

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: mistt.3698


hello people and yesterday night me and some couple of friends have completed the whole story mode of the dungeon i must ask is there only story mode?? and i must say the dungeon doesn’t reward enough we have wasted something like 3 hours total and what we just got its 7 double baubles total i must know is there only story ?? or what is the story about wasting so much time in only 7 double baubles when i can farm alot more in tyria from chests


in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


….Lol. Considering a full run from a skilled player takes 15 minutes, you do realize it’s 250 Baubles for ONE Bauble Bubble, right?

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist


in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: SwickHobo.5096


yes u only get 7, yes there is only story. Don;t know how u managed to kill 3 hours in there tho. And even so, the first run is always the longest. Took me about 1 hour my first go through, now i can run through it in about 12 min solo quicker if u have a party for the toad


in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: mistt.3698


yes i do by the way when you say skilled players .. dude the dungeon is new no map no one knows where we need to go that stuff just took us the whole time


in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: twibs.2173


If you want a better reward then learn how to farm it. hard to complain about getting 7 bubbles when the skins only cost 50. if you got any more it would be too easy to get the skins


in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Froze Steel.7604

Froze Steel.7604

You mistaken Super adventure box for a full fledged dungeon…that was your first mistake. Its not. Its more of a jumping puzzle and along them lines the unique weapon skin rewards are far above what you would get from all other jumping puzzles.

If your only drive is to “farm Tyria” your gonna miss alot of good content.

Its an awesome addition to the game and I hope they keep it in year round.


in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Fay.2735


It’s not a dungeon it’s just a fun adventure/jumping mini-game experience set in a retro game style. I think it’s great for April Fools thing!

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
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