Dungeon is work not fun
Haaaaaaaave you thought this may be only your party?
Mine for one did it on first try. There’s nothing hard to it.
The new dungeon is awesome. If you fail, I suggest you fail less.
Nameless Inversion/Ascension/Evasion/Ruination/Impression/Perdition/Compassion/Tactician
Guild Wars 2 will be an amazing game when it’s finished. Compare Prophecies to EotN!
good story bros
Repeatedly wiping suggests there’s a problem with your group. 8 wipes in a row is just…excessively bad. Maybe you just had a really bad group. It happens.
yea, my team got wiped 12 times before i ditched them (someone being a prick defently wasnt helping my resolve) and the first boss as cool as the fight seems on payer, ISNT FUN. its easy enough getting to the first boss but at the first boss its just a pain. kinda wish there was a test server so we could give feed back before release. at this current state, casual players (like the majority of the game) should stay clear
My group was fine and we wiped 11 times on the last boss. Idk how you guys did it on the first try because for the the life of us we couldnt get her into Aoes. This dungeon is crap and the reward of one gold isn’t worth it imo
My group was fine and we wiped 11 times on the last boss. Idk how you guys did it on the first try because for the the life of us we couldnt get her into Aoes. This dungeon is crap and the reward of one gold isn’t worth it imo
Oh wow, that’s it? 1 gold?
My group was fine and we wiped 11 times on the last boss. Idk how you guys did it on the first try because for the the life of us we couldnt get her into Aoes. This dungeon is crap and the reward of one gold isn’t worth it imo
Oh wow, that’s it? 1 gold?
1 gold + loot + chance on special items.
My group was fine and we wiped 11 times on the last boss. Idk how you guys did it on the first try because for the the life of us we couldnt get her into Aoes. This dungeon is crap and the reward of one gold isn’t worth it imo
Oh wow, that’s it? 1 gold?
1 gold + loot + chance on special items.
Oh ok, that sounds better lol.
Do you think it’s best to be at a true level 80 instead of having the bump to level 80? I keep getting killed as if there were no level bump to begin with.
Took us 8 attempts on Frizz, enjoyed the challenge but would only do once.
Kiel bugged out tho, disappointed with that.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Took us 8 attempts on Frizz, enjoyed the challenge but would only do once.
Kiel bugged out tho, disappointed with that.
same also the chest resting was an interesting bug….
My group was fine and we wiped 11 times on the last boss. Idk how you guys did it on the first try because for the the life of us we couldnt get her into Aoes. This dungeon is crap and the reward of one gold isn’t worth it imo
Oh wow, that’s it? 1 gold?
1 gold + loot + chance on special items.
Oh ok, that sounds better lol.
Do you think it’s best to be at a true level 80 instead of having the bump to level 80? I keep getting killed as if there were no level bump to begin with.
You will need a good team that balances in damage, support and control. You’re going to need stability to prevent yourself from getting stunned often, protection + regeneration to reduce incoming damage and something that strips off conditions and removes boons. Trust me, you are going to need it. Fields where people can blast in for might/healing/aoe weakness is recommended too to smooth things out.
The new dungeon is awesome! Way more fun than the flame & frost one
My group was fine and we wiped 11 times on the last boss. Idk how you guys did it on the first try because for the the life of us we couldnt get her into Aoes. This dungeon is crap and the reward of one gold isn’t worth it imo
Oh wow, that’s it? 1 gold?
1 gold + loot + chance on special items.
Oh ok, that sounds better lol.
Do you think it’s best to be at a true level 80 instead of having the bump to level 80? I keep getting killed as if there were no level bump to begin with.
You will need a good team that balances in damage, support and control. You’re going to need stability to prevent yourself from getting stunned often, protection + regeneration to reduce incoming damage and something that strips off conditions and removes boons. Trust me, you are going to need it. Fields where people can blast in for might/healing/aoe weakness is recommended too to smooth things out.
Oh that makes sense, thanks I was thinking I could play this one alone like I played the investigation one lol. Time to get the guild together
We wiped once at the golems because we had a disconnect and we weren’t really sure how it worked.
After that we figured it out, our guy reconnected and we completed rather easily – it was a PUG group too.
The final fight did seem like work, we also wiped once there. That cannon fire at the 25% interval seems to go on forever. IT also didn’t help that I was lagging like crazy on that last fight but still… it felt like it went on a surprisingly long amount of time. The DPSing went quickly – the cannon fire probably lasted just as long.
gave up after a very frustrating fight with the golems. I don’t see how it can be done, unless you’re running zerker builds to burst down the golems. once both walls were up we never stood a chance…
gave up after a very frustrating fight with the golems. I don’t see how it can be done, unless you’re running zerker builds to burst down the golems. once both walls were up we never stood a chance…
You have to use the crates and jump over the lower laser. I actually liked this fight a lot.
Just went with another group a war a guard a thief and 2 eles still couldn’t finish the last boss. I know how to do it yet every time the group always dies because we cant get her to stay in aoes. I feel like we should be allowed to at least cripple or chiller her.
Anything is better than clicking F 50x, 100x, and 150×. Sounds like they added something remotely challenging and engaging. Hopefully people give praise instead of casual complaints so we don’t get click F 200x next to appease that larger crowd instead of challenging and engaging content to appease that smaller crowd.
Just went with another group a war a guard a thief and 2 eles still couldn’t finish the last boss. I know how to do it yet every time the group always dies because we cant get her to stay in aoes. I feel like we should be allowed to at least cripple or chiller her.
you can. i immobilized her in the fields.
I really enjoy this dungeon, finally theres something challenging in this game. Btw finished my faster than light title in first run but the second bosses are tough.))
Always remember one thing – your opinion is your opinion not fact.
Yeah, as I posted elsewhere, I think people need to lower their personal expectations for their first time in a new dungeon. It’s not going to be easy, esp. if you don’t read the notes they posted for you on the website (which blew my mind, “you mean I don’t have to figure this out entirely on my own?”). And hopefully the bugs get ironed out soon (which is probably where at least half of people’s problems are coming from).
This is hardly as challenging as you guys are making out. The dungeon was certainly harder than all current dungeons and the bosses took more than a matter of seconds.. but it wasn’t impossible.. I feel that this is yet another too common “learn to play” issue
This dungeon isn’t excessively challenging, it just requires a decent level of gear (level 80 with full exotics is easy to achieve, there are so many methods to getting exotics lately.) and mechanical awareness. The dungeon shouldn’t be complete-in-one-try easy, challenge makes the act of completing a dungeon fun. This dungeon was challenging enough to be fun, but easy enough to complete with good gear and mechanical awareness that it wasn’t too frustrating.
OP, why are you speaking for 95% of the playerbase? FYI, many people actually enjoy the dungeon, and once you get the mechanics down, it’s not that difficult. What do you want in your dungeons? CoF path 1? Do you want a dungeon where you don’t have to move around and you can just auto attack a boss? That’s already out there in many of the dungeons in game already. This dungeon requires movement, that’s all.
gave up after a very frustrating fight with the golems. I don’t see how it can be done, unless you’re running zerker builds to burst down the golems. once both walls were up we never stood a chance…
Actually running zerker is the worst thing you can do in that phase since you die so much faster. It took my group a bit longer to get it, but once we figured it out we got through. And we had a guardian, 2 bunker eles, a bunker engi, and a level 54 warrior who was upleveled.
I liked the dung alot, we died once on the laser part and once on the last boss
The group was a healing guardian, guard, zerker mesmer, ele and a ranger. Was done in about 40 min the first try.
I hope anet comes with more dungeons like this
Repeatedly wiping suggests there’s a problem with your group. 8 wipes in a row is just…excessively bad. Maybe you just had a really bad group. It happens.
Did you see the ArenaNet devs do it? It was… interesting.
Its funny how everyone screams WE NEED MORE CHALLENGE. Then when a semi hard dungeon comes along you immediately find forum threads about parties giving up after 8 wipes.
8 wipes is absolutely nothing. Our party wiped 3-4 times at the lazer bit coz people couldnt grasp the concept of standing on boxes… We then took about another 30ish mins to complete the dungeon with another few wipes at the last boss.. Ater which we all agreed that it was the best one to date (even giving MF a run for its money).
I cannot express enough how satisfying it was to not only lead the group, but too get through it even with the lack of skill from some players was immensely gratifying. First time in ages I have had to talk to a PUG and theorise tactics.
Challenge is good. Dont like it? Get back to CoFp1 where you belong.
(edited by Parlourbeatflex.5970)
As a casual, I have to say I did have fun even if we did work on it for about two hours, and still didn’t beat Trin(?).
It’s just that blasted pull on those golems. That’s what makes it too frustrating.
This is just the first dungeon in the game that actually requires you to pay attension to mechanics instead of just spamming to victory.
Yes you can stun and stop Mia, it is called remove the stacks of defiant.
Yes you can keep the golems from killing you, it is called don’t drag them through the laser wall
Yes you can avoid the fast laser by using the crates
Yes you can avoid the cannon fire by using movement and positioning and not just blindly dodging.
once you learn the mechanics of the game you will do much better. The real problem is that after 10 months some people still don’t know how to properly position themselves or remove defiant stacks.
I find this content quite easy, but this is just another post that supports hard mode and a normal mode. Consider this in the future Anet!
Did you see the ArenaNet devs do it? It was… interesting.
I did, yes. I was amused.
Personally, I love this new dungeon and the mechanics of the boss fights. It actually requires some coordination, awareness of what’s going on around you, and it provides some challenge. It certainly isn’t impossible to beat. It may not be something you beat on your first try but it’s doable. And once you figure out the fight mechanics, it should go a lot better. It definitely isn’t as impossibly hard as some in this thread (and others) have been making it out to be. It does, however, require some teamwork.
It’s just that blasted pull on those golems. That’s what makes it too frustrating.
There’s a good way to counter that: stability. Skills that can revive from a distance are also extremely useful here.
This is just the first dungeon in the game that actually requires you to pay attension to mechanics instead of just spamming to victory.
Yes you can stun and stop Mia, it is called remove the stacks of defiant.
Yes you can keep the golems from killing you, it is called don’t drag them through the laser wall
Yes you can avoid the fast laser by using the crates
Yes you can avoid the cannon fire by using movement and positioning and not just blindly dodging.once you learn the mechanics of the game you will do much better. The real problem is that after 10 months some people still don’t know how to properly position themselves or remove defiant stacks.
This. +1
(edited by Zedd.8239)
I’m not good at the whole dungeon/boss fight thing and the group I was in managed it on the second try at the final fight. We had a couple guardians and some of the guys were very good and one very, very good.
I picked up a lot along the way from watching them when I was down and got better as it went, though still not good. Depending on your class/build, some of the stuff can be unforgiving of mistakes which could be a problem if the group you’re with isn’t either.
So… weren’t people complaining about the lack of a “real challenge”?
It’s just that blasted pull on those golems. That’s what makes it too frustrating.
There’s a good way to counter that: stability. Skills that can revive from a distance are also extremely useful here.
Unfortunately, not all of us have classes abundant in stability.
I love the hard mechanics of the dungeon. But the golem pull is just ridiculous and unfair. Chain pulled into a laser and being stunned for 5 seconds because of the camera angles and buggy agro system isn’t a mechanic. Having to base a dungeon around a mechanic that not all of us have is just flat out bad design.
Garbage at every profession 2015
Its funny how everyone screams WE NEED MORE CHALLENGE. Then when a semi hard dungeon comes along you immediately find forum threads about parties giving up after 8 wipes.
8 wipes is absolutely nothing. Our party wiped 3-4 times at the lazer bit coz people couldnt grasp the concept of standing on boxes… We then took about another 30ish mins to complete the dungeon with another few wipes at the last boss.. Ater which we all agreed that it was the best one to date (even giving MF a run for its money).
I cannot express enough how satisfying it was to not only lead the group, but too get through it even with the lack of skill from some players was immensely gratifying. First time in ages I have had to talk to a PUG and theorise tactics.
Challenge is good. Dont like it? Get back to CoFp1 where you belong.
PvP is challenge, not carebear land.
No issue with any challenge but a fair bit of this seems to be based on luck of the draw
I liked the whole dungeon right to the last boss, then all the fun went out the window. It wasn’t challenging, it was tedious and excessively long. We finally just gave up on it and most likely won’t go back. Those 25% increment cannon things were the worst part by far, I will say the rest of the fight was mildly clever and easy enough, but holy crap it takes so long you get fatigued by the monotony of it all and people start dying out of boredom. Fix up that last encounter some and I’d love to run this dungeon all day long. Keep it as it is, and I won’t be setting foot in there again. There’s no point when it’s not fun for me.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Haven’t even been in there yet but sounds like a decent challenge for a change and not faceroll content people have obviously grown accustomed to.
Its a dungeon you wipe on, learn the mechanics, get better and eventually complete it. Not a dungeon “Oh woe is me, I can’t complete it first go – too hard, won’t go back until it’s easier”
This dungeon was most likely designed by psychologists in an attempt to see just how far human patience can be stretched. I have never had less fun in any game I’ve ever played and I am taking a break from GW2 indefinitely. The golem part was easy enough.. after wiping 10+ times. Then the final boss with the ridiculous amount of cannons and that unblockable shadow step one shot is totally soul-crushing. There is no reason I will ever play this dungeon. You spent far more gold repairing broken armor than you get from the final reward/loot. Not to mention every kitten chest and mob drop in this dungeon is RNG blues; all day, every day. This dungeon was a total waste of the 5 or so hours I have after work.
This dungeon isn’t bad at all. A guildie and I went with a pug group straight out of LA and attempted it. All of us were new to it. We ended up killing the final gunner dude multiple times before realizing the lady needed to die first.
Only one party wipe.
Took around 50 minutes which can be improved on a lot. We did not run zerker. I was still running with my wvw set.
GUYS! Rly? I made it with guildies. One HC moment with last boss, 4 died, 1 survived but still he rezed us. Lasers? Awsome! Those cycling the most, no one died in my team, ofc we got hit, but still, figthing and running and jumping was something new. Those jumping things
It is the most awsome dungeon in this game. And going to finnish it so many other times. But surely wont go with pug or random guys, cause see that some ppl can have a problems with such a things :P
New dungeon is awesome.
My group wiped several times as well, but we eventually got it – and actually celebrated that victory. It was great experiencing a fight that we didnt faceroll the first time through.
It felt like a real challenge and it was fun. I really hope to see alot more content like this moving forward.
im the kind of guys that like to play to enjoy a have a good time, whit some challenge of course but everything have my limits. the laser boss is just irritating, is no about my skill or my amount of attention, is just all about LUCK.
i can dodge, run in circle, jump in time to evade the laser, but what is out my control? the golems pull, Is just tedious, irritating, and stupid. No matter what i do to evade the laser somehow a golem manage to pull no matter what.
Anet plz listen to us: We need challenge based on our Skills and knowledge and no challenge based;
-1 Hit kill (this is the only thing about this game that make me wish to punch somebody)
-fixed timed battle.
edit: i managed to end this dungeons 2 times: but i tried to do it again whit the rest of my alts whit a pug. And was a mess…i try to get the achievements but i think is no worth my insanity and my patient, Remember we pay and play for fun no to get stressed.
(edited by kishter.9578)
Stop. I didn’t read through the thread posts, but stop. ArenaNet is slowly bringing something so cool that get tears in my eyes after all those faceroll dungeons (yes CoF and the others), DON’T RUIN the moment please, let them work in something we’re so looking for.
Really, I’m getting tired of these people.
Wiped once on first boss, twice on the last boss.
It’s not difficult once you understand the tactics, the fights are just lengthy. Admittedly the cannon’s on the last boss can be irritating, was one guy in our group who just couldn’t survive them and had to be rezzed every time. I have to say, it’s the most fun I’ve had in a dungeon for a long time. I’m fairly critical of arenanet at the best of times but this isn’t one of the things they got wrong.
One thing I’d say though is don’t go with pugs. Take friends or guildies.
(Edit: Apparently using the words hard and then once next to each other in a sentence is forbidden, edited the word to ‘difficult’)
Sun Tzu said that, and I think he knows a little more about fighting than you do, pal.
These people who want faceroll content bother me only because Anet might listen to them. The dungeon has been out for 1 day(not even a complete 24hrs) and people are expecting just to walk in there and finish it. Without fully learning the fight mechanics.
DON’T LISTEN TO THEM ANET…you are doing the right thing giving people a challenge.