Screw Tyria...
Kind of…
Got to love it how they can come up with a premise like this that a ) still fits and b ) allows them to throw all lore out of the window for this content type. It is seriously a refreshing change of pace though.
However, the centaurs took over much of Queensdale in our absence. o.O
However, the centaurs took over much of Queensdale in our absence. o.O
Yeah we go off to play in our virtual world for a bit and our real world gets screwed by centaurs :/
However, the centaurs took over much of Queensdale in our absence. o.O
Yeah we go off to play in our virtual world for a bit and our real world gets screwed by centaurs :/
Wait, a virtual world inside a virtual world that takes attention away from the real world that is virtual :P.
Yeah, I think that is about right… well at least when you go back to Queensdale then i5 feels ever so slightly different for a brief moment.
Wait, a virtual world inside a virtual world that takes attention away from the real world that is virtual :P.
Sounds like a virtual inception. Virtualception?
holy paradox, batman!
seriously, tho- i read something the other day that said maplestory has had the largest player base for years and year now….. and it’s only 2D.
the Adventure Box has it beat hands down.
some day, it needs to be its own fully-fledged spinoff… but in the mean time, can we please GOD keep it?
Yo dawg I heard you like virtual worlds
I also heard you like treasure chests…
I think it’s a funny commentary on 1st/3rd world dynamics, that at the same time you have a tragic event in a virtual world like Flame and Frost, complete with sick and dying fugitives, half the population of heroes is distracted by virtual entertainment, ignoring their plight.
Oh, and I also also heard you like secret shops, so I…
Josh, check your PM please
Oh, and I also also heard you like secret shops, so I…
No wai I have to go look for it now!
I also heard you like treasure chests…
I think it’s a funny commentary on 1st/3rd world dynamics, that at the same time you have a tragic event in a virtual world like Flame and Frost, complete with sick and dying fugitives, half the population of heroes is distracted by virtual entertainment, ignoring their plight.
No rush, Rox and Braham are still on their way to part 4, nothing we can do about that but wait~
I also heard you like treasure chests…
I think it’s a funny commentary on 1st/3rd world dynamics, that at the same time you have a tragic event in a virtual world like Flame and Frost, complete with sick and dying fugitives, half the population of heroes is distracted by virtual entertainment, ignoring their plight.
Well, the refugees can come too; they need the escape from reality more than anyone. ;D Gotta keep them out of the Cove somehow.
Wait, a virtual world inside a virtual world that takes attention away from the real world that is virtual :P.
Sounds like a virtual inception. Virtualception?
your operating system is also a virtual world.
TripleVirtuaCeption. *duhduh-duhduh-duhduh*
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
I also heard you like treasure chests…
I think it’s a funny commentary on 1st/3rd world dynamics, that at the same time you have a tragic event in a virtual world like Flame and Frost, complete with sick and dying fugitives, half the population of heroes is distracted by virtual entertainment, ignoring their plight.
I think it’s more about one being much more engaging than the other.
…is there a shop inside a shop???
Time to carpet bomb every shop in the zone.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
The old asura woman complaining after Moto about videogames made me laugh
Was like… reality
I have to say that this so threw me off guard when I walked in.. Before I even went to rata sum I found a chest in Fireheart Rise while escorting Razen with 8 bit bunnies, I was like ‘Whaaaaaaaa?" After running through the dungeon and dying over and over and fighting toads and monkeys and a Frog King, I’ve got to say that this is so freakin’ awesome!
I know alot of us want it to stay after April, but if you think about it -> It will be best to have it for a limited time so we can experience it, talk about it afterwards about what we liked and disliked, and Anet can take all this in and come up with new ideas like it. Plus, think about it as an annual thing. “Its April, and the Asura race has brought the SAB back!” Or something along those lines.
On that thought, I’m actually waiting to see if they repeat content for holidays (like Mad King) or bring those contents back with a different twist and something new every time. Annnnd I need to stop typing here and stop rambling on lol.
If it disappears after April, I say increase the team’s budget and have them do something like this bi-monthly.
Pure skins, purely optional, purely fun. People love it.
(Make it fit with the lore of Tyria for bonus points)
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
For the last 3 days, the only time I’ve spent outside of the Adventure Box has been spent:
a) Travelling from where my characters were to Rata Sum
b) Depositing baubles in the bank
c) Gathering a group for the Super Adventure Box
d) Dailies
This coming from somebody who regularly does all mega-boss events and players about 5-6 hours per day; I know spend less than an hour outside the box each day and half of that is facilitating more time spent in the box… I got my Distinction in Applied Jumping an hour after logging in on day 2.
Heck, I just spent an hour getting the wallet upgrade and secret skill on 5 characters, and I’ve guided guildmates through getting 100% on each zone multiple times. I hope zone 2’s fun as well.
Tsch, who cares about grimy refugees dying in some far-off hellhole when there’s shiny baubles to be farmed in a virtual world, right?
a thousand hour plus on gw2,,…
been seeing tyria over and over and over and over again.
basically, I’m really2 bored of tyria! nometter where I am , its the same everywhere!
virtual world though, is a breath of fresh air! new environment and a new settings!
I doubt I’ll explore tyria even when they give a 50%+ world expansion.. since its just the same thing all over again, with different colors and minor tweaks! b7ut I’ll be sure to explore throughly world 2,3,4 of the box!
Oh, and I also also heard you like secret shops, so I…
Yeah, that one is hilarious.. couldn’t report the guy for scamming me though xD
Oh, and I also also heard you like secret shops, so I…
I see what you did there!
we get refugees in the real world… we come here for baubles
It’s the baubles! Shiny, round baubles.
If they’re green, yellow, red, and especially purple, all the more exciting! Good, clean fun.
I think it’s the economy. It’s much better managed in SAB than a little game called GW2. Though the fact it’s not run by an economist with an RNG fetish is a big help to SAB’s success.