Summary of "Clockwork Chaos"
More whining ….
Actually, I sympathise. We’ve had a fair share of tards who go after AB champions after the camps are done, including commanders.
In home realms its not as bad, but in overflows it happens ALOT.
I wasn’t whining sir/madam. I just find Scarlet hilarious what with all the over the top evil voice acting and such. By the way, that was an actual quote from the game in case you were too busy “zerging” her down and missed it.
More whining ….
I see from your previous posts that your are pretty good at it, yourself. Is it hard for you to come up with additional characters so that you will exceed the 15 character requirement for posting?
The forums are here so that we may ‘whine’ to our heart’s content. If you don’t enjoy it, I would suggest avoiding the forums. I, for one, enjoy reading the posted complaints. It’s good to see consumerism in action.