REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: ImagoX.4718


Both the invasion event as well as the balloon tower event share what I believe is a pretty bad fault: they only track the number of completed areas (5/10, 3/15, etc.) but do NOT list the areas completed. This means that anyone like me who began the event and did not manually create a list found it hard to remember what areas were totally completed, semi-completed, not yet completed, etc.

ArenaNet: I like the events that are spread out, and that need to be completed in multiple zones (gives me a reason to go into areas I’ve not yet explored, which is what I believe was the goal), but if you’re going to make an event like the invasions which only happen ONCE PER HOUR, please please give me a way to call up a “details” pane or something with a zone-by-zone checklist or some other way to know where I still need to go.

Thank you!

REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: boredinbc.2786


Yes please. More information is more better.

REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: kimeekat.2548


Totally agree. The balloons were especially frustrating because you wouldn’t know you’d done it until you were halfway up to the top and the chest decided to finally open to let you know your work was futile. Luckily I’m rarely an early adopter for events due to rl obligations, so I knew to make a clean w→e sweep of all the maps to save myself the headache of keeping track out of game. This event, though, I don’t have that kind of control over. …reminds me: I should start an Evernote Invasion list. Thanks, OP

Clove Zolan – Bringers of Aggro [Oops] – Blackgate

REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


While I agree that some sort of tracking should be done but what’s so difficult about writing it down on a piece of paper?

REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Fantastic.5298


I agree, as should other achievements. Sure you can write down the zones you complete for this achievement since you will most likely complete them in a short time period, but it is seen in other achievement categories as well so its something that should be implemented on a whole.

REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Tasslehoff.5738


yes yes completly agree, We need better tracking not only numbers. For example I stuck in Invasion Canceler achievement 11/13 I was on every map completed all and still 2 maps didn’t count which one? I don’t know so I need to do again every single map ? madness.

ANet. improve achievement tracking add more details in achievement panel.
Like here:

REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Yeah seems strange they didn’t include this, I know we can write it down, but it’s a pain, and bits of paper go wakabout.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: boredinbc.2786


While I agree that some sort of tracking should be done but what’s so difficult about writing it down on a piece of paper?

Paper comes from Sylvari pulp mills. Oh the humanity!

But seriously, nothing is difficult about it, it’s just a nice quality of life addition.

REQUEST: Please give us better tracking!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Gabby.3205


Give us a list of achievements that give 0 points. Each one of them is for “Completing an invasion in X map”.
I’m still in 7/13, so I still remember the maps that I did already. However, I’m not sure if I will be able to remember all of them when I get to 11/13 or 12/13, so I’m manually tracking the maps down now.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”