Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR
So I just completed the Vorpp achievements, thought I’d get a few guildies and check out the new “dungeon”… Yeah.. Pretty disappointed its set in the Pavillion, started off interesting but was really just a few fights with boring mechanics and no real resolution on the story on completion. Well at least I got some more shoulder piece tokens right? Lol
I did it solo, you were pretty much able to skip 90% of the fights if you were smart.
Scarlet’s boss mechanics were pretty mundane as well.
Not sure if this scales with more people though. But “recommended 5 players” really? lol
I just finished it solo on my staff ele and it was a HUGE disappointment for me. It’s just the crown pavillion with an ultra-lame boss and a few of the new mobs, super easy mode. I hope this is not the end of this update because if you complete the dungeon you will still know nothing about our new genius antagonist. The writers should man up and start making things happen or this game will end miserably lore wise if it continues to head in this direction. So sad and angry right now.
I enjoyed the dungeon, but it didn’t seem to progress the story at all. I still have no idea who scarlet is or what she wants or what her plans are or how it ties into all the other stories like they said we would be told.
I think it was fine. Not challenging really, but it’s good to see some content that doesn’t frustrate the hell out of people. Sure it was the same pavilion we’ve all farmed a zillion times, but I think it was cleverly used to create a sort of mini dungeon. And the Scarlet boss battle, though extremely easy, had some simple and clear mechanics to it. I had fun with it. Not everything needs to be insanely difficult.
And let me just say the new music is awesome. And Scarlet’s voice acting is really entertaining. Later, tater!
Sweet a dungeon that I can solo…I was almost able to solo the MF dungeon but the bad AI made it impossible so this is great news!
I did the mini-dungeon with two others. I thought it was fun. The voice acting is very amusing. The fights were more than tank and spank, less than headbashing against desk. Good balance.
Difficult? No. But that’s alright. I really don’t think these are supposed to be difficult dungeons. You want your difficulty, go pick up a billion gambits and do your one-on-one with the gauntlet folks, and you’re welcome to it. This was a story development with getting to know the antagonist’s personality.
Really the only quibble I’ve got with it was that the “don’t die” achievement was actually “don’t ever even become downed, nor any of your teammates become downed”. The achievement text could have been more explanatory about this — or else the achievement is bugged and downing counts as death for it.
This is MILES better than the Canach fight so I’m pleased. I think ANet is developing a repetoire of different dungeon/instance fights for different purposes. Canach/Scarlet ones were supposed to be primarily story based (Canach’s case terrible, Scarlet’s case decent). Dungeons like Molten Facility/Aetherblade Retreat are a bit more involved and a mix of story, plus flavorful ensemble work. Then for you not-satisfied-until-you-die-4-million-times types, there’s the gauntlet stuff. Everyone has something they prefer (for me, the former two are fine — taking a pass on gauntlet). It’s entirely okay for an event to not be all things to all people.
I got downed once during the funhouse (after my team underestimated the damage one of the larger horrors could do), but I still got the achievement for never dying. So that may have been a bug.
Did you guys expect a dungeon on par with the explorable ones we had?
It’s not even a dungeon. It’s just a small instance to advance the story. What did you expect?
I am sorry, but what kind of story progression are you talking about? Literally nothing happened that will influence the game in any way in the future in that dungeon, it’s just some filler cra…. khmm.
Oh man, we finally got unchallenging content that relates to plot and character development.
I found it a relaxing break after beating Liadri’s Light Up the Darkness achievement and was very happy with the dungeon. I could continue, but there’s not much to say other than random mumbling.
I am sorry, but what kind of story progression are you talking about? Literally nothing happened that will influence the game in any way in the future in that dungeon, it’s just some filler cra…. khmm.
Aren’t stories in general full of filler? Why do we have books in the hundreds of pages? Why do we have 3 hour movies? Why do we have television series with 5-10 seasons?
What fun is there in meeting one new villain and then killing her seconds later?
And what happened in the instance? I think it’s pretty clear that we were sent there to get more exposure on Scarlet. Learn about her.
Now we know she’s crazy and just wants to play with us for her amusement. Also, we had to save Lord Faren.
Now we know she’s crazy and just wants to play with us for her amusement. Also, we had to save Lord Faren.
And he was in his undies, again! Haha. I can see a running joke emerging here.
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