Please Keep it in the game
I’ve been playing MMOs for around the same time as you, but I’m 21 not 24. I do have to comment that I WANT this to stay within the game beyond the month it’s staying. Yesterday I neglected the need to sleep because I loved the Box even if it’s three to five levels (If you count 2-1, and the bonus round.) I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it.
I’ve mentioned my joy over this to one of the Programmers in-game and all I can say is that I’m mesmerized by it. The look and feel of the Super Adventure Box reminds me of my early childhood of playing Commander Keen and Secret Agent and other 16-bit-like side-scrolling platformers.
I agree with the 10 gems per coin price too. It’s affordable in-game and it’ll be a real money maker.
P.S: Thank you ArenaNet for taking the time and effort to develop this. It’s fun, and it’s brought friends who left due to a lack of content back into the game. This is awesome, and I know if this was some other MMO this would be a fancy blog post or a webpage dedicated to this.