fun till you get to the frog boss
It can be easily soloed. Just learn its attacks, they’re all telegraphed and easy to avoid, and don’t screw up with the shards.
We completed him.
When you can no longer use shards and he has 1% hp left use bombs when he open his mouth.
Hope This Helps
Fix it? You’re just bad – learn how to do it
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Ahhh so we MUST buy bombs before we get to this boss then?
watch what his eyes do very closely
youll learn the pattern then
Learn to read people. The problem with the frog isn’t that its too hard, its bugged and stops dropping the crystals you need to kill it.
Make sure that crystal hp is higher than frog hp. If it’s lower it’s possible you won’t get enough shards and you can’t finish the boss.
Just hit the crystal until two of your party members get a shard each one. They have to position on the rocks (back in acid) to ensure avoiding attacks. Don’t hit the crystal anymore in order to avoid lowering crystal hp in vain (2 shards each time are enough). When the Frog open the mouth just throw the 2 shards (the other 3 party members have to dodge the attack). At this point the frog become vulnerable/stunned… All the party members have to hit him! Repeat this way a few time…
Server: Piken Square
Leader of Dark Shines [Dsh]
buy the bombs, they are in there for a reason
Environment Design Specialist
You don’t need bombs. They just do double damage. The shard bug is getting fixed right now.
Our frog was going well until I completed the daily dodger achievement, he was at like 5% health (if that) and once the achievement popped, he bugged out. We’re still just sitting in here by him trying to figure out if its possible.
Te Nosce [TC]
He bugged out for us as well but we still managed to complete it. You need to hit him in the center, from inside the frog. Or this is what the person that got the last hit said
Ahhh so we MUST buy bombs before we get to this boss then?
and the frog is not that hard
Sooo my party and I are now screwed because no more jewels? Fun
Tbh, the frog was fugging hard FOR ME…
Yes he had a pattern, but between the water, and the completely unavoidable (to me) attacks… I wasted 3 continue coins on this fecker… and still had not a single clue as to how to defeat him. The only target the entire time was the crystal… which according to others here, is NOT what you need to hit to kill him… Gonna be easier for me to hit the chests than complete this.
When the crystal drops a shard, you have to keep avoiding his attacks until he starts moving his head left and right. That means he’s about to open his mouth. Grab the shard, target his head, and throw the shard to daze him temporarily. Now hit him until he gets out of it, and repeat. That’s the process to damaging him.
His other attacks however…well, if he’s looking to the right, get on the left platform. If he’s looking to the left, get on the right platform. If his eyes are darting both ways, he’s about to jump, so GET THE HELL OFF THE PLATFORMS and start jumping around on the lilypads until the waves are gone. Lather, rinse, repeat. And yes, this IS fairly hard to accomplish, as I had quite the problems with him.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
We finally killed him, but we had to invite 3 more people to help us. ^^
Tbh, the frog was fugging hard FOR ME…
Yes he had a pattern, but between the water, and the completely unavoidable (to me) attacks… I wasted 3 continue coins on this fecker… and still had not a single clue as to how to defeat him. The only target the entire time was the crystal… which according to others here, is NOT what you need to hit to kill him… Gonna be easier for me to hit the chests than complete this.
I thought it was hard, but sometimes I like challenging experiences. It was a great boss.
Frog King dislikes Jewel Shards.
He’s a cake-walk.
His eyes look left, go to right lilly,
His eyes look right, go to the left lilly.
He shakes his head be ready to dodge the tongue.
He starts humping the ground get back to one of the stones.
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
After spending a bit of time figuring out his mechanics, I decided to write up a guide for yall.
I finally beat him while soloing world 1. I went through TWO, not one, but TWO of his life bars with the sheer might and will of my sword…….. err stick. Eventually, I called it quits and came here to the forums. Who would’ve thought that all I needed to do was throw some jewel shards down his throat -.-
His attacks were super easy to dodge and he was an extremely easy boss, my problem was just how to kill him, other than using my mighty stick
Don’t forget to target him before you throw the jewels at him. If you don’t, they will just go into the ground. I had this problem for awhile until I figured out you need to target him. You can just use your target nearest hotkey (I think it’s on “c” by default) to make this easier.
I found his big wave when he jumps u kitten ometimes impossible to completely avoid, as in you dodge through, get a few “evades”, but it will still hit you at some point.
But yeah, he’s not that complicated once you figure him out. That is, “It’s easier once you know how”.
To be fair, the icon on picking up the jewel is a major hint. MAJOR hint.
Just a reminder to people that you have a dodge button. You never need to leave the front lily pads if you have good timing.
You don’t need bombs. They just do double damage. The shard bug is getting fixed right now.
Not even joking here but you guys need to spend ALOT MORE TIME on boss hitboxes and targetting, I was soloing that frog boss and honestly it’s great fun but I just died for the second time without any continues because of the horrific targetting. I sat back on a rock literally clicking all over the frog and spamming tab target trying to kittening find it and failed, then out came the tongue and boom.
It would seriously make the game so much more fun.
You can stand under the boss’s chin to avoid the tongue (though you should be throwing a crystal instead).
You can just click the boss’ face to target the crystal throw.
You can hop back to the grey stones to avoid the big stomp.
But yeah. watching his eyes (wow dem eyebrows!) telegraphs most everything.
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
after running this for 5 times I’ve mastered it. Hit his amulet, grab a shard, stand on a stone between the leaves, when he looks around he’s about to open his mouth, run on a lily pad, throw the shard in, smack him a lot, rinse and repeat. If you have a full team of 5 with you, position all of them on a rock and give signal to go towards the boss when he opens his mouth.
I don’t understand why people think the frog king is so hard.
1. Smack necklace
2. Grab crystal and run to rock
3. Throw crystal into his open mouth
4. Smash his face
5. Repeat steps 1-4 until whipped
I thought it was easy and fun!
I had trouble the first time I fought him but once I learned the pattern it was very easy to beat him.
The biggest thing that helped me was hopping across the lily pads to avoid the big aoe he does, since dodging on the three large lily pads simply wasn’t enough. Once you know how to out-range and avoid his aoes entirely he’s a joke.
Easily one of the most interesting boss battles in the game to be honest :P
The boss is a cakewalk once you learn its attacks. One thing you should take into consideration is that it’s far safer to dodge by running to safe spots than to dodge by using the dodge button. You can very easily roll off the lily pads and take damage from the swamp water as a result.
(edited by TwoBit.5903)
Easy – solo – done…
What’s the problem?
You don’t need bombs. They just do double damage. The shard bug is getting fixed right now.
Not even joking here but you guys need to spend ALOT MORE TIME on boss hitboxes and targetting, I was soloing that frog boss and honestly it’s great fun but I just died for the second time without any continues because of the horrific targetting. I sat back on a rock literally clicking all over the frog and spamming tab target trying to kittening find it and failed, then out came the tongue and boom.
It would seriously make the game so much more fun.
Exactly,trying to target the boss was annoying,but otherwise it was easy.
as with lots of people, i tried to zerg it down at first.
but after a few deaths, i realise it ain’t gonna work.
thats when i just stood on top and watch its patterns.
after that, i tame the frog king. own it without taking damage.
now, he croaks.
He’s tough at first until you learn the pattern then it’s super easy.
Solo mode way:
When you get on the pad, smack at the giant jewel until one pops out. Don’t grab it yet because it’s going to stomp the ground with a left or right ( watch the eyes).
After he stomps then grab the jewel and head to a rock and stand there wait for him to open his mouth, toss the jewel in.
After he’s down start smacking on him and as he is getting up this leaves a few seconds for you to hit at the jewel again. One should pop out.
Rinse repeat until dead.
2-5 players
Same as solo, except 1 person does the jewel grabbing, everyone else stays on the rock until frog goes down. All hit him then rinse repeat.
He is easily soloable.
1- Entry to fight. This is the hardest part.
When you enter the fight, head straight for the middle platform. You may have to take a sacrificial hit/death. Avoiding his attacks if you can, gun it straight for the amulet and beat that thing like a drum. Do not stop to pick up the first shard which pops. Pop multiple shards, this makes it easier. If you’re unlucky and slow, this part may kill you but you have lives to no worries.
2- First stun.
Now with a few shards on the ground, pick one up and retreat to one of the rocks in the water. This is your safe haven, none of the attacks can hit you apart from his tongue which is the one you stun.
The pre-animation to his tongue attack is when he opens his mouth and wiggles his tongue from side to side. When you see this, move forward and throw shard immediately. This will stun him. Now that he is stunned, spam bombs like there is no tomorrow. When the stun is finished, quickly grab another one of the shards that you should have knocked off earlier and move back to the safe haven.
Rinse and repeat.
If you can’t damage him fast enough, you may have to move back in to break more shards. For this reason, you should probably spend some baubles on potions before you enter for a bit of survivability.
This is a very good way to earn Bauble Bubbles quickly. You can speed run through zones 1, 2, and 3 very quickly (Around 20-30mins) in you concentrate on just getting to the end reward of each zone. Of course, this isn’t as fun. you can only do this once a day though, but that’s still a truckload of bubble-baubles (6 per day minimum). If you can set aside 30 mins each day to do it, that comes to around 160-180 Bubble Baubles over the course of the month.
You don’t need bombs. They just do double damage. The shard bug is getting fixed right now.
Not even joking here but you guys need to spend ALOT MORE TIME on boss hitboxes and targetting, I was soloing that frog boss and honestly it’s great fun but I just died for the second time without any continues because of the horrific targetting. I sat back on a rock literally clicking all over the frog and spamming tab target trying to kittening find it and failed, then out came the tongue and boom.
It would seriously make the game so much more fun.
Exactly,trying to target the boss was annoying,but otherwise it was easy.
You’re not SUPPOSED to target the boss until he starts waving his head around. Until then, you can only target his necklace to create jewel fragments. The boss fight works fine and the targeting is perfect. The problems I have are with avoiding his attacks as jumping is the equivalent of rolling unless we’re talking about his tongue, which is really awkward because rolling doesn’t do anything unless we’re talking about his tongue.