Infantile mode feats 26/27. Any ideas?
Got it! For me it was the first shop after the first checkpoint in first zone.
Ty Niila! Had the same problem and funny enough it was the same place missing for me.
I went back to Zone 3 and the first place counted.
Looks like you can go anywhere and it’ll add you one again.
Do you have to beat the toad in order to get 27/27? Im stuck at 26.
im missing one tick for running infantile mode achievement. im at 26/27.
im not sure where to get it..i just reran zone 3 because there was a split path but that doenst seem to be it?
any idea?
Most certainly yes. You will get one feat for killing the toad if I recall correctly.
I got here by searching on Google, since I was also having the same issue (26/27 feats even though I followed the path). I tried visiting the first shop in Zone 1 like some of you said and it worked! Thanks guys. I know you don’t get any achievement points for finishing it, but I couldn’t let the month end with only one feat missing haha.