Super Backpack Cover and P. Fractal Capacitor

Super Backpack Cover and P. Fractal Capacitor

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Yujin.1785


What happens if I apply the skin on the Prototype Fractal Capacitor (Ascended)? Is it still possible to turn it into the Fractal Capacitor (infused) with the Super Backpack skin?

Super Backpack Cover and P. Fractal Capacitor

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Not 100% sure if you are able to, but if you would, it would become the Fractal Capacitor (infused) and not retain the super backpack skin. If you want the skin, I would suggest holding it until you upgrade you capacitor.

Super Backpack Cover and P. Fractal Capacitor

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Yujin.1785


Not 100% sure if you are able to, but if you would, it would become the Fractal Capacitor (infused) and not retain the super backpack skin. If you want the skin, I would suggest holding it until you upgrade you capacitor.

Bummer… Wanted to use the skin now rather than hoard on for 250 ectos… Oh well. Thanks for the reply.

Super Backpack Cover and P. Fractal Capacitor

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Highly doubtful. I know for a fact if you transmute the Legendary Sunrise/Twilight with something else, you can’t combine them again for Eternity.

Super Backpack Cover and P. Fractal Capacitor

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

I transmuted my backpack with the Quaggan backpack, and I can still use it in the forge together with the rest of the Fractal Capacitor items. So yes you can. However you will lose the skin after you forge it.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

Super Backpack Cover and P. Fractal Capacitor

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Yujin.1785


I transmuted my backpack with the Quaggan backpack, and I can still use it in the forge together with the rest of the Fractal Capacitor items. So yes you can. However you will lose the skin after you forge it.

Thanks for testing it! Guess I’ll skip the super backpack then.

Super Backpack Cover and P. Fractal Capacitor

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: TheBandicoot.5294


Highly doubtful. I know for a fact if you transmute the Legendary Sunrise/Twilight with something else, you can’t combine them again for Eternity.

That happens because you keep the skin, not the weapon. If you´d transmute the skin of the Super Greatdsword onto your Twilight, you´d keep thr weapon itself and thus the ability to fuse it with Dawn.
The same applies for the fractal capacitor: since you transmute a skin onto it, the back stays the same and thus is still be able to be infused. However, as already stated, the process of infusing the capacitor is using the mystic forge, and all processes in the mystic forge create a new item, losing all properties of the ingredients. bad, if you want to keep the skin. but it does have a good side: After infusing ascended items they are account bound and not soulbound – so do not throw away used ascended rings. if they are not already infused, you can infuse them in order to use them on another char.