Wild guessing game. Come play along
KARKA DUNGEON!!!!! With a new dungeon merchant with all new karka armor and weapons featuring the new Sentinel weapon and armor stats.
Why not have it be an explorable dungeon that gets harder the further you travel into it (one in the open world not instanced)
I’m guessing it’s the perfect environment to introduce the minions of the DSD. The Consortium are going to be in just as much trouble as the adventurers & refugees by the end.
Perhaps it is revealed that the karka have been DSD minions this whole time? Dun dun dunnnnnnnn!
the thing is, we already know roughly what bubbles’ minions look like, they’re tentacled monstrosities made from water, imagine morpha from ocarina of time
as for what I’d like to see: “Friendly” karka, they ARE sapient after all, they’re just all territorial jerks, much like the red hylek, I can imagine one trying to learn english/common/krytan/whatever to explain why they keep attacking us and to attempt to settle the conflict
(edited by Calcifire.1864)
Volleyball with Karka Eggs?
Karka themed armor
Obtained through RNG Black Lion Chests?
Carbuncle Logging Axe
Obtained through RNG Black Lion Chests?
A new Karka Backpack
Obtained through RNG Black Lion Chests?
Exotic Aquabreathers and recipes to craft them
Obtained through RNG Black Lion Chests?
See what I did there?
(edited by Sarie.1630)
/fifteenVolleyball with Karka Eggs?
Nah. Keg Toss, with different skins. Volleyball would probably be too much effort for them, unless they made the guy who did SAB do it.
ok … all combined. what i think and want to see….
-tengu NPC helper with a better mouth animation. (sylvari twins storyline tengu merchant talked oddly)
-cave like dungeon with underwater battles and more of that azurite
-some account bound farmable items like the bauble bubbles. or repeatable character bound items like the mad kind slippers or book. NOT a one time only item like the FF gloves, or toy bag backpiece.
-100% doable missions. NOT. lost and found dirt/snow covered items that might spawn.
-a new rest area with tp crafting stations and bank access. at least temperary for the event.
-a coat, head piece shoulder or pants.
-scavanger hunt for mini pet. Like gw1 black moa
More RNG, all cool stuff in BLC and at the end of event a huge mass burning of all Karka on a giant bonfire, where you gotta strip in your underwear and dance so you get special buff that allows you to temporary swim from Southsun to Caeldon forest!
The Unlimited Sickle maybe, since South Sun is known for it’s passion fruit.
I want Owain to help us battle the Karka as well as decide to hatch one of the eggs to earn us a mini Karka and/or Ranger Pet.
there is gonna be pirates…. lots and lots of pirates.
I want Owain to help us battle the Karka as well as decide to hatch one of the eggs to earn us a mini Karka and/or Ranger Pet.
I’d really approve of a scavenger hunt for a minipet, like the Black Moa Chick from Guild Wars 1.
And Owain….oh god…the eyes. Those crazy…crazy eyes.
Nah. Keg Toss, with different skins. Volleyball would probably be too much effort for them, unless they made the guy who did SAB do it.
If you drop one it hatches into a veteran? I see it rollin’…