I need A LOT of help on Scarlet's Playhouse.
I am apparently the worst GW2 player on the server.
Thanks for the help. I can tell you must be a blast to be at parties with.
The saving lord Faren under 3 minutes bit isn’t easy to do solo. I’d recommend getting a group for that part, making a post on gw2lfg asking specifically for it.
As for soloing without dying – I’ve done it on my 80 mesmer, took a few tries, and I brought in folks on the last boss because I was always getting downed with scarlet at 10% hp.
What gear are you running? I was full zerk and seemed to always be low on health, I know it works great in a party, but if you’re soloing maybe you should mix in some soldier’s gear?
You save him in3min as zerg warrior when you solo 30,25,0,0,15 with GS and dual axe and all zerg.
Really? I was able to save Lord Faren every time I did it solo and even the one time I did it duo. Heck, the first time I did it, I saved him and beat the instance (I did it again a few more times to get the no-death since I kept doing silly things to not get it).
Really? I was able to save Lord Faren every time I did it solo and even the one time I did it duo. Heck, the first time I did it, I saved him and beat the instance (I did it again a few more times to get the no-death since I kept doing silly things to not get it).
What you say that it just seems foreign to me. I get straight up murdered when I try.
Yeah, I can see that. I take a lot of damage from the Reaver’s, yet I can reflect their attacks so I just drop a Feedback and focus on the rest of them while stomping their remains so they don’t get re-animated.
Hello, FrankTheTank
I am a warrior as well.
Warriors should trivialize Scarlet’s Playhouse.
Anyways, I recommend that you eliminate the Twisted Menders first at the Cauldron of Searing because they will revive fallen Twisted monsters. On the Aetherblade’s phase, take down the Aetherblade Striker first because Strikers will stun you horridly and you will be render useless throughout the fight.
That’s incorrect. The Menders will re-animate Twisted as Reaver’s.
The Horrors will re-animate Twisted as Menders.
The Reaver’s will re-animate Twisted as exploding turrets.
(edited by Esplen.3940)
I did the 3 minute rescue on my thief. Zerk armor+cavalier everything else. Key thing was to burst the adds down asap so I could have enough time to use the godawful fire extinguisher. I died at the last Scarlet encounter due to low hp/crappy condition removal. So I came back. With my full bunker guardian, and let me tell you, I couldn’t even kill the veteran @ Faren. So I just ignored it, killed off the marked stuff (took about forever, dat guardian dps) and facerolled the rest of it no problem. What advice I can offer:
- Bring damage out the woodwork for Faren
- Kill only the marked stuff, kite the rest
- For the second Scarlet encounter it helps if you can tank up a lil so you can just sit inside the cannonball aoe and facestomp her. Zerker gear works just as good, you’ll just need to actually stay on the move.
- 3rd encounter is laughable, don’t dodge, don’t do stupid stuff, calmly walk behind her when she’s winding up her club smash and beat her silly
- For the final fight stay as far away as possible, juke her slow-flying rockets. When he does her shadow shot rocket thing you can just drop aoe at the center of the circle right before she hits ensuring maximum facepunch
- Condition removal isn’t really required but makes the last fight easier.
- Don’t die.
It’s possible for their not to be a Veteran at Faren. Simply keep the two Horrors away from each other while killing them (or CC as much as you can, on both of them). Once they are dead, you can focus on the Fire Extinguisher. If you move while using it, it’s possible to clear the flames in 2 shots.
Man, it is very easy. First part, just kill those on lava rocks, then move on on top of slope. You will find 2-3 trash, kill them, pick up weapon, then turn off the flames. She will spawn 3 ads, kill them, then repeat with the flames. If you are geared well, you should kill them very fast. I burst them down with my power necro, which does less damage than warrior.
So now, head to the boss. DO NOT fight on your way to the boss. Just skip. They have patrol patterns, so you can avoid them easily. If you get aggro, run. First boss fight, just keep her in red circle, then dodge before the cannon ball hits. You can kill her then. If you have good dps, you might only need to do that twice.
In destroyer area, just stick to the right, you won’t fight anyone or aggro anything. Skip to second boss. Avoid her frontal attacks. Easy. Just strafe around her, you can easily see her charging attack. Make sure you are always behind her.
After that, you head to last boss. Stand next to barrel, she will shoot a rocket there, it isn’t too fast so you can spot it before it hits, dodge. Thats where she will teleport and stop being invulnerable. Kill her.
Have at least one defensive utility such as endure pain.
Good luck.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
It’s quite possible to save Lord Faren solo, but it’s a little bit easier with a small group. If you get 5 people in there, chances are you’ll spawn a silver. If you’re solo, try to group them up, and then whip out the dps. 100b is perfect for this.
As for the rest of the dungeon solo, it’s also pretty easy to go through it without dying. Just run past everything. Greatsword 3 works wonders, along with stability, endure pain, and Shield 5. Take your time, pretend it’s like a stealth game. For the destroyer zone, you can run all the way to the right and drop off the cliff to get to the boss fight. (At least I think it was that zone). Try to do tricks like that.
And for boss fights, well, people above have given very good tips.
Few more general tips from me, hope any of them you find helpful:
-zerker equipment all the way.. I have no idea why I wasn’t on it since the game came out, but once I switched my eyes opened, this is especially true with warrior since he has naturally high health pool and (now) he has access to quite decent healing/survivability skills, which most of the time he doesn’t even need.
-melee all the way.. GS is awesome, main hand axe is awesome as well, as for offhand another axe or warhorn is awesome.. having a rifle or bow on the side is awesome as well (bow is probably better for general PvE)
-people are dumb.. or to put it more lightly they lack basic awareness.. remap controls so that you don’t use turn on your keyboard but rather strafe (use mouse for turning), don’t stand in red circles, don’t stand in the AoE channeled attack, don’t attack with stacks of confusion… these are some of the things I constantly see PvE/WvW crowd ignores
If you were already aware of all of the above, then I’m sorry I was of no help to you, and best of luck.
Everyone, I just got both the Raced to the Rescue and Perfectionist achievements. Thank you for all your help.
What advice I can offer:
- Kill only the marked stuff, kite the rest
This is very good advice if you want to get Faren in under 3 minutes.
Quick note, you do not need a full zerker warrior to get the Raced to the Rescue achievement. I ran the playhouse twice, both times solo, to get all the achievements. Both runs were on my ranger who is not wearing any zerker armor (though some trinkets and weapons are indeed zerker, except my longbow which is Kudzu so it came with standard soldier stats). First time around I got the Playhouse Perfectionist achievement – the fights are easy if you know how to evade and use your skills in a timely manner.
I missed out on the Faren achievement for the first time because I didn’t consult dulfy so I was figuring out the mechanics and took too long to get the mobs down. On my second run, I skipped everything till Faren, and just burned the mobs down as fast as I could, doused fires, repeated 2 more times, achievement done.
I find this content easy myself; I do concede it’s not the same for every class, but if you keep failing these achievements I’d say that’s a good indication that either your build or your playstyle with said build need some work. My ranger isn’t zerker, but is traited / geared / played in a way that balances damage dealt with being able to stay quick on my feet and evade / block most damage. My point here: the time limit isn’t nearly bad enough to make this hard, as long as you don’t waste any time in dealing with those mobs.
(edited by Newman.6847)
dulfy.net for guides
dulfy.net for guides
This pretty much. I had zero problem with this instance, did everything in one try. It was too easy imo. You can skip pretty much everything. Except for the 2 waves at farren, the only enemies I fought was Scarlett and she wasn’t hard at all if you know how to dodge or when you have some blocks.
Why is everyone giving solo guides?
Just get 4 other people, run to faren and use the extinguishers immediately every time, it ends the beginning faster, so the crap adds wont spawn.
Why is everyone giving solo guides?
Just get 4 other people, run to faren and use the extinguishers immediately every time, it ends the beginning faster, so the crap adds wont spawn.
Because it is so annoying to tell people to stack, or move scarlet on the red circles? Or because the instance starts spawning veterans and many ads? Solo is the way to go!
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Everyone, I just got both the Raced to the Rescue and Perfectionist achievements. Thank you for all your help.
See. you’re not so bad after all gz.
I didn’t even know there was a timer I ran into the playhouse cold, with no knowledge of it at all. Both on my Knights Warrior and Ranger I just ran in, killed the add’s, use the extinguisher, rinse and repeat. My Ranger is a bit glassier and fell once at the end. Otherwise, I found it to be just about right on difficulty.
On my Warrior I used Great Sword / Rifle. A big thing is don’t forget the food buffs. Also, I ran around the beginning area charging up my character.
Wat. I’m playing a substandard sword/wh warr and I still finished all the achievements my first try easily. I think this speaks volumes about how forgiving and casual this game has become if a level 80 warr of all things has trouble with 3 common mobs.
I just grabbed a full group on my server ran in, and 1 shotted all of those achieves without even trying to get them. The dungeon is kitten easy as a 5 man… why even bother trying to solo the achieves?
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows
The saving lord Faren under 3 minutes bit isn’t easy to do solo. I’d recommend getting a group for that part, making a post on gw2lfg asking specifically for it.
As for soloing without dying – I’ve done it on my 80 mesmer, took a few tries, and I brought in folks on the last boss because I was always getting downed with scarlet at 10% hp.
What gear are you running? I was full zerk and seemed to always be low on health, I know it works great in a party, but if you’re soloing maybe you should mix in some soldier’s gear?
lolwut? i saved him on my first try ever. Didn’t even know what to expect since i didn’t read any guides or anything. Warrior solo, Faren achievement and not dying too.
Sorry but i can’t see how anyone would find that difficult.
I made it with my guild mate in a party of 2 (ranger and thief, but should be doable with other presets) and when we actually figured out how to properly start it (I was the problem :P) we did make it with actually all the achievemenst in one run.
so first:
skip Aetherblades in the lava – last two before the farren place kill and pull first two menders to that place where those killed AB were and kill – then jump and quickly kill the other two and then take that water canons and put fires down. kill spawned 3 mobs and again put fires down be carefull because getting downed is also counted as die to the achievement.
skip the mobs between encounters.
in first just evade atacks and lure her into AoE and after she get hit dps her
in second evade telegraphed atack and dps her
in third just hit them and beware to stand near the boxes and evade her jump.
and in many cases – range weapons can make many things easier
that all from me and good luck
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles