always-Online Super Adventure Box

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


Here’s the thing: if we don’t boycott ANet, then they get to call the shots. We’ll see the trend . You see, it’s a lame excuse that they’re stating that SAB is an MMO. Newsflash! It’s not. The max you can have is five people. That’s it!

And the small zones are pitiful. Someone had hacked the game and enabled a larger zone in SAB, proving that it’s already in the current build. Some speculate that increasing the zone requires gems. Gems!? We already paid $60 for this 7 months ago, and now you want more from us? Good grief!

And the AI they touted as the best-thing-ever is nothing more than childish programming. The AI attacks the nearest player even though they’re not attacking that AI. Shoddy, I tell you, and plain laziness. They said that the AI should attack the one who did aggro, not the player who did not aggro.

All in all, I’m dissatisfied with SAB. At least I have SimCity to play while this one blows over.

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) :

Always-Online Super Adventure Box

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Lunatic.9314


Stop trying to read into this like its a regular dungeon. It’s mad to be fun and a different element of the game. You can do it in a group or go in solo if you want… Simple! There’s no amazing rewards, just do it for something different.

Always-Online Super Adventure Box

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Miktar.4290


Lunatic, I think you missed the part where people were making a joke at the expense of SimCity.