Can't find invasions...?
I encounter the same problem on gandara server. I looked on both maps where Morpp/Witness Citizen told us to go (Frostgorge Sound, Fireheart Rise) but have not seen any attack. Is this a bug or am I always fell on a server overflow more than 10 minutes after the start of the invasion ?
A post of less than minimum import…. because it was incorrect. ;-)
Quidquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Videtur
(edited by Scoundrel.2139)
The events occur in maps level 25 and higher, not lower. The clockwork chaos tab of the dynamic UI in the topright corner of your screen will tell you were to go. But you have to be there in time, 10 minutes after the start new overflows will no longer host the event. Overflows created within 10 minutes of the start of the event will have the event going when you join those.
Click on the living story tracker on the right to expand it. It will either say something about a warning being issued for all zones, or that a certain zone is under attack. The attacks last about an hour, and there’s about 30-60 minutes between attacks. So far it’s only been level 40+ zones I believe.
I’m confused about what happens next after talking to the witness in Ascalon settlement. The witness mentions Frostgorge and Fireheart. Are those two places where I need to go to advance the story?