Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: rainynoble.6531


Now it is the time to prove yourself!

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: capnkewl.5019


Worst speed run evar! But since no one else posted, Guess I am the fastest… IN THE WORLD. 13:58 for Zones 1,2,3.

*edit: The point of this is to get other people to post their times!

(edited by capnkewl.5019)

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: capnkewl.5019


12:24 with shortcut, nobody else? I know there are people out there that can beat this. z_z

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: MiloSales.8560


I’m probably around 13:30 myself, but with my GF, and two players is more difficult imo.
I’d FRAPS is, but I’m afraid it would lag me out

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I can get around 10 if I get a near-perfect run in, but my machine is finicky and I don’t want to get FPS drops because I’m recording since I’m at a stable 15 FPS…

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Sicktanick.4369


Only zone 1 but definitely gets you baubels worth time invested…in end 5 min run…keep in mind this isnt the full thing this is just to get ur skin as fast as possible after you got ur baubel bubbles for the day

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Only zone 1 but definitely gets you baubels worth time invested…in end 5 min run…keep in mind this isnt the full thing this is just to get ur skin as fast as possible after you got ur baubel bubbles for the day

Really? I timed myself from when I loaded in (started as soon as I started moving on the clouds) and I got 4 minutes on zone 1 with 3 deaths on the 3 bauble jump because I was trying to do it while my computer was fps dropping like mad.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Unknown.2796


What kind of speed runs are we talking about though?

Getting ALL the (achievement) baubles in the shortest amount of time or fastest person to reach and kill the toad?

cause once you get the achievement for collecting all baubles, it’s kinda hard to know if you missed one or two in later runs because you can’t really check it.

Location, location, location.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Esplen.3940


What kind of speed runs are we talking about though?

Getting ALL the (achievement) baubles in the shortest amount of time or fastest person to reach and kill the toad?

cause once you get the achievement for collecting all baubles, it’s kinda hard to know if you missed one or two in later runs because you can’t really check it.

Just getting the Bauble Bubbles, aka finishing the Zone as fast as possible.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Relic.7148


I got 14:06 and constantly lost on the final part of zone 3.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Healix.5819


10:40 (starting from the first map screen)


Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Unknown.2796


10:28 ~ still few mistakes.

Started timing from loading into Zone 1 until killing the King Toad.

Location, location, location.

(edited by Unknown.2796)

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


He’s probably not counting downtime between zones.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: TRON.1085


I did a casual speed farming video, run takes around 13 min not including cart.

Can farm 1 skin per day with 8 characters plus loads of chances on boss chests for skins.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Just saw the video for a time of 10:40. I guess the sling shot helps a ton.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: proxy.7963


These demand an in-game score board (with names limited to three characters).

Behold: Opinions!

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Relic.7148


New game+ run is much less interesting than a new game speed run.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


This is another reason why I think the Super Adventure Box could be a good permanent addition to the game. A MMO that actually has a game mode that Speed Runners can compete in? I can’t recall another MMO that provides that at least.

Add a little timer under the Team Score and you got something helping promote it for speed runs, even though the sites like SRL/SDA don’t always care about the in-game timer and rather starts their run timing at specific points, like after the Intro.

It could even be added to the upcoming public leaderboards, one for Infantile mode, one for Normal mode, and the when-it’s-ready Hard mode. Most old classic games ends up being used for speed running, even the “terrible” ones that everyone hates to play. It fits right into SAB.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


Record Time Speed Run: (9:58)

World 1 Zone 1: (2:38) Includes Intro
World 1 Zone 2: (2:49) Short Cut
World 1 Zone 3: (4:31)

Weapon of Choice: Sling Shot (When Still)
Weapon of Choice: Pointed Stick (When in the air including while jumping)

Edit: I forgot to include some pointers, there is a bug with the dodge roll that when activated to avoid combat, you get a slight speed increase for 1.25 seconds.

Also I did not run around mobs, I went threw some or jumped over them.

Another note is I cheated and ate the water damage in zone 2 and zone 3 to skip some stones or areas.

When you are in the short cut area, you need to press forward during the falling to prepare the jumping mode, you are auto laying down. Stick to the walls towards the beginning to move slightly faster.

You also have to time the jumps, so in example if you miscalculate the jump forward in the short cut and hit the ceiling in an odd angle, you actually lose a few seconds.

When exiting the worm, hit forward and not wait to hit the ground.

Zone 1 and Zone 2 boss cages can be hit by the sling shot by distance.

When dodging the cage boss in Zone 2, you have to hit the pointed stick and jump to the side at the same time when you are in the air to keep hitting the cage, this also includes the initial mushroom jump towards the cage.

The same initial jump in Zone 1 is accounted for as well. Start wacking when moving towards the cage.

Also at each check point, use the bounce it gives to move forward.

In Zone 3, very hard to explain about this area but you have to have the candle ready to swing in the air to avoid the stun near check point.

There are mushroom jumps at the end that will take you to the second and sorta used mushrooms at the third check point.

Make sure you are at the top for the third check point to use the leaves above that crackle apart.

There is a log up there saves you time but jump diagonally down by dodge rolling at the end of the log, then make your ways towards final check point.

Use the bounce from the check point and go for the Frog King.

Here RNG plays, you need to wack that amulet to get a gem fragment and its first attack should be the AoE Tongue. If not then you failed.

If so then use the sling shot. Get another fragment, its next attack should be a foot stomp, then followed by another AoE Tongue.

That’s how I did this speed run.

(edited by Shadowlancer.7102)

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: FourthVariety.5463


12:33 is my record with a stick only. I count from being able to run forward in 1-1 to the start of the death animation on the boss.

Not sure if the elite can be put to good use, but the sling seems to be the way to go.

Add five minutes if you create a new character each run.

Chance for a skin is currently 1:34 for me, but the sample size (2) is still way too low to call it definitive.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: x per fection x.2096

x per fection x.2096

Zone 1 – 2:33

Zone 2 – 3:05

Zone 3 – 4:30 ( im sure i could get this to at least 4:20 if i were to go back and do it, just grabbed this vid off a different run i did for guildy’s)


Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


For the future when giving times, please state what it is that you are timing and what was not timed. If you don’t time the transition phases then this should be noted.

My best time is 11:27 starting when you gain control after the cutscene and not stopping the timer until the frog king’s life is gone and he starts doing his death animation.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Wolfpackboy.9810


Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Unknown.2796


For the future when giving times, please state what it is that you are timing and what was not timed. If you don’t time the transition phases then this should be noted.

My best time is 11:27 starting when you gain control after the cutscene and not stopping the timer until the frog king’s life is gone and he starts doing his death animation.

Yeah, it would be nice if there were some rules or guide lines for posting times.
So everyone can compare instead of everyone trying to first match the same periods timed etc. Also I think recording should be a must, just for the sake of it actually happened and so we can see that people aren’t going all out on infantile mode, lol.

Location, location, location.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The cutscenes and downtime between zones are easy to determine since they don’t change (I assume). Recording the run is a good idea and I may die that assuming I can find a good program to stop down the file size to upload to YouTube.

I’d like to see a video of the run from the guy claiming to have done world 1 in 10 min. He has to have not counted cutscenes/downtime after bosses and show just the zone run only.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Rakuren Kenshou.7689

Rakuren Kenshou.7689

These demand an in-game score board (with names limited to three characters).

Please ANET! Please!

We had this for Roller Beetle Racing! Do it for this too!

And bring back Roller Beetle Racing while you’re at it. :P

“I reject your reality and substitute my own.”

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Relic.7148


New game (Stick run)

  • This assumes you are starting a new character. You have the stick, three hearts, 5 lives, and 0 baubles.
  • Collecting the Heart Vessel will invalidate the character since you can’t lock any hearts you’ve unlocked. The reason this is important is that you would normally die after three hearts of damage, food will heal more, and death abuse gives you full hearts.
  • Players cannot use any other skills.

New game+

  • Players have access to all skills.
  • Players can start with however many hearts, lives, and baubles they wish.

Individual levels

  • Rules for stick only and new game+ apply for individual levels.


  • Time starts when player gains control of the character.
  • Time stops when health bar of King Toad disappears and he begins his death animation.
  • For individual runs, time stops once the Cage health disappears and the countdown timer starts. On rapids, timer stops when the screen goes completely black.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: x per fection x.2096

x per fection x.2096

11:15 stick only starting from the moment i can hit forward to the second the boss death animation starts.

Theres to many factors that go into this to be able to say who is faster than who, obviously slingshot cuts a lot of time, the frog is the killer though, you can cut 15-20 seconds off depending on just the frog alone, maybe even more. Sometimes he just does not allow you to get a crystal right after you jump down. Sometimes he does the big plop right after, sometimes just one of the left or right. Its to random to be able to say.

Im sure if i sat there for 8-10 hours trying over and over i could easly get 10:45, i found 2 spots in 1:1 that i could cut 2-3 seconds off alone, and with the slingshot who knows? under 10:30 for sure.

Im done recording my runs but hopefully this video helps the rest of you out, im sure theres a lot of jumps in there you haven’t seen before. Good luck.


Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Healix.5819


9:46 from “go” position to killing King Toad / 10:09 from map screen to chest. Doing it without the slingshot resulted in a 10:40 run, so a slingshot is worth around 1 minute.


RNG on the boss can make a big difference. My previous kill for example was 10s quicker. I’ve also seen the boss start with a right stomp them do a tongue, then a left stomp then a tongue again – the fastest possible kill.

I made a few errors, which cost around 10 seconds. Factoring in that along with some good RNG, a sub 9 minute run should be possible.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


9:46 from “go” position to killing King Toad / 10:09 from map screen to chest. Doing it without the slingshot resulted in a 10:40 run, so a slingshot is worth around 1 minute.


RNG on the boss can make a big difference. My previous kill for example was 10s quicker. I’ve also seen the boss start with a right stomp them do a tongue, then a left stomp then a tongue again – the fastest possible kill.

I made a few errors, which cost around 10 seconds. Factoring in that along with some good RNG, a sub 9 minute run should be possible.

Very impressive you almost made that run perfect, however you lost a couple of seconds.

Towards beginning in World 1 Zone 1, you did not jump over or go threw certain enemies, and half-way ran around them. You lost 0.5 seconds when running around and half-way is 0.35 seconds.

I would practice on the short cut, a couple of times you hit the roof twice in the same area, so in other words every time you hit the roof without moving forward, you lose 0.65 seconds. So in essence, when you get close to the hills you want to time it so when you jump forward you are auto going down rather than hitting the edge.

World 1 Zone 2, it was almost flawless but towards the end on the final boss you messed up on the boss with the sling shot on the last 3 shots.

Also I saw in the first boss you tried use the stick the same time as the sling shot, you can’t, you have to time it. So when you get use to when the boss is going to attack you have to stop the sling shot at the same exact time as when the laser is going to start and hit with the stick and move at the same time then go back to sling shot.

One other thing I saw on both World 1 Zone 1&2 bosses, when you are going towards the cage, you have to swing the stick in the air, with timing, you can get 2 hits when jumping forward then you switch to sling shot.

Now on World 1 Zone 3 Frog Boss, you did pretty much everything right but RNG (Random number Generator) plays a huge role in this part.

To get the first gem, you have to get lucky in one of “Wooden Stick” swings and get a 50 damage hit, followed by another stick swing.

This will give you a gem, just in time before the AoE Tongue phase.

Also I notice one thing in error, when he is about to hit the ground, this takes practice, you start swing your stick or sling shot at 0.5 seconds before the ground, so when your casting phase is complete, it should hit the frog king right on time.

Also there is one extra attack you get, when you see he gets the invulnerable buff, cast the sling shot at 0.5 seconds before the buff is gone, you will get one extra hit, while he gets up.

Of course after this, RNG will play factor here, smack that necklace for a gem fragment and should get a stomp, followed by another AoE tongue.

If you can fix all those minor errors.

Your Total time, including the intro and map screens should be (9 minutes : 37 seconds).

Good Luck!

(edited by Shadowlancer.7102)

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Record Time Speed Run: (9:58)
Edit: I forgot to include some pointers, there is a bug with the dodge roll that when activated to avoid combat, you get a slight speed increase for 1.25 seconds.

This isnt a bug.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Draygo.9473


One thing to note that you do move faster when dodge rolling so there is no reason to sit on a full endurance bar unless you need to double dodge in the near future.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Relic.7148



Cut down my time somewhat to 11:20 and now it has sound! I’m pretty sure Healix’s route is optimal. I’m not sure if my method at the start of world 3 saves time are not, although it looks cooler. For reference, you save about 15-17 seconds each cage using slingshot over stick. You save probably a second each time you have a 9 hit cycle with the stick. There is a safe spot on the left side of the log to shoot the slingshot at the cage in the end of world 2 so you don’t have to run up to the cage.

Speed Runners: Prove Yourselves!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Halo.8976


Rapids, 3:06 with a shortcut I’ve discovered — http://youtu.be/tEEpHBc2-As