gw2 vs supermario...

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Falaur.2793


structured pvp: always with less contents, instead of adding… you remove contents,
an entire slice of the game practically does not exist and you stand to make games 8bit version instead of ending up Guild Wars 2…
WvWvW: practically left to itself..
PvE: instead do a good job, but carry on the good work you have done with the Fractal would be even better, would be great if you put in all instanced the system of fractal

We bought Guild Wars 2 not Super Mario bross, that content is interesting, and you are done a good work, but before that i prefer you finished Guild Wars 2… use your resources and time for GW2 first….

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: ZenonSeth.5739


I don’t like fractals, and I avoid any sort of PvP. From what I heard, WvW is pretty good though. And I can testify that PvE is continuously expanding – the SAB is one of those expansions, along with the fun stuff on the Southsun Cove.

And I would like ANet to continue working and expanding the SAB.

So, it looks like its your opinion vs mine.
Now what?

Are ye laughin’ yet?

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Another one that fails to realize that this is GW2, and likely will have no idea what I’m talking about.


gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: numri.7081


There seems to be a major misconception of how the gaming industry (tbh any industry) works.

There are many employees, many branches, many different developers.

Just because your brother is building his own house doesn’t mean you can’t build a new car at the same time.

As stated by the developers in a previous thread “We are a very small team working on SAB”.

Don’t hate, coagulate.

Head-vagrant of the [Hobo] Union
[Underworld – Warrior] Mary Maceless
Occasionally streaming @

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Falaur.2793


ok i play with Super Mario fan gamers -_-’
you like NintArenaNetTendo :-P

I like ArenaNet and real contents of Gw2
If I liked SuperMario I would have bought Wii ^_^’

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: ZenonSeth.5739


You only skim the surface. Forget the graphics and sound effects for a moment.

SAB has more exploration and jumping puzzles, as well as hidden areas, concentrated per zone than all other places I’ve seen.

It has combat that makes everyone equal, and makes you dependent entirely on your skills.

Even if it wasn’t in old-school graphics and sounds, it would still be a fun place for those reasons. And those reasons are not something entirely related to “super mario fans” or “NintArenaNetTendo” (try saying that five times fast..)

Are ye laughin’ yet?

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Falaur.2793


i say this for trolling xD this is not supermario, but i prefer finished all contents of real Gw2, and after other contents with "supermario " , super adventure box is very big content and time used for this i prefer used for finish pvp zone and other things

(edited by Falaur.2793)

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Don’t be naive, OP. There are many parts of the game that players can enjoy. Some like jumping and exploring and finding things in GW2, and some like dungeons and high-end content, and some like PvP, and some like WvW. There is room for all of these things, and the teams working on all of these things are different.

ANet is not hurting the progress on other fronts by having events like the SAB. There is no downside to them continuing to work on it; au contraire, it enables players who like exploring and platforming and being rewarded for it to have something to enjoy too at long last!

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Hmm, if Mario gets to jump over GW2 then Mario wins, but if GW2 is able to touch Mario, he’s done for.

I love GW2’s mini games like wintersday’s snowball mayhem and SAB. It’s a refreshing break that keeps me from being totally jaded from PvE. I do however wonder how they could make so much awesome weapon skins (like the super shield) and still neglect the legendaries that desperately needs effect upgrades.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Mirta.5029


i say this for trolling xD this is not supermario, but i prefer finished all contents of real Gw2, and after other contents with "supermario " , super adventure box is very big content and time used for this i prefer used for finish pvp zone and other thinks

you already got an answer to that:

There seems to be a major misconception of how the gaming industry (tbh any industry) works.

There are many employees, many branches, many different developers.

Just because your brother is building his own house doesn’t mean you can’t build a new car at the same time.

As stated by the developers in a previous thread “We are a very small team working on SAB”.

Don’t hate, coagulate.

PvE, PvP and WvW are being worked on at the same time. The team behind SaB is small and still wouldn’t be assigned for PvP even if there was no SaB. You seem to not be able to get it.

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


i say this for trolling xD this is not supermario, but i prefer finished all contents of real Gw2, and after other contents with "supermario " , super adventure box is very big content and time used for this i prefer used for finish pvp zone and other thinks


OK, let’s try this slow and easy. These little events, these holiday jumping puzzles and clock towers and chests that appear in the world, these pixellated bunnies and snakes and pumpkins and skins of myriad sorts… these ARE contents of real GW2. It’s all a part of the same whole, with it’s own cast and krewe spending countless hours to bring us their special and specific flavors to add to the Tyrian potpourri.

The Super Adventure Box is as much a part of GW2 (now) as Orr or WvW. It may be a piece that you like, it may not be one you favor, but it’s still a part of the greater whole.


gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: HellOfGods.9873


stop making SAB better then it is .

it sucks .. i dont care who the makers are ,, They should have uploaded in a B class Game
or minecraft .. maybe WoW ..

This makes no sence at all ..

There is a diffence between a market and a company .. a company like arenanet should have bring A class Things

a market Gives you B and C class Things ..

So arena net is lowering their effort .. cause when i stand For A class i wont be giving ? C class kitten like Sab away into my game because it will crush my reputation , my finance , and my Customers ..

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Mirta.5029


stop making SAB better then it is .

it sucks .. i dont care who the makers are ,, They should have uploaded in a B class Game
or minecraft .. maybe WoW ..

This makes no sence at all ..

There is a diffence between a market and a company .. a company like arenanet should have bring A class Things

a market Gives you B and C class Things ..

So arena net is lowering their effort .. cause when i stand For A class i wont be giving ? C class kitten like Sab away into my game because it will crush my reputation , my finance , and my Customers ..

having in mind how well received SaB is I think you don’t know your customers. If you don’t like it, then it’s just an April Fools event, you don’t have to like it or participate in it, however the community likes it.

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Falaur.2793


I Repeat:
For me, the content is funny….and is a good work… but since in structured pvp there’s nothing! Structured pvp is one of 3 important mode of the game! I’d rather give priority to finish the game, and then the extra

the game is up for 6 months and in structured pvp instead of adding new things, take things away… in gw1 pvp was beautiful and full of Contents

they are divided into groups, ok, but they could pause the group of the extra and speed the most important and must remained behind…

if this continues the pvp mode disappears ………..

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

I Repeat:
For me, the content is funny….and is a good work… but since in structured pvp there’s nothing! Structured pvp is one of 3 important mode of the game! I’d rather give priority to finish the game, and then the extra

the game is up for 6 months and in structured pvp instead of adding new things, take things away… in gw1 pvp was beautiful and full of Contents

they are divided into groups, ok, but they could pause the group of the extra and speed the most important and must remained behind…

if this continues the pvp mode disappears ………..

A character artist or sound designer would not be able to help develop a new PvP mode. In a company of any significant size employees are specialized and as such you can’t just “pause” the development of new character models or something and send those people over to help debug a new game mode, they have entirely different skill sets.

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Raine.1394


i say this for trolling xD this is not supermario, but i prefer finished all contents of real Gw2, and after other contents with "supermario " , super adventure box is very big content and time used for this i prefer used for finish pvp zone and other thinks

you already got an answer to that:

There seems to be a major misconception of how the gaming industry (tbh any industry) works.

There are many employees, many branches, many different developers.

Just because your brother is building his own house doesn’t mean you can’t build a new car at the same time.

As stated by the developers in a previous thread “We are a very small team working on SAB”.

Don’t hate, coagulate.

PvE, PvP and WvW are being worked on at the same time. The team behind SaB is small and still wouldn’t be assigned for PvP even if there was no SaB. You seem to not be able to get it.

I think he understands how software development works and that’s his point. Developer resources are always scarce and all initiatives compete for resources. The living story blog referred to delivering it’s ‘content’ in ‘teasers’ till now, but that developers were rolling off other projects and could now develop living story content.

That’s the way it actually works and that is the objection to SAB. It’s an addition to their value proposition for a certain player niche. It is a distraction and detraction from the core game GW2 which desperately needs attention.

I have no problem with mini-games and monthly events per se. They can have their place and be added over time. The issue here, however, is simply not understanding what should be the priority.

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I Repeat:
For me, the content is funny….and is a good work… but since in structured pvp there’s nothing! Structured pvp is one of 3 important mode of the game! I’d rather give priority to finish the game, and then the extra

the game is up for 6 months and in structured pvp instead of adding new things, take things away… in gw1 pvp was beautiful and full of Contents

they are divided into groups, ok, but they could pause the group of the extra and speed the most important and must remained behind…

if this continues the pvp mode disappears ………..

Why are you repeating yourself when you didn’t bother to read what those responding to you said.

The SAB team has NOTHING to do with anything you want done. That is an entirely different team. The SAB team works on fun little diversions to keep our attention, like SAB. The PvP team works on making PvP better, either with new content or balancing or whatever.

If you like SAB then like it and be glad the Fun Little Events team decided to make it. Don’t grumble that they didn’t make something that isn’t relevant to their job title. If you didn’t like, then hope they come up with something more to your liking next time, as long as your liking in this case is for Fun Little Events that are not related to PvP, WvW, Balancing and Major Development.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Hexs.8015


Super adventure box IS guild wars 2. Game is more than wow esque pve and pvp.

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: locoman.1974


i say this for trolling xD this is not supermario, but i prefer finished all contents of real Gw2, and after other contents with "supermario " , super adventure box is very big content and time used for this i prefer used for finish pvp zone and other thinks

you already got an answer to that:

There seems to be a major misconception of how the gaming industry (tbh any industry) works.

There are many employees, many branches, many different developers.

Just because your brother is building his own house doesn’t mean you can’t build a new car at the same time.

As stated by the developers in a previous thread “We are a very small team working on SAB”.

Don’t hate, coagulate.

PvE, PvP and WvW are being worked on at the same time. The team behind SaB is small and still wouldn’t be assigned for PvP even if there was no SaB. You seem to not be able to get it.

I think he understands how software development works and that’s his point. Developer resources are always scarce and all initiatives compete for resources. The living story blog referred to delivering it’s ‘content’ in ‘teasers’ till now, but that developers were rolling off other projects and could now develop living story content.

That’s the way it actually works and that is the objection to SAB. It’s an addition to their value proposition for a certain player niche. It is a distraction and detraction from the core game GW2 which desperately needs attention.

I have no problem with mini-games and monthly events per se. They can have their place and be added over time. The issue here, however, is simply not understanding what should be the priority.

The player niche seems to be rather big considering the overwhelming positive reaction I’ve seen to SAB both in game and in forums. That said, as lots of other people have said over and over, games work in teams, and the team working on SAB is a rather small team and one that is focused on these kind of things, events, jumping puzzles and things like that. Developing this doesn’t take any resource or time from the things you want developed (and are being developed).

Let’s say the entire SAB team is scrapped and devote them to sPvP. Some people might be able to transfer their skills (maybe art, for example, though I don’t think it’s what those other areas are suffering for)… it would actually, at least for a while, make work in the areas you want to be worked on be even slower, because now you’d need to retrain people to work in an area they might not be the best for their particular skills, plus now you have to take people that are actually working on those changes to retrain them, plus you now have people that have demonstrated to excel in a particular area of the game design doing completely different things.

There are some areas where more people + more money is not equal to faster work… and game development can be one of those, for example.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Victory.2879


I’m glad Jump Puzzle 2 is so popular as this seems to be the way the game is going- the 4 year old next door loves the latest instalment.

The argument about resources is pertinent, as is the argument about priorities- and right now the priority is clearly jump puzzles and pve, which are where the resources are concentrated, and wvw is only seemingly dealt with if it happens to impact on pve.

The argument about reallocating the SAB team and it taking time to retrain them etc entirely missed the point, which is that the resources should have been allocated to dealing with existing issues in the first place – so the SAB team wouldn’t have been hired and instead an additional team would have been formed using that finite resource of cash and tasked with fixing the game’s many existing issues.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Heijincks.9267


I’m glad Jump Puzzle 2 is so popular as this seems to be the way the game is going- the 4 year old next door loves the latest instalment.

The argument about resources is pertinent, as is the argument about priorities- and right now the priority is clearly jump puzzles and pve, which are where the resources are concentrated, and wvw is only seemingly dealt with if it happens to impact on pve.

The argument about reallocating the SAB team and it taking time to retrain them etc entirely missed the point, which is that the resources should have been allocated to dealing with existing issues in the first place – so the SAB team wouldn’t have been hired and instead an additional team would have been formed using that finite resource of cash and tasked with fixing the game’s many existing issues.

You’re forgetting that SAB is a really tiny project that’s simply been overwhelmingly well received. It’s certainly “hardly the direction GW2 is taking”, and even if it is I surely wouldn’t mind it. The only people who say “only 4 year olds would like this” are people who think Call of Duty as a definition of a “mature” game.

The SAB team is really small (stated by the dev of SAB in another post) and making them “fix the issues” preexisting probably won’t even make a difference. Asides, I wouldn’t mind sacrificing a bit of “fixing of the issues” if we can have fun like this.

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Will sab be permanent?

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


For clarity, half the time we were working on SAB we had 3 people working on it. Only added the rest of the core group a couple moths ago. And Anet is closer to 300 employees. And trust me, you do NOT want me balancing your favorite class!

L2read people.
The SAB team is the jumping puzzle team.
The SAB team is NOT the spvp team.
The SAB team is NOT the wvw team.
The SAB team is NOT the dungeon team.
The SAB team is NOT the balance team.
The SAB team is NOT the bugfix team.

Go read this while you’re at it:

That is a stock standard monthly update that we got at the same time as the SAB, Anet clearly dropped everything else to make their april fools event didn’t they? -.-

gw2 vs supermario...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Mirta.5029


i say this for trolling xD this is not supermario, but i prefer finished all contents of real Gw2, and after other contents with "supermario " , super adventure box is very big content and time used for this i prefer used for finish pvp zone and other thinks

you already got an answer to that:

There seems to be a major misconception of how the gaming industry (tbh any industry) works.

There are many employees, many branches, many different developers.

Just because your brother is building his own house doesn’t mean you can’t build a new car at the same time.

As stated by the developers in a previous thread “We are a very small team working on SAB”.

Don’t hate, coagulate.

PvE, PvP and WvW are being worked on at the same time. The team behind SaB is small and still wouldn’t be assigned for PvP even if there was no SaB. You seem to not be able to get it.

I think he understands how software development works and that’s his point. Developer resources are always scarce and all initiatives compete for resources. The living story blog referred to delivering it’s ‘content’ in ‘teasers’ till now, but that developers were rolling off other projects and could now develop living story content.

That’s the way it actually works and that is the objection to SAB. It’s an addition to their value proposition for a certain player niche. It is a distraction and detraction from the core game GW2 which desperately needs attention.

I have no problem with mini-games and monthly events per se. They can have their place and be added over time. The issue here, however, is simply not understanding what should be the priority.

read other forum topics then. 8 people were assigned to SaB in total. Only 3 people worked on it for the most part of it. There’s 300 people working on GW2 currently. Wow those 8 people would have made such a huge difference somewhere else!