Crate drop rate nerfed?
I doubt it, I got a total drop of 3 today (well, technically it’s now yesterday)
but there are people who will help you get back up when you are downed
- PalwaJoko
on first days of the event i could farm 10-15 crates (with kitten in all of them), now i barely can manage to get 1
yeah It was a little off last night too.
that’s what happens when people go off wandering on forums, posting guides or information about farming things that are RNG…no one responses to the threads about that RNG stuff, but when the crates are farmed then BAM ! out of nowhere nerfed drop rate, like it wasn’t already low. If nothing changes on that 28th of May, I’m through with GW. Like anyone cares. Shame on you Anet.
I doubt it’s been nerfed. It’s called RNG for a reason. Personally I have -never- seen one of these mystical crate things everyone is so gung ho for and I will consider it a minor miracle if I ever do, nevermind get anything good out of it.
Primary: Gizzmologist Saikka – Asura Engineer
Content Designer
Nope. Haven’t done anything to the drop rate.
Should of raised it.
Even if I don’t get anything when I open it it’s nice to know I got to touch one.
The Law of Diminishing Returns! Thou shalt not farm!
The Law of Diminishing Returns! Thou shalt not farm!
What this guy said. Farm is sessions, not “all day”.
I can’t agree more. Try this : farm for one hour then do something else (world bosses, dungeons, crab toss, pvp, even instigator events if you really wanna farm…) for a while before returning to farm.
Rinse and repeat.
that’s what happens when people go off wandering on forums, posting guides or information about farming things that are RNG…no one responses to the threads about that RNG stuff, but when the crates are farmed then BAM ! out of nowhere nerfed drop rate, like it wasn’t already low. If nothing changes on that 28th of May, I’m through with GW. Like anyone cares. Shame on you Anet.
I don’t care. I don’t farm. Have fun in farmcraft.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
So if they dont have touch anything, why is nearly everybody complainning about the crate drop being less that the first day? its not the first time they look at an event and they say they didnt touch anything and that it was right, just saying → “Final Rest” and S.Behemoth
So if they dont have touch anything, why is nearly everybody complainning about the crate drop being less that the first day? its not the first time they look at an event and they say they didnt touch anything and that it was right, just saying -> “Final Rest” and S.Behemoth
I’m not everybody then.
First few days → 2-3 crates a day
Now → 4-6 crates a day
Of course, my farming methods have also improved.
I have averaged zero crates a day since the vent started … and I have not been slacking. In all the rounds I’ve done (yes, including skelks) I have had a total of ONE crate drop for me.
Piken Square
During first few days I got only one crate. I started farming something like two days ago and more than 4 crates droped. I think either slight chance increase or just events mobs don’t drop crates :P
I’ve noticed in the past day or two that the overall chance to receive ANY kind of loot from creatures has dropped (or at least the skelks that i’ve been farming). I’ve been taking on 4 and 5 skelks at a time (solo) and not getting any of them to drop loot. Four days ago, the average drop percentage for any kind of loot was probably about 70-80%. In the last day or two it’s been about 40-50% if that.
I’ve noticed in the past day or two that the overall chance to receive ANY kind of loot from creatures has dropped (or at least the skelks that i’ve been farming). I’ve been taking on 4 and 5 skelks at a time (solo) and not getting any of them to drop loot. Four days ago, the average drop percentage for any kind of loot was probably about 70-80%. In the last day or two it’s been about 40-50% if that.
Probably DR. Did you try to to something else between 2 farming sessions ?
I’ve noticed in the past day or two that the overall chance to receive ANY kind of loot from creatures has dropped (or at least the skelks that i’ve been farming). I’ve been taking on 4 and 5 skelks at a time (solo) and not getting any of them to drop loot. Four days ago, the average drop percentage for any kind of loot was probably about 70-80%. In the last day or two it’s been about 40-50% if that.
Same feelings here about the skelks, not just crates, they droped T6 blood quite often, now if i get some grey chunk i can even feel lucky
Farm every 1 hour, so DR not hit you hard. After that do world bosses or farm in orr, do again, repeat.
I’ve only been going around the island each day to harvest the passifloras and then farm the champ instigators for an hour or two. I kill any nearby mobs while waiting for champs to spawn. I wouldn’t call this farming since my intention is getting rares/exotics, but I get around 1 or 2 each day from this. I realized that those settler rioters that spawn around the instigator champs can actually drop wooden chests that only contain southsun crates.
I doubt drop rates have been nerfed. Whenever it comes to games of chance, everyone has their own superstitious beliefs like blowing on your dice for good luck and justifications for why they aren’t winning.
(edited by kokocabana.8153)
Not a stealth nerf.
But it seems, just like every other aspect of this game, DR kicks in hard with the crates. It happens with open world loot, it happens when you run fractals for too long.
I really think their DR system is boinked and causing a lot of unintended problems. It is more than just ‘bad RNG’.
I doubt drop rates have been nerfed. Whenever it comes to games of chance, everyone has their own superstitious beliefs like blowing on your dice for good luck and justifications for why they aren’t winning.
Except with dice you know they die has 6 sides so you know the odds. The odds for getting ANYTHING in this game is hidden behind the code that they have already admitted they can change anytime they want server side without a patch. If anything it be nice to have actual odds of getting certain item, not this generic “its a rare drop”. This is why these RNG chest are worse than gambling, at least when I gamble can calculate the odds and even lotto tickets give you the odds on the back of the ticket.
DR seems to kick in quite quickly once you have been in an area too long, however it seems as if the code to remove DR after a given period of time outside that area is not working so DR remains in effect. This problem exists for all areas in the game and not just for Southsun which is why many people seem to be under permanent DR or just incredibly lousy luck.
In all my time in Southsun I finally found 2 crates. That was it, just two but at least it was 2 more then I had found before that. The thing is previous to the new events in Southsun I did farm the area for blood and scales. Putting 2 and 2 together it makes sense to me now that the DR I gathered for that area never did get removed which would explain why it took me well over 20 hours of farming to find my first crate.
So to others in Southsun a few questions .
How long have you farmed for crates?
How many crates have you gotten?
Have you farmed Southsun previously for anything else?
It may help establish a pattern.
I have farmed practically every day, and run the event zerg that is going on, and have yet to see one chest drop. None….zilch…..nada…….nary-a-one…..negative…….
My luck sucks
I have farmed practically every day, and run the event zerg that is going on, and have yet to see one chest drop. None….zilch…..nada…….nary-a-one…..negative…….
My luck sucks
same situation with me too, its ridiculous. ive played the game since release and never gotten a good drop anywhere actually. ANET just hates some of us for some reason i guess.
2nd day of 0 drops. If this is just rng my sympathy goes out to you guys that haven’t had any drops. it must suck. I don’t mind not getting a token, but i’d like the chance to get a crate or 2 per day at least.
Are you running with the 200% MF buff? And for your zerg is it just killing the champ and looting chests because MF doesn’t work on chests.
Yes and yes…….the farming I’m doing is along that shoreline and out into the water some….to no avail
Why not have a currency drop in such boxes that can be used to purchase some of the items that have a chance to drop from these boxes, wouldn’t feel like such a kitten er when you spend ages farming and get bugger all.
(edited by Lifelost.5627)
ive tried farming with full MF gear and weapons and without it, never made a difference for me. ive farmed just the shore line, then i kill things while i run around and grab all the passiflora and mining nodes, and i do the commander events. ill do it for a bit till i get bored, then go level my alt for a bit and then come back. not getting anything………….
For me it feels like the DR is stuck permanently… compared to when the event first started I rarely got junk, and now I constantly get junk loot with blues/whites even if I haven’t been there in hours nor does it change by switching chars.
I really wish they’d tell us how long the DR lasts.
Still getting 1-5 crates an hour from farming skelks every day since release. As other people have said, just farm for an hour at a time then go do something else. Come back an hour later and repeat.
Still getting 1-5 crates an hour from farming skelks every day since release. As other people have said, just farm for an hour at a time then go do something else. Come back an hour later and repeat.
This begs the question for those of us with several alts … do you do “something else” with a different character or the same one? When I’ve farmed for about an hour, I switch to a different character and go somewhere else for a bit but leave my “farm-toon” in place. Perhaps I should move him somewhere else for an hour?
DR is a horrible mechanic though and I really wish they’d get rid of it.
Piken Square
Perhaps I should move him somewhere else for an hour?
I believe you should. At one point I was just killing stuff as Aquaman with the Instigator event close by. At one point DR kicked in. I thought nothing of it as I was going to go to bed anyway.
The next day (and we’re talking 10 hours later) I STILL got DR on the Instigator event!!
So it seems that it’s not so much related to time inbetween the same event; it’s what your character will do inbetween events regardless of time.
You see, next I started running back and forth between the 2 Instigator events. Sure enough, I could farm for hours and hours and never got DR. Every time I got my 1s89c or so and the chest+corpseloot.
So yeah, DR definitely activates if your character keeps to one spot. So it’s more to combat bots and not so much to combat farming (as long as you just alternate between events).
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
So to others in Southsun a few questions .
How long have you farmed for crates? I farmed skelk for say… 2-3 hours one day
How many crates have you gotten? snagged like 5 crates and a bunch of t5/t6 materials.
Have you farmed Southsun previously for anything else? other than events and achievements.. nope.
From my experience, instigator chest DR is very much tied to account, not character.
Can’t say on mob farming, as I only bother to farm with my engineer for now.
For the toast!
I think the drop rate for crates should be increased, and the chance that they drop something good should be increased too. Right now it is such a grind. And even if you do fork over the money, and buy crates from the gemstore… you might still get nothing useful out of a hundred crates. Why make it so hard to get something good?
Im not sure about this, I ran 362% MF down here the last few days, farming for an hour then going else where, ( WvW, dungeons, etc etc ) not a single crate, infact hardly a drop full stop, this tells me that MF is either broken, or only certain accounts can use it,
Guild mate running 100% MF got 3 crates in the first 20 minutes, so yea, its clear that the RnG machine is in full swing and some people no matter how much you farm/grind you will never get it.
Crates are made to make money, that is why they are in gem store. They put them in the game so you can see they completly suck before wasting money on them. Only another gambling box.
So to others in Southsun a few questions .
How long have you farmed for crates?
How many crates have you gotten?
Have you farmed Southsun previously for anything else?
-Haven’t farmed for crates.
-Have gotten 8 crates so far.
8/9 Professions, Asura Guardian main.
I’ve never seen a crate. I’m really starting to become disenchanted with this game. It seems that everything in the game is geared to get you into their cash shop. It’s a shame, really. This game has so much potential.
I will never spend so much as a dime in the cash shop. The $60, I dropped on the game, should have been more than enough. If it wasn’t, then maybe ArenaNet should consider a subscription based model?
If content, purchased at a cash shop, “defines the future of online roleplaying games” , then I want no part of it.
I just can’t understand how I have thoroughly enjoyed GW1 for years but am struggling to force myself to log on to GW2 after only two months.
Alright. So.
A few tips and notes:
- I’ve been farming since day 1. Got around 40 crates so far. 15 still unopened, waiting for the 28th of May to open them (for the mini reef rider).
With this said, here are a few tips:
1. Know how MF works. According to the Wiki, MF DOES NOT increase the drop rate. MF increases the quality of the loot (ie.: t6 mats, rares, crates, etc.). What does this mean? It means you will get better drops with more mob density. You should also be aware that Mf only works on mob drops and nothing else.
2. At the instigator events, the settlers DO HAVE drops. They can only drop rare items however (crates are also rare items). Tag as many as you can.
3. Use AoE, tag mobs. It’s great that you can solo a Veteran karka. I love it too. However, that will not improve your loot. Tag mobs, all of them. Use AoE skills on large group of mobs.
4. Search for farming routes. There are many. There are severel posted here even on the forums, just search for them (I can’t post here mine, as I have promised the guy who showed me not to). Non-event farming routes have larger mob density, thus more chances of you getting crates. Try this thread:
5. Do not farm in one place for too long, or better yet, on the same map for too long! Farm at most for 1,5 hours (better if 1 hours). Go elsewhee after that. This was mentioned many time above this post. DR (diminishing returns) will kick your kitten if you do not.
6. Use additional MF. Atop the +200% Mf boost, you are free to use additional MF from gear, banner,s bonfires, bossters, nourishment, etc..
I hope that helps!
And as for a little motivation:
Using the above posted tips, 1 hour of farming gets around 1-2 crates. (Sometimes even more, but 1 is a minimum).
(edited by Bubi.7942)
Spent about 40 – 50 hours in Southsun since update, still haven’t seen or know what these crates are. I don’t follow a path or patern, I usually grab the settler’s buff then do an instigator, then a defend event, then kill some karka, then see where the map takes me , some nights I do some stuff with the guild and don’t even visit Southsun..
I don’t mind that I haven’t seen one drop, just sucks that I hardly play 10 hours a week but still suffer from either the worst luck ever or a bad case of DR.
Spent about 40 – 50 hours in Southsun since update, still haven’t seen or know what these crates are. I don’t follow a path or patern, I usually grab the settler’s buff then do an instigator, then a defend event, then kill some karka, then see where the map takes me
, some nights I do some stuff with the guild and don’t even visit Southsun..
I don’t mind that I haven’t seen one drop, just sucks that I hardly play 10 hours a week but still suffer from either the worst luck ever or a bad case of DR.
I am sorry for your bad luck friend O.o;
I’ve gotten around 3 crates to drop for me, my brother has only gotten 1 so far (both with the 200% MF buff)
I’ve had people that get around 1 per 3 hours spent…
Ajini – Thief – Commander
it’s where you are looking for them, I havent been doing the events much at all and I’m getting at least one and hour
Mind you I haven’t got a ticket just a load of kaka
(edited by Lisa.6102)
Spent about 40 – 50 hours in Southsun since update, still haven’t seen or know what these crates are. I don’t follow a path or patern, I usually grab the settler’s buff then do an instigator, then a defend event, then kill some karka, then see where the map takes me
, some nights I do some stuff with the guild and don’t even visit Southsun..
I don’t mind that I haven’t seen one drop, just sucks that I hardly play 10 hours a week but still suffer from either the worst luck ever or a bad case of DR.
I am sorry for your bad luck friend O.o;
I’ve gotten around 3 crates to drop for me, my brother has only gotten 1 so far (both with the 200% MF buff)I’ve had people that get around 1 per 3 hours spent…
As I have mentioned in detail, above, you have to know how to. I also get AT LEAST 1 per hour. Yesterday got 5 (or 6?) in 3 hours (currently have 20 in my inventory, opened already 20+).
One thing I don’t get is why Anet made the chance of getting a ticket so low, as well as made the crates so easy to farm. As long as a person knows how to farm crates they will get on average, around 1-5 crates an hour (along with a good amount of T6 mats). However, if you buy a crate using gems to gold each crate would be over 4g. Putting these two together I don’t understand why anyone would buy crates over just farming them unless they were pressed for time.
Anyway, so far I’ve opened 46 farmed crates and have only gotten a portable forge, a focus skin, and some karka slaying potions. But meh, I can’t really complain since all the farming has netted me about 80g in mats.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
One thing I don’t get is why Anet made the chance of getting a ticket so low, as well as made the crates so easy to farm. As long as a person knows how to farm crates they will get on average, around 1-5 crates an hour (along with a good amount of T6 mats). However, if you buy a crate using gems to gold each crate would be over 4g. Putting these two together I don’t understand why anyone would buy crates over just farming them unless they were pressed for time.
Anyway, so far I’ve opened 46 farmed crates and have only gotten a portable forge, a focus skin, and some karka slaying potions. But meh, I can’t really complain since all the farming has netted me about 80g in mats.
Farming gold is easy. I can easily farm 100+ gold per day by, literally, standing in one certain spot in a specific zone (a zone I will not name). However, in Southsun, I have yet to see even a single crate drop.
Averaging doesn’t work in the face of diminishing returns and RNG. It’s great that you have had so much success. Not everyone is as fortunate.
One thing I don’t get is why Anet made the chance of getting a ticket so low, as well as made the crates so easy to farm. As long as a person knows how to farm crates they will get on average, around 1-5 crates an hour (along with a good amount of T6 mats). However, if you buy a crate using gems to gold each crate would be over 4g. Putting these two together I don’t understand why anyone would buy crates over just farming them unless they were pressed for time.
Anyway, so far I’ve opened 46 farmed crates and have only gotten a portable forge, a focus skin, and some karka slaying potions. But meh, I can’t really complain since all the farming has netted me about 80g in mats.
Farming gold is easy. I can easily farm 100+ gold per day by, literally, standing in one certain spot in a specific zone (a zone I will not name). However, in Southsun, I have yet to see even a single crate drop.
Averaging doesn’t work in the face of diminishing returns and RNG. It’s great that you have had so much success. Not everyone is as fortunate.
I feel this is a bit overexaggerating.
1st: I highly doubt there is a place where you can stand and farm 100g. Due to DR, that seems impossible to me. Even with my farming route and +320MF I get around 8-10g/hour, then have to stop becouse of DR. Standing in the same place killing mobs over-over should kick DR in like in 10 mins.
2nd: I have learned statistcis, and I know that what I am about to say is nowhere near a representative group but: I have farmed with over 20+ different people. All of them have gotten crate drops. For some it took 10 mins, for some 2-3 hours.
So imo you are either highly overexaggerating or the unluckiest person in the world (sort of like an anti-lottery winner).
(edited by Bubi.7942)