Is Mini Reef Rider Actually Exotic?
Hmm. I’ve spent 4-5 hours every day trying to get that mini without success. A lot of other stuff, but not the reef rider. Others kept saying the got them, their third or fourth. I finally gave up and just bought it.
It is not necessarily that easy to get and soon it will stop dropping.
I hope it goes up some. I bought 3 extra as a investment.
Has anyone tried 4 of them in Mystic Forge?
There’s actually loads of ppl farming the area. I always play in overflow and with large groups. Due to the event a lot of prices have dropped, which is not a bad thing.
And i guess the reef rider has a higher drop chance than the chest mini’s. Since it’s chance on supply crate x chance on mini from it. So indeed rare would fit better.
If it ain’t dutch,… :P
I dunno, I’ve spent hours on hours farming there and I’ve only looted one crate and zero minis. My wife on the other hand seems to be looting crates and minis left and right! So it’s a little hard to comment on the rarity, I’m not sure.
I guess you could say they’re exotic in a way… I mean, they’re from Southsun, so… xD
But yeah, probably not in the way you meant, haha.
This mini was confirmed to be limited therefore it will be worth a lot of gold, however… with the economy so flooded with them and some merchants who are hoarding as many as 50-100+ of these, I can garentee you it will take MULTIPLE years before you see these as much as other exotic mini’s.
Even after they start rising, some people that actually want to keep them will end up selling because they want gold and they are worth a lot (currently happening with the expensive karka pets) because legit owners are decided to take gold instead of keeping it.
To me they are cheap enough that I’d prefer to buy a bunch, which I did, everyone else should too
I’ve found six crates since this event started and zero mini’s. I’ve spent about 2-3 hours a day in Southsun since the new events started.
The mini Doesn’t drop from the crate Shademehr, it;
Drops from foes in Southsun Cove
Drops from Instigator Chest
Drops from Crab Toss Victory Chest
as for the price on these the market is too flooded, like the toy sword skins they wont be worth much for quite some time.
Yeah, I know DrixTrix. I was just stating that I was having the opposite experience of what Kootje was saying which was: higher drop chance of Mini than Crate.
But for the record, I haven’t found anything at all in the crates beyond flowers, shells, and fruit.
Sorry for the confusion. I should have used the reply function so it was more clear.
The Mini Reef Rider just looks cool. For that reason I think anyone who likes to collect minis will want one. Unlike the toy sword skin that most people don’t like the look of. The Mini Reef Rider is sure to sell fast and the price will go up. Even with the high drop rate.
The SAB greatsword was common but the tradeable version still reached 50g in the TP. Because players liked the look of the SAB greatsword.
I think the Mini Kasmeer Mini will go up in price too. For the same reason.
I think the big thing about these minis is that even though they are time limited, they are not soulbound on use or pickup. I picked up mine on the first day and enjoy having it out in Southsun, but if I ever get bored I can sell it anytime for a Kasmeer.
Well, I’ve gotten SIX so far from regular loot drops, and only one was in a steel chest(which is used for exotics in place of a wooden chest). This sends conflicting results as to whether it really is exotic or not in RNG’s eyes. I’d have to lean toward no. All 6 were got with only 203% magic find…… BTW, sold the first for 11g when there were only 2 on the market
Its exotic in the literal sense because thats the rarity the devs assigned to it.
Seems pretty obvious it doesn’t follow normal exotic droprates or anything, though. Its got its own droprate thats quite a bit higher than normal exotics (which I’m fine with, I’d rather have an item be slightly too common than so rare you’ll never find one without 50 luck gods smiling on you at the same time).
I don’t really see a problem with dropping more often even if its exotic, aside from the fact that some people saw the exotic tag and bought them at high price hoping the price would go even higher due to rarity (probably expecting Jet Pack levels of rarity), and now those people are SOL because they drop like crazy.
I’ve had exactly one drop in the same amount of time I’ve had maybe 11 crates.
The drop rate seems common enough – I had a friend farming instigators and stopping to do odd events on the path. He wound up with no less than 8 reef rider minis in just one evening, maybe 6 hours. Nearly full on MF, gear, accessories, runes and sigil, Settler’s.
And we all know how common mob drops are while farming instigators.
I was on my engineer at the time with similar gear, and I only snagged one doing the same thing.
Have spent two additional days in Southsun, maybe 3-5 hours each, no minis.
For the toast!
I love the drop rate of the new exotic mini, rind, earing and pendant. I actually feel like I am getting rewarded for the first time ever! I have always hated the drops in GW and GW2! I don’t think they should care about the economy, it hurts more people then it helps. I am unhappy, though, with the drop rate of the 2 “Blue” minis for this event! Blue is supposed to mean common or at least much more common than exotic, so why have I gotten 2 exotic mini drops but not 1 blue mini drop? Also when I check quantity available in the auction house they are also similar which is not right. There should be like 5 or 10 times as many blue minis as exotic mini. Please fix this!!
So agree on the blue mini’s vs. the exotic one. I would gladly trade one of my spare Mini Reef Riders for the Lord and Lady – can we have this option please?
Has anyone tried 4 of them in Mystic Forge?
Just tried. They aren’t forgeable :/ eh..
Well, I’ve gotten SIX so far from regular loot drops, and only one was in a steel chest(which is used for exotics in place of a wooden chest). This sends conflicting results as to whether it really is exotic or not in RNG’s eyes. I’d have to lean toward no. All 6 were got with only 203% magic find…… BTW, sold the first for 11g when there were only 2 on the market
Hehe I sold mine for 30g:D
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
The update which contains the drop of reef riders has only been out a few days. Calm down. I did found one myself today yes. Arenanet should up the droprate of Sclerite Tickets out of Southsun Supply Crates. I farmed over 60 crates and 0 tickets
I really want a Sclerite Tickets but I have lost hope
There will be more mini reef riders than player when the events end,better sell them while you can and get somthink for them!!!
Can always buy it few weeks after the events for few silver when all the hordes keep undercutting them self to death (=