Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: foofad.5162


Well, don’t try it without a coordinated group. Good lord.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Vol.5241


People already beat the single player instance?

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[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Farzo.8410


People already beat the single player instance?


It was meh.

Can’t really say anything happend.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: GonzoNeo.4965


Its just a boss encounter, not a entire dungeon.

And yes, noll is nasty and boring, if he pushed you to a trap you are bouncing until death.

After the great Boss of F&F fundation this was meh.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


well thats a good thing right?

People have been crying for more challenging content.

Care to give a detailed rundown on the dungeon? Would be very interested to know what bosses are included etc – just so i can make an assumption on whether another decent bit of content will be axed after a few weeks.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Kojiden.8405


I did the solo and exp. There was no reward at all. This was before the update, though.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Tiberius.3802


It was terribly easy. I don’t know if I got lucky with my group, but there was one death and we managed to pull it off.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


Its just a boss encounter, not a entire dungeon.

And yes, noll is nasty and boring, if he pushed you to a trap you are bouncing until death.

After the great Boss of F&F fundation this was meh.

Molten Facility was handled by a different team than the usual dungeon team, wasn’t it?

I wonder if there will be a shift in their design philosophy for dungeons. MF was the mokittenn I’ve had in a dungeon since I left other MMOs.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

MF was the most fun I’ve had in a dungeon since I left other MMOs.

That was the funniest spot for a “kitten” profanity filter I think I’ve ever seen in the forums.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: JK Arrow.7102

JK Arrow.7102

well thats a good thing right?

People have been crying for more challenging content.

Care to give a detailed rundown on the dungeon? Would be very interested to know what bosses are included etc – just so i can make an assumption on whether another decent bit of content will be axed after a few weeks.

People want fun content, not necessarily just challenging. Here is a rundown of the dungeon.

Story mode: kill boss.

Explorable mode: kill different boss.

There are no trash mobs, no silver mobs, no areas to run through, no adds. Just a single boss in each instance.

MF was 1000x better.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: bravoart.5308


Its just a boss encounter, not a entire dungeon.

And yes, noll is nasty and boring, if he pushed you to a trap you are bouncing until death.

After the great Boss of F&F fundation this was meh.

Molten Facility was handled by a different team than the usual dungeon team, wasn’t it?

I wonder if there will be a shift in their design philosophy for dungeons. MF was the most fun I’ve had in a dungeon since I left other MMOs.

It feels like the game is being pulled in two directions by two separate in-company entities.

We have the developers, who want to actually put out great content and rewards (SAB, F&F Dungeon, Molten Mining Pick) then we have the cash grab monetization division who doesn’t give a kitten and just wants to separate a fool from his money. (Southsun Boxes, Consortium Harvesting Water Pick, etc.)

I think it’s time we discern which content is made by which group from the get-go and vote with our wallets. If it’s not rewarding (either by entertainment/intrinsic value or by gold/loot/etc!) then just don’t bother with it.

Finally I recalled the stopgap solution of a great princess who was told that the
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: rizzo.1079


I wouldn’t call the Mining Pick good content but yeah who thought a mobile crafting table was a good idea in any way?

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I dunno my group kept getting owned at the enrage electrocute mechanic at 1% he’d shield and you’d have electrocute which really hurt our group. Even if we got hte shield off the turrets would pop and if we chose to burn him the turrets would heal too much, and if we chose the turrets we’d be fighting 3 stacks of electrocute. Happy times. >.<

Not enough dps maybe, us bad maybe. Not really upset about it. But definitely different from usual. Just funny in comparison to Canach who I literally just bled to death instead of using mines.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Yoke.4671


No wonder Anet don’t release good endgame content when the player-base are so laughably bad, You can solo the exp Null boss(I done it on grdn moments ago) let alone do it with 2/3 man grps. You need a coordinated 5 man group?

Please mate try harder or you gota be trolling.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


This isn’t hard.

I am the worst player and a squish engineer.

I beat both group and solo.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


Its just a boss encounter, not a entire dungeon.

And yes, noll is nasty and boring, if he pushed you to a trap you are bouncing until death.

After the great Boss of F&F fundation this was meh.

Molten Facility was handled by a different team than the usual dungeon team, wasn’t it?

I wonder if there will be a shift in their design philosophy for dungeons. MF was the most fun I’ve had in a dungeon since I left other MMOs.

It feels like the game is being pulled in two directions by two separate in-company entities.

We have the developers, who want to actually put out great content and rewards (SAB, F&F Dungeon, Molten Mining Pick) then we have the cash grab monetization division who doesn’t give a kitten and just wants to separate a fool from his money. (Southsun Boxes, Consortium Harvesting Water Pick, etc.)

I think it’s time we discern which content is made by which group from the get-go and vote with our wallets. If it’s not rewarding (either by entertainment/intrinsic value or by gold/loot/etc!) then just don’t bother with it.

I agree with what you’re saying, although I’m not sure on the specific politics of it. I do know that Robert Hrouda has made his design approach and beliefs known over the months, and that the players don’t seem to be on the same page. CoF1 actually compounds that problem.

It says a lot to me that SAB and MF were talked about, interesting to play, and had motive to run it beyond cash or tokens. That Jetpack skin was a great incentive, and I don’t even care about it. I was happy people wanted to run it and I could just play with builds. I recall Ghastly Weapons in AC had the same incentive.

While I don’t welcome a loot grind, perhaps EQ and WoW dungeon design was onto something by having specific rewards drop from specific places. A myriad of skins would be just the thing.

Of course, as you note, that conflicts with tickets or crates and BL keys.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: ndrangles.5183


it’s not that hard. i grabbed a completely random pug, wiped 1 time and then won. my party typed a total of about 5 lines. it was a really forgettable experience.

Majyyks [Os] – NSP

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Its just a boss encounter, not a entire dungeon.

And yes, noll is nasty and boring, if he pushed you to a trap you are bouncing until death.

After the great Boss of F&F fundation this was meh.

Molten Facility was handled by a different team than the usual dungeon team, wasn’t it?

I wonder if there will be a shift in their design philosophy for dungeons. MF was the most fun I’ve had in a dungeon since I left other MMOs.

It feels like the game is being pulled in two directions by two separate in-company entities.

We have the developers, who want to actually put out great content and rewards (SAB, F&F Dungeon, Molten Mining Pick) then we have the cash grab monetization division who doesn’t give a kitten and just wants to separate a fool from his money. (Southsun Boxes, Consortium Harvesting Water Pick, etc.)

I think it’s time we discern which content is made by which group from the get-go and vote with our wallets. If it’s not rewarding (either by entertainment/intrinsic value or by gold/loot/etc!) then just don’t bother with it.

Or perhaps one group that understands the game mechanics and can build fun stuff with it, and another that do not and end up building stuff that produces information overload and frustration.

The Canach fight was the latter for me. A gimmick fight where my character mattered nothing. 2/3 of the mines basically not harming Canach. vital messages showing up in the chat rather than properly on screen. Yet another boss that loves spamming knockdowns.

Seriously, i have no time looking at what Canach is doing because i am busy trying to look for that one kind of mine that actually seems to make a dent in his health bar. And to convert it i need to use a ground targeted skill.

This while avoiding stepping into the detonation circles of the other mines, circles that only show for a short while when i ping the mines to see their type.

This while he is going into shield block, attacking me, knocking me around, and sometimes blowing mines up with a detonation area 2-3 times that of their trigger area. And the only warning on the detonation (unless i happen to glance at him at the right time) is a yellow text in the chat…

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: SnoodBeAR.5286



that one boss room was the new dungeon?

oh god…. going backwards Anet

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I practically face tanked the mob. I was more confused than challenged for most of the fight. Why was the golem invulnerable? How did we make it vulnerable again? I’m guessing it was something to do with the traps, but I pretty much just face tanked it. Considering the garbage rewards for explorable and the boring content, forgettable is a good word to describe this encounter.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: bullettohead.9715


I think I speak for most everybody when I say this.

CC does not make bosses fun or challenging. It makes them annoying as kitten.

Stop giving bosses that do nothing but kittening CC

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


I think I speak for most everybody when I say this.

CC does not make bosses fun or challenging. It makes them annoying as kitten.

Stop giving bosses that do nothing but kittening CC

Null does nothing but a pull. CC? Wat.

I seem to recall Canach having a stun at least.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: offence.4726


Just finished it with a PUG , it was pretty easy.. the loot was awfull though :/

play hard , go pro.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: digiowl.9620


I think I speak for most everybody when I say this.

CC does not make bosses fun or challenging. It makes them annoying as kitten.

Stop giving bosses that do nothing but kittening CC

Null does nothing but a pull. CC? Wat.

I seem to recall Canach having a stun at least.

No stun that i recall, just a launch.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


The explorable dungeon was fun, and has some cool mechanics but when you and your party know what to do its easy.

1 person tanks and guides the boss to mines ( high toughness to get agro)
2 persons make the mine’s green
2 other ppl DPS when shield is down


Make sure to keep your party alive.
Don’t walk into armed mines, and use the right skills on the mines

For me the game is kinda easy, I would like to see super explorable mode :P

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Dan.8709


Me and two friends, on first try, managed to get it to 5% hp with all the boring setup and fight, but one made a mistake, the other went to ress and we were all gone then.

We tried again with two randoms, we finished it in idk, 40 secs top? We just stayed with it on the entrance and we killed it really fast, no problem, no difficulty, no one barely got any dmg on them.

With 3 it can be hard if not properly strategized before, but knowing the fight and keeping it at entrance? Cake.

Daniel Cousland – Darkhaven

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: bullettohead.9715


I think I speak for most everybody when I say this.

CC does not make bosses fun or challenging. It makes them annoying as kitten.

Stop giving bosses that do nothing but kittening CC

Null does nothing but a pull. CC? Wat.

I seem to recall Canach having a stun at least.

No stun that i recall, just a launch.

A pull, stun, and a knockback, which turns into 5 knockbacks when he has the buff that caltrops takes care of.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Ok I’ll admit after trying him again after a couple of hours he isn’t that bad. Party all stood in one area (we stayed at the entrance, seems to be the best place) and kited him to the same 3 traps, actually didn’t even bother with the turrets was able to outdps them I guess. And when the electrocution tick started happening since we were bundled together we could stack our heals and outheal the damage. We were just too spread out and causing havok in my first group I guess.

But he LOVES to pull, oh man. Was yoyo time for me the entire fight. ._.

(edited by Katreyn.4218)

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Aeri.5738


Solo run: pet on Canach, wait.
Explo run: Autoattack, every 30 seconds 1 dodge to not get hit by thos little lightning thinks.

NOTHING special about it.
I joined a random group and everybody was just: meh, move on.
I am wondering why you needed an extra patch for this…

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

pretty sure they never anounced it as dungeon, it’s a story-mission, not more, not less. They have the new meta event chain and lots of new events on southsun + a minigame instead of a dungeon (and poor open world stuff like F&F). – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Danomeon.3201


pretty sure they never anounced it as dungeon, it’s a story-mission, not more, not less. They have the new meta event chain and lots of new events on southsun + a minigame instead of a dungeon (and poor open world stuff like F&F).

“Join Kiel for a mission to capture the deadly, desperate Canach! In this all-new story dungeon…” – Official statement on the Last Stand at Southsun info page. They did bill this as a dungeon, just as they billed molten facility as a dungeon.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Did it with a party of 2. Can almost solo it if not for the stacking of electro-whatever.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

pretty sure they never anounced it as dungeon, it’s a story-mission, not more, not less. They have the new meta event chain and lots of new events on southsun + a minigame instead of a dungeon (and poor open world stuff like F&F).

“Join Kiel for a mission to capture the deadly, desperate Canach! In this all-new story dungeon…” – Official statement on the Last Stand at Southsun info page. They did bill this as a dungeon, just as they billed molten facility as a dungeon.

ok this is bad. To be fair, they stated in the same sentence that it’s a story mission (which reminds me of the personal story) but again bad wording from Anet – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Hatter.8159


Slightly anti-climatic when compared to the Molten Facility, which was amazing. But I thought it was fun, although very easy. One shot on Canach, one shot on NULL, think only one of our group went to downstate.

Canach explorable is hard w/o coordinated group

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Enjoyluck.2618


Nah you only need 4 zerker warriors and 1 mesmer oh wait.