Portal Component Procurer

Portal Component Procurer

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Ruzak.1487



So the Achievement says 2/3 of the parts, but I only have one on me. Anyway to recieve them again if lost one way or another?

Ruzz | Tarnished Coast

Portal Component Procurer

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Ruzak.1487



Not to answer my own question or anything but I figured it out last night. As long as the achievement tracks that you had the item at one point in time (so like in my case where it read 2/3) you can still complete the quest. Just get the remaining components for the achievement and use your communicator Vorrp will ask you to return to DR and he’ll still make the teleporter crystal for you even if you don’t have all three components on your character.

Ruzz | Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ruzak.1487)

Portal Component Procurer

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: gbeermang.2895


Same here except I’ve gotten full credit for the achievement but am missing one component. I’m not sure if I destroyed it by accident or didn’t pick it up because of a full inventory. Ran through the next invasion in a different zone and killed the different champions and didn’t get the missing component.

Portal Component Procurer

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: TomaszL.5340


Same here, I don’t have Focusing crystal – probably destroyed or didn’t pick it up because of a full inventory. What to do now?