Impossible for low level players?
6y old? You kidding me right?
Wtf is wrong with some people?
If you party with people, it’s A LOT easier to tag enemies with low-level characters. Tagging enemies means you’ll hopefully get event credit.
It’s extremely hard to get credit for the clockwork events, even for level 80 characters, though, because adds spawned from remains don’t count and there’s no way to tell if it’s been spawned from the portal or remains.
On top of that, it seems you have to tag multiple enemies from each portal, so if you get there when there’s just a champ and the event is about to spawn its last batch of enemies, killing the champ isn’t enough for credit.
Okay, so it’s not “for” low-level characters, but low-level characters can do it if you party up and get lucky on just one event by tagging enough enemies.
At least its something me and her can enjoy together. Me and her play together. Its at least better than me allowing her to play call of duty where you are hearing people cussing you out and shooting guns at each other. She likes the whole mystical feel and thinks the sylvari are pretty and loves the pretty scenery at parts of the game. I control her character when shes going through the rougher spots with undead and all.
What “credit” are you talking about….the achievements for Clockwork Chaos?
How many do you have and which ones are you working toward? You do NOT have to get the invasion ones to get the proper number as the DAILY ones tied to CC count towards the Meta Achievement (I’m guessing that’s the one you are going for).
I’m guessing you can’t just stand nearby, but actually have to KILL some of the event enemies to be counted as “participating” in the zone wide event. I have no idea about the exact details and I’m not sure ANet isn’t disclosing them to prevent tons of event leechers (just a guess).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Yeah my guess is you have to do a certain amount of damage to the enemies. Because I take her out shes actually at a portal event shooting the enemies but of course its glanceing and only does like 7 damage against a level 60 enemy. She doesn’t get credit for attending the map in the achievement. Now as far as the dailys go yes she can get the dailies IF she gets lucky enough that she gets in a low level map. For instance If it is a Champion killing one on a level 60 map. I can get there and be shooting the Champ the entire time he is up. The zerg kills him with me still shooting him however she doesn’t get credit at all for killing him. Most likely because she is not doing enough damage Im guessing.
Party up with people and attack what they’re attacking. Any damage at all seems to be enough to tag with a low-level if you’re partied and attacking party targets.
ok cool thank you I will try that. Because yeah its no problem with my level 80 im almost done but with hers its a pain lol. And I would much rather her get it than me lol. Too bad I cant just give her mine lol
Any idea when this is ending? My guess is Sep 3 when this new back to school update comes up. Although I HOPE scarlet is still rampaging after that lol
I think that with the update that slightly changed how the event progresses, the Champion loot is scaling. If you only do minor damage to them, you may not get loot credit or XP credit. Glancing shots are so minor, that you’d probably have to constantly attack from start to finish, and pray you accumulate enough total damage.
That said, Invasions in lower level maps would be much easier for her character.
If you have the time, make a character on her account and level it up to do the quests for her. The tonic is account bound so can just give it her to character. I think that would be the faster easier way.
Do as many of the dailys, monthlys and events in general as you can cause they can help level you fast along with running dungeons once your higher.
It seems I have to buy my 6-y old daughter a new computer…
Party up with people and attack what they’re attacking. Any damage at all seems to be enough to tag with a low-level if you’re partied and attacking party targets.
This^^ If you can party up with guildies, they are more tolerant for low level char in their team.
Does she have her own account or is it a character on yours? Because if you’re sharing an account, the rewards are account bound so you can do the stuff with your character and hand her the tonic.
Else, focus on the CC dailies. They can be easier.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
She owns her own account. I always play it with my dad and my two brothers and she wanted her own to play with all of us. Gives her time to do something with me her grandpa and uncles with them living far away lol.
First, nice to hear someone has a nice big family affair playing the game. Always great to see something that brings a family together to have fun. Or share the frustration (that makes it more bearable, I find).
Second, not gonna make a big deal out of it but maybe she’s a bit young for a lot of things? I hope it’s not too much for her.
Lastly, as people have said . . . it gets easier if you get together and focus. You only need credit with one Twisted Watchwork portal to get credit for taking part in the Invasion on that map. If you want that tonic, a good way is to hit up the Daily for Clockwork Chaos (check the symbols on the achievement tab) as it also counts. These are, often, very simple . . . such as to kill Aetherblades, or to get at least bronze in a portal closing.
It is a lot easier to get credit for doing stuff if you specifically target NOT champions or vets, but the normal enemies. She should be able to get kill credit on one or more of those . . . which should in turn allow Bronze.
We did manage to get her another one last night. We are trying to do the dailys as we can get them to count for her. Problem is when its such a high level that she doesn’t get credit for a single kill although the earlier suggestion about partying up does seem to help with it. Im just having a hard time finding time to play her char this week to party up with everybody lol. As for the being young for some of the game yes I do understand that. She mainly stayes in the lower level areas and fights the enemies around there and does the little events. So I bring my toon down to her areas and help her. She only plays with me so I can pretty much manage what portion shes in and what shes doing.