Bugged Achivements?
You need Moto’s Breath from Zone 3.
Where is that at? It sounds like an item you’d have to talk to someone to get but I didn’t see anyone to talk too…or is it an item inside a hidden shop? (if so how many babbles?)
Hidden shop, no baubles. You’ll see the shop if/when you’re going for the title. Can’t really miss it if you explore zone 3 to the full extent.
Hint: The AlligatoCrocodilly that blocks an entrance is blocking an entrance.
The achievement is definitely bugged just not in the way you think, you are missing motos breath. But i do have all those stick, slingshot, candle, upgraded bag, bomb, health pot, extra heart, shovel, whip, and motos breath…if anyone knows something im missing do tell <3
You don’t need Extra Heart. Try buying a key from the store.