Will Baubles still be used in the next SAB

Will Baubles still be used in the next SAB

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Pepcfreak.5984


Will Bubble Baubles still be used in the next SAB?

Or should i spend all now?

Will Baubles still be used in the next SAB

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

Yes Bubble Baubles can still be used for the new skins, however, these old ones (Greatsword, Sword, Staff, Scepter, Shield, Bows) will most likely not be available when SAB returns. So Iā€™d advise to spend them now. You can always farm more Bubble Baubles when SAB returns cause world 1 WILL be open again on its return.

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