Traps Achievement and Daltonism
You can get the achievement in the group version of the dungeon too, so you may have better luck joining a group with a ranged character (like a Ranger with a longbow) and just sit at a safe distance plinking NULL while the others activate the mines.
You can get the achievement in the group version of the dungeon too, so you may have better luck joining a group with a ranged character (like a Ranger with a longbow) and just sit at a safe distance plinking NULL while the others activate the mines.
A doubt about the group mode: To get the achievement, it’s only you who shouldn’t activate a trap, or if anyone on the group triggers one you fail yo get the achievement?
I think I might try that route if it’s only dependant on your own ability to avoid them, as a daltonic the solo mode is proving to be a nearly impossible challenge (specially since a lot of times it’s really buggy in combination with the daltonism problem).
I am doing 3 minute speed runs on NULL. My method literally beats and it’s easy to follow.
Send me an in-game mail msg that you are interested and I’ll invite you.
IGN: Master Saber
Come join us in our FA Bear Invasion!
Play with brightness, gamma and color balance until you can see the stuff, if it doesn’t work, try special software.
I am doing 3 minute speed runs on NULL. My method literally beats and it’s easy to follow.
Send me an in-game mail msg that you are interested and I’ll invite you.
IGN: Master Saber
Did you invite me ingame? I was invited by a group for a speed run on canach while I was farming in other map, I didn’t understand what was happening as I didn’t know anyone in the group and wasn’t lfg at that moment so I left. I think it was your name but I’m not sure. If it was you thanks for the invite and sorry for leaving but I didn’t know about your post at that time. I’ve beaten the golem and with some luck (first time we had a mini wipe and I trigered a mine) if I’m lucky I’ll get the traps achievement in group mode and probably won’t return there but thanks for the offering anyway.
(edited by Lokheit.7943)
Oh crap they change color? I thought it was just really bad design because it didn’t notify you, instead it’s really bad design because it relies on colors. Oh and because sometimes they don’t hack right and they only stay hacked for a few seconds from what I can tell. Good thing I don’t care a whit for the achievement.
Please think about color blind people!
Yeah that strikes me as a bit of an oversight. Shame that you guys get the short end of the stick like that.
Killian Darkwood(Rng), Kaalia Darkheart(Guard), Avacyn Darkmind(Mes):Maguuma
I am doing 3 minute speed runs on NULL. My method literally beats and it’s easy to follow.
Send me an in-game mail msg that you are interested and I’ll invite you.
IGN: Master Saber
Did you invite me ingame? I was invited by a group for a speed run on canach while I was farming in other map, I didn’t understand what was happening as I didn’t know anyone in the group and wasn’t lfg at that moment so I left. I think it was your name but I’m not sure. If it was you thanks for the invite and sorry for leaving but I didn’t know about your post at that time. I’ve beaten the golem and with some luck (first time we had a mini wipe and I trigered a mine) if I’m lucky I’ll get the traps achievement in group mode and probably won’t return there but thanks for the offering anyway.
Yep, I was going around the forums yesterday inviting those that had issue with pre, post patch and aftermath patch issues.
Found a solution in all three patches; extended on my own method which I still consider it to be the ‘fastest’ so far. I’ll be online later tonight/tomorrow helping the community get past their achievements. :P
Come join us in our FA Bear Invasion!
Yeah that strikes me as a bit of an oversight. Shame that you guys get the short end of the stick like that.
What short end? They different traps have different icons, and when you disarm them they have diff animation stuff coming out of them. Whatchu want, Clippy popping up to to tell you it’s disarmed? He keeps goin on about them not staying disarmed, well, use the right disarm hack, then they will. Till Canach rearms them.
He keeps goin on about them not staying disarmed, well, use the right disarm hack, then they will. Till Canach rearms them.
Except they’re super buggy. I’m using the right hacks that’s not the problem as the icons are easily identified. I’ve been many times standing on a hacked trap, with Canach clearly standing on it next to me (no shield animation, no in the middle of a leap, clearly walking over it) without triggering it. It happened a lot on the bomb type trap close to the enter of Canach’s room. Both Canach and I were inmune to that specific trap.
And it’s nearly impossible to diferentiate the “can’t be hacked” from the “can be hacked” color states which makes good timing very difficult.
That combined with the bugs makes it really difficult.
Anyway the solution seems to be group dungeon but at least I want to give feedback about daltonics struggling with this kind of things.
He keeps goin on about them not staying disarmed, well, use the right disarm hack, then they will. Till Canach rearms them.
Except they’re super buggy. I’m using the right hacks that’s not the problem as the icons are easily identified. I’ve been many times standing on a hacked trap, with Canach clearly standing on it next to me (no shield animation, no in the middle of a leap, clearly walking over it) without triggering it. It happened a lot on the bomb type trap close to the enter of Canach’s room. Both Canach and I were inmune to that specific trap.
And it’s nearly impossible to diferentiate the “can’t be hacked” from the “can be hacked” color states which makes good timing very difficult.
That combined with the bugs makes it really difficult.
Anyway the solution seems to be group dungeon but at least I want to give feedback about daltonics struggling with this kind of things.
Ahh, well. ok. So far only done story and capture Canach…. not been eager to dive into it, which I guess says it’s underwhelming me. Having more fun running round event farming. The MF fight was way more fun. On the plus side, getting enough kark shells that if I want to I could make a full apothecary set. Might be good idea if I want to run my Ele as a support, which I tend to do in groups when I use her. All them water spell causing heals and all :}
(edited by Sleel.8365)
Beat him with Retaliation. That works. Took me about 30 minutes, so I went onto the forums as he killed himself due to my Retaliation.
I have no legs, the fact that my character has legs reminds me of my disability. Can you give me an ingame wheelchair option?
No, actually, i think I’ll just deal with it
Look, I understand you’re red-green colorblind. This very minor and not at all life altering disability is suffered by my father and brother. They think you’re being kind of silly. There are things which will be mildly inconvenient, with which you will have to deal in your life. This is one of those things.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
I have no legs, the fact that my character has legs reminds me of my disability. Can you give me an ingame wheelchair option?
No, actually, i think I’ll just deal with it
Look, I understand you’re red-green colorblind. This very minor and not at all life altering disability is suffered by my father and brother. They think you’re being kind of silly. There are things which will be mildly inconvenient, with which you will have to deal in your life. This is one of those things.
I’m sorry for your problem, and yes it’s waaaaaaaaaaaa(1000*a)aaaaay more life changing than mine (in fact daltonism isn’t a dicapacity, you see as much as anyone, you only see more from some spectrum and less from others), but I don’t understand why bringing it makes much sense. It isn’t related at all here and both cases could have help instead of none.
Of course I will deal with it, I’ve been dealing with it in many different games with similar mechanics. I just wanted to give feedback.
While you have a real problem, as long as you can move your arms and use your eyes it really doesn’t affect you ingame (except real life issues for displacement to where your computer is and out of it if you need something at some point, or maybe the seeing your character using legs that you mentioned but I know of some full paralyzed people that in fact love it because it gives them the freedom they don’t have in real live, but that’s up to everyone’s way of thinking and I can understand why you would think that way). But it would be really rude if you asked for ramps in real life because your wheelchair can’t use stairs and someone told you “my skin can’t be touched by light and I can’t even go outside and I deal with it”.
It would be in a muuuuu(100000000*u)uuuuuch larger scale of rudeness than this case of ours of course and don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to put my problem in the same scale as yours, but you get the point here. Your problem won’t affect your gaming (or at least this specific part of gaming related to color codes), my problem (and others problem) does. So… why when I give feedback you come and say I’m in a wheelchair and I don’t complaint, deal with it? It’s feedback that would make life easier for a group of people if at least it’s considered in future updates, why are you trying to shut that feedback down exactly? It won’t affect you at all, so you wouldn’t have a problem with it, and it would affect positively a group of people.
That (helping people) sounds like a good thing IMO so no need at all of shutting it. I’m all in for helping people ingame and in real life with their problems, not only my problems and I would never try to shut their feedback to make life easier. If something makes life easier for someone I say go with it, no deal with it.
PS: I prefer the term daltonic over colorblind. We’re not really colorblind and I think that word is misleading (there exist real colorblind people that see in black and white). As I said it isn’t really a discapacity (it only becomes a minor problem against certain color codes that are very ingrained in society), we see as much as others, only that the array of pigments we can see is different (if the majority of the world were daltonic, the rest would the ones called colorblind/daltonic). All colors are composed from RGB, a daltonic simply gets more pigment information for some of them and less from others. We can see pure green and red and colors similar to them, but when colors are mixed and close to each other on the spectrum we frequently confuse them.
But in the other hand we can diferentiate colors that you would think are the same (blue tones in my case) because you can’t diferentiate those pigments (though color codes related to them aren’t used in society because most people aren’t daltonic). The same way there are color tests that a daltonic can’t see, there are color tests that only a daltonic can see. In fact because in my case I see more blue pigments, I see many blonde people (except very bright blondes) slightly green-haired despite I don’t spot as many green pigments, because my eye mixes the yellow of their hair with the blue pigments I can see.
In fact during wars daltonics were used in helicopters (but they couldn’t pilot them because someone had the idea of use red and green flags instead for example yellow and blue that works for everyone) to spot enemy bases because we’re inmune to most camouflages meant to trick a non-daltonic eye so in some cases not only it isn’t a dicapacity, but an advantage.
So in short, this isn’t even a real discapacity so of course you have a real problem and I don’t, but for gaming it may suppose a problem. Your father and brother think I’m being silly for giving this feedback? I’m sure they would be thankful if someone though in advance about their problem and made sure they would have the same experience than anyone else.
(edited by Lokheit.7943)
Ok I want to redirect anyone having problems with the traps to Paranormal Bear’s thread. I read his guide and tried it with a random group and you can get it for everyone in the group in under 5 minutes.
If I had knew before about it I think I would’ve never been mad at the traps thing and probably wouldn’t have posted this thread because it makes life super easy no matter what kind of problems you have hehe.
I still want to give feedback about color codes in the future, of course, but for this one that probably won’t change anyone experiencing problems with it go to that thread and either whisper him in game or read his guide (or watch the video he posted). It’s super easy to get with his way.
Color code problems or not, it’s super easy and even if with my daltonism I can’t clearly distinguish the color of each state, I can notice the state change from unhackable to hackable if I’m directly looking at them and with this method I can do it because I don’t have to be running around or avoiding anything so I can be in the same place spamming attacks and focusing my eyes on the mines (and only one player needs to focus on it anyway).
I am doing 3 minute speed runs on NULL. My method literally beats and it’s easy to follow.
(edited by Lokheit.7943)