Infantile Mode
Yeah, after completing the normal version i got 27/27 and all the other achievements.
Go figures i didnt wait for the miner cart and the part after that…
Now that we are talking about this mode… why not more dungeons offer this kind of “get to know the dungeon first before getting killed a 100 times by instagibs on nomal mode” mode?
It can help struggling players to get to know the dungeons and enemies before deciding if it is worth it to do in the first place.
Im looking through the dungeon forums to see if the developers have made any changes or they still “Dark Souls instagib” mode difficult.
If only Ninja Gaiden (1988 NES version) has this baby mode…. my poor, poor player 1 controller….
I ran it and ended up with 26/27 as well. What I did wrong was at the end of zone 1 where you climb the big hill to attack the cage, I just jumped up on a different side. So when I did it again I followed the guiding hands path and went through the checkpoint at the top and that was the missing one I needed.
Basically follow the guiding hands exactly where they point and you should have no problem getting 27/27.