Free trait refund?
A retrait is like 2-3s, not 2g…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
uh, as a heads up you can retrait at any time if you go talk to your trainer for like 3s I think.
Norgy lvl 80 Guardian
Guild: Hunting Hunters[HH]
The grandmaster manual is 2g…?
You only need the manual once. The retraiting is 3.5s each time after that.
Huh. Nix my complaint then! Carry on!
Why did it take me THIS long to figure that out? mutters and goes back to her annoyed her burst dmg pets are nerfed closet dammits all, now I feel silly.
The grandmaster manual is 2g…?
You can only use each manual once. If you want to retrait it is a separate option from the same guy.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown
Huh. Nix my complaint then! Carry on!
Why did it take me THIS long to figure that out? mutters and goes back to her annoyed her burst dmg pets are nerfed closet dammits all, now I feel silly.
Blame it on the leprechauns. That’s what I do.
It’s easy to overlook if you’re in the habit of skipping the initial dialog and going to the “so sell me something already” option. But it’s the second option when you first talk to your class trainer — in case you haven’t already seen that.