Why are my 8bit items disapearing?

Why are my 8bit items disapearing?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Raea.8419



So I personally love the 8bit mini game that the A-net team added. I was originally really shocked when i entered the world, then my childhood came screaming back at me with joy. I played some of the original NES, supper nintento, etc etc etc and this just makes me wish the old systems i have still worked.

But to the point. Yesterday, I bought the shovel and got all the way up to the rapids. I did not get my hundred digs because i was too wrapped up in the jumping puzzles, good laughs with my guild and the white water rafting at the end. So this morning i went back on my Ele and discovered i didnt have my shovel. So i went to litterly all the shops to buy another shovel. But, the shovel isnt apearing! So i dont know what to do to get the achievement.

So after being bumed about my shovel, i decided to find all the secret rooms and spend 200 on the bomb. The bomb has stayed and i have been able to show guildies the rooms. However, i got the candle and then the whip. Both the candle and the whip didnt show up in my 8bit UI. So have i waisted all those baubles? Will i get a refund? Is this a bug? Help?

Thank you for your time and i hope to hear from my fellow gamers or the Anet team. Ty again for this awesome minigame and good luck with the many other worlds/items.

Why are my 8bit items disapearing?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Serious.4839


The only thing that I can think of is that maybe you have the bomb equipped, which would be hiding your other skills. Your 5 skill should unequip your bomb and allow you to access the other skills if this is the case.

Sea of Sorrows

Why are my 8bit items disapearing?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Raea.8419


That is a very good idea, but i already tried that. The items just dont show up period, bomb equipt or not =/

My fiance who also plays, he got both the whip and the candle. No problems with him with them showing up in his invintory.

Why are my 8bit items disapearing?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


That is a very good idea, but i already tried that. The items just dont show up period, bomb equipt or not =/

My fiance who also plays, he got both the whip and the candle. No problems with him with them showing up in his invintory.

So your fiancee is the one into whips and hot wax?


Why are my 8bit items disapearing?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Raea.8419


haha, no not really XD

but a very witty comment

Why are my 8bit items disapearing?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Raea.8419


So i have gone on another toon and i can buy the shovel/the candle. However, i am going to wait befpre i spend a another couple hundred baubles instead of getting the back piece or the greatsword/staff

Why are my 8bit items disapearing?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Raea.8419


So when my fiance went to work today i went on his computer which is much much better than mine and can actually load SAB under a minute instead of my 5-7 minute loading screen. To my suprise when i logged in on my ele and decided to do zone 1-2, i had my items! I dont know if it was my computer not wanting to load everything (half the time i have to have guildies mark out targets and pray i hit something) or i was jsut being special wth the bombs as Serious suggested.

Thank you all for reading and for the few comments. GL and may your april fools day be awesome

Why are my 8bit items disapearing?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I noticed it when I had a key equipped. When I dropped it, and stowed whatever, everything appeared.

It could be caused by picking up a key while having the bomb ready on slot 2. When you un-equip the key, the bomb is on slot 3. Equipping the bomb and stowing it should fix it.

Anyone want to verify this?