New to SAB

New to SAB

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: safetybelt.5078


I haven’t done any of this yet and I have a few questions.

1. Is the entire thing soloable? I don’t want to go with experienced people as they’ll know what they’re doing and ruin some of the fun.

2. What kind of things can I get there? Just an idea (skins, minipets, etc), not exactly what I’ll find.

3. If I start today, will I be able to get everything I would want before it ends? I play an engineer so if there are weapon skins, I won’t need too many

Please no spoilers, I’m just interested in it and trying to gauge if its worth the time (I don’t usually have a lot of hours per day to play, so I’d have to NOT do something I already know I enjoy).

Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide!

Engineer – Maguuma – [PETP]

New to SAB

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Josh Foreman

Josh Foreman

Environment Design Specialist

1. Yes you can solo.
2. You get Baubles that you can use in SAB to buy SAB weapons and items like a shovel or slingshot that you use IN SAB. You can also get Bauble Bubbles (which are worth 250 Baubles) if you play on normal mode from the chests at the end of each zone. Those BBs are what you trade in for skins. The only Engi skin right now is a shield. You can also get a back pack.
3. You can play through and get 90% of the fun out of it in several hours. It depends on how much of a completionist you are. If you feel like you have to get every achievement and find every secret it will be quite a bit longer. I’d say jump in for an hour and see how you like it. You’ll have a pretty good idea if it’s your cup of tea in that amount of time.

New to SAB

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: safetybelt.5078


This is exactly what I was looking for <3

Engineer – Maguuma – [PETP]