Angry at lack of invasions in overflow
Invasions do occur in overflows, but only overflows that exist during the first 10 minutes of an invasion. If all overflows are full and a new one gets created after 10 past, it wont have the invasion.
Basically, if you try to join an invasion between the start of the hour, and 10 past you will definitely get to an invasion map or an invasion overflow.
If you try to join an invasion between 10 past the hour and 15 past the hour, you’ll probably get to an invasion map.
If you try to join an invasion later than quarter past the hour, it’s pretty much down to luck. You might find an overflow that’s not full, you might end up in a spot from someone who DC’d or joined a party on a different server/overflow. But chances are you’re more likely to end up in an overflow that was created after 10 past.
Hopefully, as the event goes on, zerg sizes will reduce and it’ll become easier to join a map, but if they stay as they are, you need to make sure you join the invasion between the hour and 10 past if you want to be sure.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
Yesterday I was bounced out of events with so many dc’s. Then put into overflows. I basically gave up. I understand the issues, I hope Anet can get it together. I wish they would open up more servers. Guess it’s not in the budget. With a free play coming, I may not even login this weekend.
At first I loved this event! It was awesome, chaotic and thrilling. Even the overflows had invasions going on so I didn’t care if I was in an overflow or not. With the last update invasions no longer occur in the overflow.
How the heck am I supposed to complete the title if I am constantly being put into overflow where there are no events?
Shame on you Anet! You need to seriously rethink the overflow if you can’t provide the same experience.
And you need to seriously rethink why they put that in place.
You want to join in on an overflow at the bottom of an hour, with 20-30 minutes left? How exactly are you going to finish that in time? You won’t.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Yesterday I have not been on, and the two days before I did not have much time – but whenever I attempted to get into the action (on those two days) … overflow, nothing happening. I guess the only solution is to go to a map and stay there until the invasion comes. Thrilling.
Usually I’d say it will die down after a while, but I can’t see that happening really in this case.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
I understand the issues, I hope Anet can get it together. I wish they would open up more servers. Guess it’s not in the budget.
I think it’s more to prevent the invasion being farmed using overflows, a bit like what happened with the ‘one-off’ karka event still happening 5 hours after the even was supposed to be over.
Someone turns up at 40 past and ends up being the first person in a new overflow. The event starts in his overflow with a fresh 45 minute timer, 40 mins after it was supposed to start. People then start finishing up the invasions that started on the hour as intended, and then party-join mates on the later starting overflow to continue farming it for 15 mins, until the hour goes by and they move to the next invasion.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
Is it me or are people in overflow more easier to stop trying than on the main server. All of my events that failed was in overflow, all that succeeded were on main server….
And it’s not that it’s empty people just tend to stand around and wait for the event to fail.
I hate this stupid zerg runs!
And this new achievements I cant even get to the map. Its always overflows me.
I dont have time to sit in the game for 5 hours. It’s so frustrating! Cant play the content!
I had so many hopes for this game. Hate it now!!!!
You wait for the living story status to update with the location and immediately go there. I have ALWAYS gotten onto the main map by doing this.
At first I loved this event! It was awesome, chaotic and thrilling. Even the overflows had invasions going on so I didn’t care if I was in an overflow or not. With the last update invasions no longer occur in the overflow.
How the heck am I supposed to complete the title if I am constantly being put into overflow where there are no events?
Shame on you Anet! You need to seriously rethink the overflow if you can’t provide the same experience.
I already said much of what you did and probably much of what you thought too.
This event needs to be fixed – and extended so we can GET the darned achievements.
“Invasions do occur in overflows, but only overflows that exist during the first 10 minutes of an invasion. "
Has happened no less than THREE times – within ten minutes and NO “overflow”.
GEEZE ! Why do you think people are lying??
A friend got into a working overflow this morning. Just saying.
One time I was lucky enough to actually be on the main map when it spawned; however I disconnected 2 min later. I logged back on, was put in the overflow and nothing was going on (this was with about 5 min out of the 10 left).
I got into an overflow last night after the new build.
In fact, the other day I logged on and an event was in progress. I needed the achievement for it but knew I missed the 10 minute window. What did I do you may ask….
Well simple, really. I asked my guildies if anyone was currently doing the event. They said Yes. I asked to join them. Upon part invite acceptance, I right clicked their name and joined the map. BAM! I was now happily in the event, in an overflow, with my guildies.
If you’ve tried these steps, and still fail to get into the event, you may want to start reporting bugs.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions!!