How do I help vorpp with the portals?
You do the closing ceremony first.
Then talk to vorpp and he’ll send you to gendarran fields near ascalon settlement (there’ll be a portal to inspect and then an NPC nearby to talk to).
Then you’ll talk to vorpp and you’ll need to complete 5 unique invasions (the scarlet events you’re talking about)… you must be there until the end of the event, and they must be on 5 different maps, but you do not need to succeed. Participate, though, so that you get credit.
Then you’ll talk to him and he’ll have you get three pieces of the teleporter… you can get them all during a single invasion (once from killing an aetherblade pirate captain, and usually the other two from killing a champion twisted nightmare and closing one of its portals).
Then once you have the 3 items he tells you to get you can talk to him to get into the funhouse.
The much shorter way to get in, if that’s all you care about, is to have someone who has already unlocked it all pull you in as part of a party.
[TAS] – The Asuran Squad
Devona’s Rest
It’s impossible, because the events are bugged, and boot you out, or disconnects will make you have to wait another hour.
Or the events may work perfectly for you every time. Don’t give up just because one person’s had a bad experience.