I’ve run AR about a dozen times now, and on around 5 of those occasions, something has screwed us out of legitimate success for the achievement.
Firstly, just to show this isn’t a problem of knowledge, I know that:
- if you wipe, you can’t get the achievement in time
- you can’t get the achievement on your second try (unless it bugs in your favour…)
- you need to beat the fight in under 15 minutes.
As far as I can tell, sometimes the event just isn’t starting.
I’ve been timing the boss using the 20 minute food buffs from BEFORE the cutscene (since for some ungodly reason, it seems to be included in the event timer), as well as a stopwatch. All of the following attempts beat Horrik in under 15 minutes.
So far, I’ve had:
Red holobridge simply not spawning (event timer was present).
Holobridge spawning with event timer, but someone picked up the bundle and then logged off, which despawned the bundle (wow!).
And three occasions of the red holobridge spawning, but the event not appearing to be going, so even though we had between 1 and 2 minutes left on the timer, the achievement couldn’t be completed.
I really hope Arena.net does a bit more bug testing on upcoming Living World content, because time-limited achievements that are made difficult to achieve due to bugs is really not enjoyable.