IMO It's Kinda Funny
I really hope that when it’s ready it’ll be permanent addition. As someone else said, I hope it could be purchased to my account’s / character’s home instances so I could play game within a game in my character’s home just like in the good old days. :P
I think even when they add all the worlds, they should add new secret stuff in it later on…
I’ve said it in the other thread.
It may or may not be a coincidence that it came out near the Game Developers Conference. They can make it a seasonal thing whenever games and electronics conference and shows are on like E3, TGS and others. It works since like you said, the theme of the whole thing is to pay homage to games that have gone before.
That way too, it’s not a once a year thing if that’s not often enough for people. I believe those shows are spread out over the year anyway.
So help me understand what seasonal significance SAB has.
You’re obviously the kind of person who will not change his mind whatever anybody says, so why waste the time?