Less Players Required

Less Players Required

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I have 3 roommates who also play guild wars. Although one of them doesn’t play games right now due to personal issues, the rest of us get on GW2 to WvW and party together even though they aren’t max level/max gear. The Super Adventure Box is great, but having to get a few “pugs” to join is a pain since we can talk to each other and we don’t really use the party chat. Heck, we even get a hometown friend to hop in so we have 4 people… but we need 5 to be able to do it.

Is there any way to make it so that you can join with less than 5 people but make it less… effective, aka a little harder (other than the fact that you’re running with 4 people).

Beep boop.

(edited by Esplen.3940)

Less Players Required

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


it scales. no idea why it says you need 5. I’ve beaten it solo.

Less Players Required

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Esplen.3940


REALLY? Oh, I’m going in solo, then, baderp, sorry thanks. (Not going to close/delete so others can see.)

Less Players Required

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Gisei.5749


You don’t need a full group.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

Less Players Required

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


You can do it with as little number of players as simply yourself, solo. There’s no actual requirement for how many players are needed to do the Super Adventure Box, and I’ve done it solo the whole way through a couple of times now. Checkpoint switches will scale based on the amount of party members, as do the chest key requirements. Even the boss’s health scales.

You can in other words do it with the 2-3 roommates of yours that wish you to do it together with, without needing to involve others, should you do not wish to do so.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

(edited by Absconditus.6804)

Less Players Required

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Gisei.5749


Yeah, any party size can do it.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

Less Players Required

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Berobad.4536


Checkpoint switches will scale based on the amount of party members, as do the chest key requirements. Even the boss’s health scales.

To be exact, party members inside the instance.

Less Players Required

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I found 2 is most effective. 1 brings a whip, and the other the normal stick. Me and my friend brought down those angry dog bee mini-boss with ease. It does get a bit harder with the frog boss as dmg output is lower.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Less Players Required

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Checkpoint switches will scale based on the amount of party members, as do the chest key requirements.

Ah, I was wondering about those checkpoint switches. I went in a group of 4 last night and it seemed slow but we always got through.